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Without much hesitation, I immediately slapped Chris square in the face. She seemed to be taken back, but knowing Chris I'm sure she could've seen this coming. We didn't speak for a moment until Lily walked over to us with a dumbfounded gaze.

"Don't touch me, Chris. I'm not sure if I should even trust you at this point." I blurted out, getting out of my chair to walk towards Lily, "Give me a smoke. I need one right now, Lily." She stared me down, but soon sighed and complied by rummaging through her back pocket.

"Next time, just ask for a drink." Lily demanded before tossing me her lighter. I looked back at Chris once again before continuing on outside. She was smiling to herself in a seemingly devious way. There is no way she would mean anything she had just said. Chris... was pure... at least until that asshole came into her life. I'm sure she's only looking for a fuck buddy right now... I don't want false love... I puffed out some smoke and coughed a bit.

"Damn, this brand is strong!" I choked out, wafting the smoke away, "This is why i don't smoke that often, but after that event I really needed one..." I continued to puff out smoke for a few minutes before heading back inside the bar to get Chris for school. It's not a good idea to go, especially when we are still hungover, but I don't want to worry my parents... When I walked back in, Lily had put her leather jacket on and her helmet.

"Alright, let's go, Ivy!" She said, smiling brightly. I chuckled a bit and looked Lily up and down.

"What? Are you taking me to school?" I jokingly asked before picking my book bag up.

"Yea. Your buddy here isn't going. I thought that I might as well take you then!" Lily cheered. I glanced back at Chris who was now avoiding my gaze.

"Fine. Enjoy yourself here, Chris." I said, stomping out of the bar and propping myself on Lily's motorcycle.
Lily handed me her spare helmet and hopped on in front of me.

"Remember to hold on, kiddo!" She giggled, revving the engine before speeding off out the parking lot. I held on tight to Lily as she sped through the streets well above the speed limit. It wasn't long before we arrived at school, and as soon as we did get there many students stared at us. I was about to get off when Lily pulled me back towards her. She passed me a few aspirin and then took her helmet off of my head.

"Thanks, Lily. I can always count on you..." I stuttered, rubbing the back of my head uncomfortably. She nodded and took her helmet off as well.

"Anything for my girl! I'll come pick you up after school too, ok? Make sure you take it easy by the way, I don't want to get a call that you passed out or some shit." I nodded in response before she smirked and put her helmet back on to take off. She muttered something to herself before driving away, leaving me right in front of the school with students who clearly were confused. No one walked up to me though because I am "frightening" to them. At this point, Chris popped into my mind again. She had... acted really unusual this morning. I know that she's lying about how much she liked Mikey, but she won't admit it, even to me. To be honest, I'm not even sure if the feeling I had for Chris was love or anything like that. It may have been just jealousy... I don't think we can ever go back to the way we were before... I continued to think to myself as I roamed through the hallways to get to my class and, hopefully, talk to Maddie for a bit. She was already sitting atop my desk, kicking her feet back and forth as she waved to me once she saw me walking down the hallway.

"Hey, Ivy! Look, you probably already heard from Chris... so I just wanted to say—"

"Don't even worry about it. I don't care anymore because I'm over her..." I cut Maddie off, sitting down in my seat. She stared at me in shock, but didn't ask any questions and instead changed the subject. We spoke about our physics class for a few moments before an annoying nuisance came in once again to disrupt us.

"Ivy! Baby!  Why don't you come back to me, huh? I just picked out a few new jimmies from the store earlier. I'm sure that any girl would love to try them out with me..." He ranted, making kissing noises towards me. I've had enough of Jax already, so why I just shut him down once and for all? I stood up from my seat and folded my arms as I faced Jax.

"I never actually liked you, Jax. Why don't you just fuck off for once? You're just a gigantic meat head who thinks with his junk and not his brain! If you haven't figured it out yet, then let me put it into more simple words for you... I don't like guys! Never have, and never will! Let that sink in, will you?" I argued, darting out the door with Maddie right behind me. She didn't question me, but I could tell Maddie was confused as to what exactly set me off. To be honest, I'm not quite sure what did set me off exactly. All I know is that I hope that Jax will leave me alone now and go screw some other girl. It's not like I actually let him do anything to me... God, I need a drink...

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