Epilogue Pt. 1

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(4 Years After The Main Story)

"Maddie, get up! We need to leave now or we'll be late for our lectures this morning!" I scolded her, standing over the bed she was on. Maddie's head slowly rose from her deep slumber, but as soon as she lifted it up it immediately fell right back onto the pillow before she began to snore quietly. "I'm going to leave you if you don't get up." She held out a hand and lifted her thumb up to tell me she didn't really care if I did. "I'll dump you." I stated sternly, preparing to walk away from our shared bed. Just as I turned to leave, her hand shot out from under the covers, latching itself to my tank top.

"Forgive me! I'm going! Just don't leave me!" She cried, still half asleep from just waking up. A smile formed on my face and I handed her the pair of clothes that she had picked out the day before. It had been three years since we graduated, and now both Maddie and I are in our Junior year of college. Of course, she chose to get her bachelor's in Graphic Design while I, on the other hand, decided to pursue a Criminal Justice degree. Our classes had miraculously been scheduled in the same mornings, but I was the only one to have a few evening courses to attend as well. Frequently, Maddie joins me for those classes to keep me on task even though she has classes early in the morning like I do along with some in the afternoon.

"Gosh, and here I thought you could actually be mature. You haven't really changed at all..." I sighed, acting as if I was upset to get a rise out of Maddie. She puffed out her cheeks at me, slipping her floral dress on right in front of me with zero shame.

"Well, I'm so very sorry that my web design class has me up for hours at a time. I do want to get good grades in my classes unlike those I had in high school..." Her voice lightened up. We bickered back in forth like a married couple for a few minutes before finally leaving our house that we had got together. My parents didn't seem to mind me living alone with Maddie, so they went ahead and helped us to buy this house as long as we pay for the bills. We both now work as managers at the stores that we had applied to long ago. Mine quit, so I was given a promotion while Maddie's was caught stealing and so they were fired. Maddie pulled me out of the house in a hurry, jumping into the driver's seat while I was left to be a passenger.

"Are you sure you want to drive? You literally just woke up." I questioned her, hoping that she would change her mind and let me drive.

"It's fine! As long as the adrenaline kicks in, I'll be fine." She joked. At least I'm praying that it was one. The tired screeched against the slightly wet pavement as Maddie pulled out of the driveway without much care to her surroundings.

"I can now understand why your parents never got you a car! Let me drive, now! I don't want to die yet!" I whimpered. Maddie turned to face me with a devious grin on her face before slamming the gas pedal down to drive down the road. "I'm going to throw up all over you if you don't let me drive!" I threatened. She didn't answer me and instead turned the radio on as far as the volume would go up.

"Just enjoy the ride!" She shouted over the music with her signature carefree look. From what I was paying attention to, while I was not feeling sick, she ran two stoplights and one stop sign. Well, the good news is that it wasn't as many as yesterday... We lived a good half an hour away from our college, if we went the speed limit, but thanks to Maddie we got there in almost half the time because she never went the speed limit.

"Ah! Don't you just love that country breeze!" Maddie sighed, throwing her arms into the air as we stepped out of the car.

"What the hell are you talking about? We are still in the city you donut!" I shook my head, wondering if she's still asleep. She looked around at her surroundings before realizing that it was in fact a city we were in.

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