See Me

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Chris and I don't have any periods together besides gym and lunch. We only ever see each other during those times, but she's still distant from me and seems to analyze me silently. We have known each other for a long time, yet it seems that we are still learning new things about each other everyday. Today in gym, we are doing sprints around the track and then playing a game of kickball. I noticed Chris eyeing me, without making any other gestures, but I paid no attention to it.

For that little reason though, I wanted to prove my worth to her. I wanted to be the fastest, just for her attention alone.

My attention was one the whistle in our teacher's hand. I knew him well enough to realize exactly when he was going to blow into it. I gazed over at Chris. She smiled at me happily, giving me all the strength that I needed. The ear piercing sound of the whistle rebounded throughout the courtyard, and I was off just as soon as I heard it.

Chris cheered me on right when I took off. I heard other do the same for me, but I could only hear Chris's petite, silvery voice. She seems to cheer with everything she had to offer, and I became ecstatic due to that.

Really, when did it begin?

I rounded the first part of the track, my body seemingly moving on its own. There were four others behind me, three girls and one guy. I didn't remember who they were, but that is of little importance to me anyways. I watched Chris from afar, her hair waving in the wind behind her. She was piercing my eyes with her gaze alone, but I don't think she knew that. Chris is incredibly intelligent, just not observant.

When did I start eyeing her in the crowds?

I rounded the second part of the track now. My breaths started to become more fast-paced than before, I didn't care though. The only thing I care about right now is winning. Winning and proving myself to Chris, who has no idea what I'm doing.

I'm not just following you, I'm pursuing you.

I turned again and, soon, I saw the finish line. The distance was quite great between me and the rest of the runners. I was about to prove myself to her, to Chris. She whistled and cheered me stronger than ever, so I ran with all I had. My thighs and calves felt like they were ready to burst, but I didn't care. My body flew through the thin ribbon, and everyone began to cheer. Right after, I tripped on my own feet and plummeted to the ground with a loud crash. Chris was the first one over to me and congratulated me with a smile, "Great job, Ivy. I knew you hand it in you!"

I smiled at her, locking eyes with her gorgeous green gaze. She looked at me confused, but shrugged it off and helped me up. Chris wrapped her arm around my waist to support me, and I turned to her before we left, "Thanks... for cheering me on. It made me happy." I muttered quietly, so only she could hear me. Chris responded with a slight nod and walked me over the the field.

She leaned down and rubbed my head softly, "Sit out this game. You don't need to get hurt again." She said, walking out into the field.

She always amazes me. Chris may seem ditsy to some, but she comes through at times. I watched her scramble back and forth, attempting to catch the ball and pass it to the bases. She may be short, but she can get around well surprisingly too. It was their turn to kick, and so, the team chose Chris to kick first. The pitcher rolled the ball fast and right into her zone. Chris lifted her foot to kick it, and connected with the ball well. It flew into right field, making a great first kick. Chris ran around the bases as fast as she could, and scored the first homerun. The team cheered her on, and so did I with a broad grin.

That's my girl.

She ran over to me, cheering happily and surprised by her run, "That was amazing! I've never did that good in a sport before!" She yelled joyfully. I tried to hide my smirk, but it was too hard. I began to laugh at her out of sheer enjoyment. I looked over to the second floor of the school to see Michael, waving for Chris to notice him. I sighed and turned her to his direction.

It's not like I have a chance with her...

I pushed Chris forward to go closer to Michael, "Go on, Michael's waiting for you." I said, hiding my jealousy and sadness behind my mask. She nodded and left me to go to Michael.

I watched as she ran away and towards him. Towards the guy who probably doesn't even like her or could just replace her at any moment. I feel like I could lose Chris at any moment, and even lose myself. Why can't she see me and only me? Why am I not the only one in her eyes? She's the only one I truly yearn for.

I stood up and brushed myself off gently. There were scratches everywhere from my crash earlier, so I left to go to the nurse's office for some bandages. The only person in the office, when I went in, was a petite girl. She looked at me quickly, but jerked her head away and hid her face. I sighed and scratched my head at her response, "Do you know where the nurse is? I got injured while running."

She shook her head and stood up to walk to me, "No, but I can treat you. Just some peroxide and bandages, right?" She asked. I nodded in return, and soon she came over to treat me. We were silent the whole time with occasional glances at each other, but that was it. Once done, I got a good look at her and noticed that she was quite beautiful. Her hair was a magnificent blonde color and her eyes sparkled like the brightest sapphire there ever was. Instead of a high class hairstyle, she kept her hair long and straight, seemingly perfect in every way.

After getting treated by her, I turned back before I left and smirked, "Thanks for your help. If you ever need help with anything, just come get me. I'm sure you know who I am, Maddie Winters." She jolted at the sound of her name, but still waved goodbye to me as I left. Maybe, I could use her as practice for Chris, if we ever get together...

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