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I stared at Lily in disbelief as she continued to shout at me over and over again to get out. Her eyes were red and irritated from her constant rubbing to stop herself from crying, but sadly nothing helped to calm her. My hand reached down to grasp her cheek, but before I could even get closer to her, Lily knocked my hand away and glared at me with a hostile yet heartbroken expression. She trembled, looking down at the floor as a way to avoid me, and clenched her fists.

"Just... Go... I can't deal with this right now, Ivy..." She said softly, getting back up to stumble up the stairs and into our room. I could hear the sound of her door locking as I prepared to grab my car keys and decide what to do next.

I went out and sat in my car, thinking about calling Maddie to see if I could come over... Wait... I don't have my phone! Ugh! Well, I still know her address, so maybe it's ok for me to hang out there... I doubt we are having school tomorrow anyways, so I could probably stay there... I stepped on the gas and drove off towards Maddie's house.

Once there, I noticed that there were no cars in the driveway, but Maddie doesn't seem to have her license yet, so she might be inside. My feet drug my body up onto their porch where I knocked on the door slightly. There was no answer, but seconds later the door flew open and there was Maddie.   The right side of her face seemed to be swollen, but upon closer inspection it was even beginning to bruise. She carefully slid her hand onto her face to hide it from my view and instead smiled at me.

"Oh, hey there... What... What're you doing here?" She questioned me, diverting my attention from herself. I played along with her little act, at least for now, and chuckled lightly the  confusion in her tone.

"Well... I got kicked out for the rest of the day... Is it ok if I stay here?" Maddie looked around suspiciously as if she believed someone was watching her.

"Ah, um, I'm not so sure if that's a good idea..." My paw isn't too... pleased with me right now... He's been  stressed lately after he lost his job... I... I can go ask, but I—"

"Maddie? Who's at the door? I swear to fucking Christ if it's that queer boy again, then I'll have to get a restraining order on him!" A voice resounded from somewhere in the house. I glanced back to Maddie who was now covering her ears and seemed to be paralyzed with fear. She shook her head at me and motioned me to stay quiet.

"No, paw, it was just the little girl down the street! She lost her puppy again, so she came to ask me if I could help her find it. I'll be back when we find it!" She replied, rushing out the door and into my car without another word. I heard loud footsteps approach the now closed door, and so I hurried into my car as well and locked the door just in time. A tall, bald man came running out of the house and yelled at me to get out of the car. He looked as if he hated my guts and continued to yell after me as I quickly pulled out of the driveway.

As soon as we were safe, I let out a sigh of relief and turned to Maddie who was biting her nails nervously and hyperventilating. I put one hand on her head to help slow her breathing and to show her that she's safe. Once she realized that we were long gone, she apologized and stared outside at the scenery.

"He... hates me... I told him about Olivia and introduced them, but he wasn't thrilled about me going out with someone who viewed themselves as a girl when... You know... He got irritated at me yesterday when I brought her over again, and ended up hurting Olivia... Paw hit me a few times too, but I was scared so I didn't say anything to you. That's why Olivia and I were fighting this morning... She... dumped me..." Maddie cried, wiping her tears into her sleeve. I dropped my hand and focused on driving to better listen to her speak. "Mama's always at work, so she never sees him attack me. He does other... things too, but there's nothing I can do about it! I'm scared! He threatened to hurt Mama if I told her, and then said he would kill me! I just want to leave already!" Maddie sobbed, rubbing her eyes occasionally.  I kept my thoughts to myself and continued to drive until we reached the house of the only other person I could turn to. Lily. When we arrived back at the bar, I escorted Maddie inside and was greeted by a clearly upset Lily.

"I thought I told you to stay away for a while." She frowned. I motioned over to Maddie who was still crying and then went over to grab her a glass of water to help her sort herself out.

"I know, I know, but I need you to let her stay here. I don't care if you want me out, just keep and eye on her and watch out for a suspicious bald guy who may or may not be her father. He's an asshole, and I'm up to here already with this shit." I stated, lifting my arm well above my head to display my level of anger.

"Wait, where are you going then?" Maddie asked me, reaching out to grab my hand. I shook her off and headed back towards the door.

"I don't know. Maybe Chris's apartment. I do have a spare key, so I can just hang there for a while." I replied relatively unemotional. Lily stepped out from behind the counter and gently pulled my shoulders back, making me face her.

"Don't leave! I regret telling you to get out, so please just stay here! I'll do anything you say, just don't go to Chris's apartment!" She pleaded. I laughed quietly and nodded.

"Fine, but in return I want you to patch up Maddie. She's hurt." Lily turned to see what I was talking about, and gasped loudly once she realized that Maddie had a huge welt right on her cheek. She pulled Maddie into the bathroom and dabbed a little peroxide on the small cuts within the wound before taping a gauze patch on her face. Lily put on some hot water to make tea as Maddie and I sat down to relax and unwind a little.

"Thanks..." She mumbled, shifting in her seat slightly. "I didn't think I was going to be able to stand him much longer... I'm glad you came over..." Maddie said softly. I shook my head and leaned back in mg chair.

"Don't thank me, I was only there because Lily and I had gotten in a fight. I'm happy that I was able to help you though. You can stay here whenever you like and for however long you want. Lily and I don't mind, so just act as if this is your home now." I replied, reaching out to grasp her hand. Maddie chuckled lightly and smiled back at me.

"Thank you, Ivy..."

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