The meeting.

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It seemed as if it was forever since I last saw my Paps dead. If I wasn't so determined to find the killer of my brother I would have taken the humans offer by now to reset. I searched the whole Underground, yet I saw nothing. Nothing at all. No hint to who have killed my bro. So I just decided to walk aimlessly. On and on, I didn't even know where I was anymore. I was sweating, and so tired, yet I just couldn't freaking sleep. The guilt, the pain. It was all just too much. 

 Then something snapped me outta it, I guess it was a loud noise, and I realized I was back in Snowdin, but I was sweating? That made no sense to me. I was about to  find and tell the kid to reset when I heard someone say, "Oh, darn, boi, what the fudge happened to your rad face...?"
I turned around and saw what I think was another me, but with sunglasses that said "YOLO" and a jacket that was so full of color I couldn't explain it. I had no idea what the heck he wanted so I just replied, "Uh... nothing, I guess. Why. Whaddya even want with me...."

 The other me just flat out said, "Nothin, just wanted to say yo to a  fellow broski, but yo threads are all like done for m8. Maybe I could assist ya with some rad helpin skillz?"

I looked down. Not only were my clothes tattered and torn, but they were covered with sweat. I was oddly surprised on how dirty I looked. "Heheh, guess I've been in these for a while. Didn't know I was gone for THAT long. But no thanks, I'm good."

He looked at me, it seemed as if he was staring into my soul. Then I could've sworn that his glasses said "Help me" For a millisecond before changing back to "YOLO". I was officially freaked out by this so I took a few steps back. He finally responded with, " Thats tots ok broski! The names Fresh b.t.w! Just a lil FYI tho, u like need new threads and fast." He reached his hand out, for a handshake maybe? All I could do was stare. Freshes glasses flashed "NO" and "DON'T DO IT" Several times, and I KNOW that wasn't a hallucination that time. Fresh probably thought I was dumb or something cause he told me," Bruh, handshake. Like uh, this is getting awkward." 

"Oh. Sorry, I'm just tired." Whats the use anyway, I already had a bro that's dead now, might as well. I was about to give him the handshake when he suddenly lurched forward, coughing. 

"Uhh.... are you ok....?" I asked, weirded out. Fresh stood up and said, "Yeah, I think so broski. Uhhh whats yo name?"

"Uhm, Sans, I guess. By the way, have you seen anybody suspicious around here?"

He coughed again and said, "Nope! Why?"

"Because my brother died, and I've been trying to find out who did it ever since."

He just stood there, eyes fixed on me. It was real awkward. His glasses flashed "OH NO" and stayed there.  I just stared back at him. He finally came out with, "Oh, sorry m8... uh, I'm gettin real sad bout yo clothes can I uh maybe get some new threads for u?"

"Well, this really isn't helping my look at all, so sure I guess."

He coughed and said, "Ok, I'll be riiight back!"

Fresh ran off. I swear I could hear him yelling to himself. I guess either I'm imagining this and have gone insane, or I'm not imagining all this and the guy I met was insane..... Either way, its better then having nobody to talk to, so who am I to judge.

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