Don't care

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~Geno Sans

At one point I had found the host sans up, but staring into space, with a permanent look of terror on his face. I tried everything to try to snap him out of it, but it wasn't working... I teleported to Dream and told him this in which he started crying saying that he was sorry and he forgot, and he would fix it..

A few weeks later, at this point it was either kill Dust along with Fresh or just watch dust get eaten alive, so I took the option I seemed best fit: kill both. I didn't care anymore. The host did seem to, so when he was sleeping(Dream had fixed them, finally, to where Nightmare couldn't affect their dreams) I set off with a human soul to Fresh.

I hid behind him and plunged his face into the snow, and turned him round and shoved the soul into his socket. He started melting, and I could tell the parasite was freaking out, I could hear it.

The Dusts soul had tried to exit the body, but Fresh pulled it back in. Then everything just stopped. The parasite stopped hissing, he stopped melting and healed back up, just...stopped. He then went onto attack me, and actually hit me before I teleported out.

The host was staring right at me. I told him that another attempt failed, and just wrenched the bone spear thing from my leg and it shattered and faded, like they always do with every Sans that uses bones to fight, but of course, the wound stuck. I just re-coded myself again. Didn't affect me anyway.

I got into a chair and fell asleep. When I woke up, the host was gone. What was he trying to do? Well, there goes another. I had to break it to Ink and Error about it.

Error didn't care. Ink just stared and once he snapped out of it teleported off. At least I got some good data from all this. 

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