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~Geno Sans

Nightmare was about as surprised as we were to see him, but it was what he was doing with dust that was the freaky part. He had Dust chained up, but not to the point he couldn't walk, he could still walk, just there was a shackle around his leg, wrists, neck, and middle, and he was pulling up against them, smiling like crazy, laughing, growling, hissing, you name it. The shackles had chains that led to a middle one that nightmare had in his hand. Ink just stared in fear, and what looked like heartbreak, as Error smiled and seemed to examine what exactly nightmare had did. Fresh was just staring at dust then at nightmare and back again like it was some horror movie."Heh, found me again, did ya?" Nightmare said. Error said, "How did he even get like that?"

"Oh, went a bit too nuts. Wants to kill everything in his path now. When I un- lock him there's no stopping him 'till everybody's dead.  My fault, I admit it, but I have to take him everywhere I go now."

I just said, "Like a dog?"

"Yup. A very insane dog that wants to kill everything. Acts like a dog sometimes too. Was just about to turn him loose when you showed up. Good job, at least you get to see what I've got in store for everyone."

He whispered a few orders to Dust that was pulling against the chains and turned him loose. He dodged all of us and started attacking everyone else, laughing as he went. All we could do was follow. When we got to the part where he was killing the human, he took his bone and split it from its head to well down there and then stabbed the soul multiple times, laughing as his blood-stained clothes got even more bloody.

 He then turned to us and laughed some more, and nightmare appeared behind him, telling him something and smiling at me. Dust howled in delight as he charged at me, and I couldn't dodge. Ink just brought his hands up to his mouth in horror and Error just sat back and smiled. Fresh tried pulling Dust off, but he stayed true to his target and kept stabbing me, getting MY blood on him.

"Well, this is mildly annoying," I said. Fresh looked confused and Error just smiled wider. Ink seemed to remember what I could do and he stopped crying and smiled as well. The Dust just kept stabbing me. Nightmare looked confused. "What, thought I would be dead by now, eh?" I said, grabbing the bone Dust was using to stab me.

 "Well, I have news for you. I'M ALREADY DEAD.

I threw Dust off of me and he fell to the ground laughing. Nightmare shrugged and said, "Welp, at least I got what I wanted." He took Dust and teleported out. I looked down. My clothes were now even more bloody than usual, but that didn't matter. Ink hugged me and said, "Good job, I forgot you could do that!" Error huffed and said, "You should have killed him." Fresh just stared in amazement and confusion. I laughed and patted him on the back. "Its ok, people always get confused when they see me like that. I've lost my appetite though. Let's just go back home." Error and Ink nodded and I grabbed Fresh and teleported with him. 

Dang, that dust was insane though... its too late for him now.

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