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~Dust Sans

I was rocking back and forth, wondering if I would ever see or hear my Papyrus again. I was too messed up to talk to the parasite, but then Error did come back, with the other Sans with him, tied up as well. I just dug my face into my jacket. I didn't want to talk to anyone since Pap is gone.... Other then that weakness I had, I had some others. All of them being about my mental capability. One, I couldn't stand the sight of humans, two, if I hadn't killed anything for a while, the urge to kill would get more and more desperate until I finally had to kill something. I'm just glad nobody knows this. 

"Listen, since you two know about me, I don't really care, to be honest. I'll let you guys back out to your universes I found you in...later. But this thing..." He pointed to the parasite in the cage. "IS MINE TO DESTROY. I know you two want to destroy it yourselves, that's why you're tied up. Well, you, Sans. Dust, however, I'm afraid will go crazy in here and start destroying everything, and I don't want that right now. Now, if you excuse me, I'll be right back, I have some universes to kill." 

After a while when Error had left, I could faintly hear Sans trying to talk to me, saying things like, "what happened back there" or, "You look so afraid right now whats the problem..." I could just utter these words to him, "Pap is gone Pap is gone Pap is gone HAHAHAHAHA" Over and over and over. I covered my ears and started rocking back and forth again. With that, the other Sans didn't say anything else. Probably thought I was crazy as fuck. 

After a while, I think I had fallen asleep because Error was back when I came to my senses and he was sleeping.The other Sans was sleeping too. A loud noise woke me up I guess. I flipped over to see the parasite knawing at the bars and wire of the cage, wrapping itself around it, trying to squeeze out from the bars. I sighed and rolled my eyes. 

I think it heard me because it stopped and stared at me. We both locked eyes for a while. "Meh. Try to get out all you want, its hopeless. You're gonna fucking DIE, and I'm gonna love it! I'm gonna watch every second of it. If that damn Error makes it quick though... I WILL find a way outta these restraints to KILL you myself, heheh." It stared at me and started making those weird sounds again, and went back to trying to get out. 

"You know I don't understand a word you just said, right. Well, anyway. Today went SWELL, huh? Its nice to talk to someone that uh tries to talk back but can't, am I right? RIGHT? See you can't answer me, heheh. Beautiful. In my universe, I dust so many people that when the human resets there are STILL traces of dust in the air." 

It started making clicking, squealing squawking noises and kept gnawing at the bars while doing so. I just decided to pretend to understand what it was saying. Had nothing better to do anyway. 

"I know right? Killing stuff is SO fun, am I right? like there are so many ways to torture them and rip them apart and TEAR THEM TO SHREDS!!! HAHAHAAHAHAAHAAHA!!! THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS! What should I do now? Rip off all their limbs to make a bouquet of limbs for the human before I do the same, or rip out their eyes and shove them in a bowl for trophy keeping? Or just kill them and call it a day? Maybe just collect a bit of all of their dust and shove it in the human's eyes before killing it? Heheheh.... I hate my life.... I just wanna go home....fuck you. I'm done. Papyrus is gone, and its all your fault.... all my fault? I dunno whos fault it is anymore.... whatever." It stopped gnawing at the bars and just stared. 

"Yeah I said fuck you. So what. I dont care." I glanced at the other Sans, who looked half-awake-half sleeping. I didn't want to bother him in case he WAS asleep, so I just rolled over and went back to sleep.

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