The hunt

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~Dust Sans

I looked everywhere. In the trees, in every house. Literally everywhere. I couldn't find the darn idiot. Then it hit me. He couldn't go anywhere THAT far. I looked around where I had pinned him and got him out of my head. Papyrus said, "Well, Sans, you know you could let the thing live... but I'm not one to judge." I sighed and shook my head. "Pap, this thing is what made me kill the other you. I'm not stopping 'till it's DEAD." 

"Ok, I understand."

After a while of looking, I saw that the other Sans I saved was back. I pulled my hood down and said, "You gotta go. I don't want it finding you again and turning you into some kind of monster. Leave."

He just sat there." I wanna see it dead. It almost made me go insane y'know. Kinda like y-... nevermind. Just lemme stay. I wanna help kill it."

".....heheh. Well, if you insist. What do you think Pap?" Papyrus nodded, pleased with this Sans stubbornness to stay and help me look for the Lil bastard. "Ok, Pap said it's fine with him, so it's fine with me. I'll stay here, you, uh, look in the house I guess."

The Sans was about to leave when I tripped over something looking around. The other Sans stopped and asked, "Are you ok?"

"I'm FINE." I rubbed my shoulder and got up. There it was. The thing. The parasite... thing. I dunno. It stared up at me with its one eye with what looked like horror when I grabbed it. "Well well well, the cheeky lil assholes come out to play? Lets have some fun then. How about... pin the bone on the Parasite. Sounds good to me, Pap, you like it? Yeah he does. Sans, what do you think?" He walked over to me and nodded, smiling. 

My eye flamed up. "Well then. LET THE FUN BEGIN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" I grabbed one of its tentacles and was about to rip it off when I heard something. It sounded like a jet engine mixed with the murmur of a vacuum. I looked up in confusion and looked around. It sounded so familiar.... then I knew what it meant. 

"Sans, go, hide... Right now." He was confused but he didn't hesitate(probably afraid it would piss me off, in which case, he would have been right) to go into Grillbys and hide behind the counter like I told him too. I was just in time to come outside(still holding the parasite) when he came.

It was Error. 

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