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~Geno Sans

After that little incident Inks been determined to get Dust back as a genuine person. Error and I have been trying to tell him that it's a lost cause, that Dust was too far gone, but nope, he wouldn't listen. Now his only priority was 'saving' dust from his Sanity. I knew this idea was a bust, but I might as well entertain his antics by helping him figure it out on his own. Ever since dust had killed US Papyrus, we got occasional visits from the US Sans. I didn't mind it, but Error really hated it. He said that we didn't need three over-positive people here.

After a while of going to nightmare and shoving vials of whatever Ink put in them into Dust and to just have him laugh and blabber nonsense while trying to kill us again, Nightmare smiling at our attempts,  Ink soon figured out that there was no possible way, even with his vial test tube thingies, to cure Dust's insanity. He was really depressed after that, it was best to leave him alone, so I decided, even though Fresh was insisting on staying, to grab Fresh and leave. Of course, a few weeks later he was back to normal, preventing Error from destroying AUs. 

We had encountered nightmare with Dust a few more times, but when we did nightmare made sure not to turn him loose. Just holding Dust on the chain, pulling him back from us, giving us the menacing smile he always did when he knew we couldn't hurt him while Dust almost choked himself to death pulling at the chains, laughing like a maniac. 

No idea why though.He could've easily had dust destroy everything with us around like last time. Was he planning something? Nah. I don't think so. To be honest, he's smart enough to do something like that, but also I don't think he would go this long without using Dust for nothing. Maybe he was just doing it to taunt Ink because every time nightmare showed up with Dust, his eyes would flash from those red diamonds to black to the colorful stars and shapes in them again, but he wouldn't do anything about it. Can't say I know for sure though. 

It was confusing, but there was no possible way that nightmare had decided not to kill PF timelines. Fresh seemed to be doing good. Ink didn't know that was killing a Papyrus every now and then but hey, I know why he has to do it now. 

But it's Papyrus. Like if that was my bro I'd just be all like what and try to kill Fresh. But since it's from Dusttale, I guess nobody cares about that Papyrus now. Plus, there was no way I was gonna tell Ink about it, he's been through too much, first off, and second off, if Error found out he'd just kill Fresh. 

Now, don't get me wrong, at first I didn't care either way if he died or not, but now I really am curious about Fresh. For example, why does he need a host? Why does he need souls to live and survive? Why can't he just eat regular food and survive off of that? And, of course, why can't he feel. I've figured that he can't feel emotions by now. 

But, if he dies, I can't find out the answer to those questions. When I was just Sans I had tried to figure out about alternate timelines, universes, why humans have the ability to reset and not us, why only I had the ability to use the Gaster blaster,  what not. Now, I have moved onto, I wouldn't say advanced, but more curious things.

 I need Fresh alive to be able to find all this out. So when Fresh went out alone, I followed him, making sure he didn't see me. Almost caught me twice though. Once, he was killing a Papyrus and I came a little too close and he turned around and I had to dart back into the trees, another time, he just saw me out of the corner of his eye and almost found out who I was, and I had to teleport out of there.

What I've figured out so far is that even though it seems like he isn't needed, he is in a way. He puts sort of a balance to things, like that one grain of rice that makes sure the scale doesn't tip. When he shows up Error wants to kill him immediately but Ink doesn't let him, making them bicker for a while, but it makes Error forget about the AU he was going to destroy BEFORE Fresh got there. So he prevents Error from destroying AUs if Ink wasn't there.

 Sometimes, it comes out of its host, either in great pain or fear. I've come up with some theories as to why it does this. It either can't hold onto the host because of that emotion and just loses it, or, if it holds onto the host any longer it may kill both the host and itself, so it has to let go to gain energy and other things.

 When it goes into his host it changes clothes immediately, but when it comes out of his host, the host still wears those 'Fresh' clothes the parasite put on him, just that the host changes personality. It's either the parasite expects that it would be back into the host a few moments later or eventually and keeps the clothes on him, or it's just a thing that happens. 

Now I have yet to figure out why exactly the parasite wears those clothes when inside his host and talks the way he does, likes what he likes, that type of stuff. Why not, kind of like the Flowey-possessed Sans I saw a while ago, just take control of the host and not affect it in any way but just make it do its bidding? Why have the host turned into some guy that likes saying random things and skateboards and skittles and other weird things? I just don't get that part.

Whenever we were together, with Ink and Error, I examined Fresh closely and made mental notes in my mind and wrote them down on paper when I got to a private spot of my own. I now had literal stacks of paper about Fresh and Trufresh in my private spot(aka the void). Some were sketches and a quick bio of it in its host form, and him in its True form (aka the parasite), sketches of his(I'm calling it he because I'm tired of calling it an it) weaponry, "Radster blasters", bones, even Furbys he chucked with a baseball bat that I had sketched down also. I even made a sketch of his clothes, and on a separate paper, his glasses and a whole list of theories as to why he needed them. The most logical one, and the one I had circled completely in red ink, was that he used them to communicate his thoughts in case people didn't understand him, and/or to protect himself from people seeing the soul in his eye. Other papers were 10-30 page theories and explanations as to why Fresh was the way he was. Why he couldn't feel, why he needed souls, that stuff. 

I wasn't even getting any sleep anymore, I was so absorbed in finding everything out about Fresh. About ten times when I was with Ink Fresh and Error I had fallen asleep. Ink was getting worried, I could tell, but every time he asked if I was ok I responded with, "I'm fine." and continued studying Fresh. I now had sketches of his facial expressions, most of them were joy-like and fearful and confused. None were about sadness or true happiness. Some sketches of mine I made copies of and shoved them onto a pinboard and connected them together with strings. I was starting to get obsessed with this. At one point I didn't even go to Error and Ink to hang out with them with Fresh for a whole week. I used that time to study Fresh more. 

When I came back, Ink hugged me and told me that he was worried about me and was glad to see that I was ok. All Error said was, "Studying something epic again, huh." Error knew me well, and I knew him well. A bit too well, I suspect. I just nodded. Fresh seemed confused but didn't say anything. I now had a journal I kept at home that I could write in that revolved around how Fresh responded to situations and what he did when I interacted or was socializing with him. 

This cycle went on for months. Until something happened that I completely didn't expect. 

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