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~Geno Sans

When I finally started to breathe again and see, I saw that I was bandaged up from my chest to my ribs lying on a bed somewhere, which helped the pain a little bit, but if I got ahold of some Glycathorea it wouldn't hurt at all anymore. When things came into focus I could see that Ink and Error were with me, Error to the side of the bed looking like he hated his life(which he always did) while Ink was pacing back and forth thinking hard about something. When Ink saw I was awake he yelled, "THANK STARS YOU'RE OK" and hugged me. 

I tried my best to smile and say that I was fine, but Ink could tell from the pain on my face that I wasn't. He stopped hugging me and Error said, 

"Ink teleported to me saying he left you alone with Fresh and what happened to him, and I insisted we go back to you because well I knew he was trouble from the start. When we saw you on the ground going into spasms while coughing up blood and what not with Fresh about to stab you, I tackled Fresh and started punching him in the face trying to kill him while Ink went over to me and pulled me off and said not to kill him, and we shoved him back into the cage. I really don't get why Ink doesn't let me kill em. We then went over to you and Ink tried his best to heal whats left of your soul, but it's still freaking weak from Fresh stabbing you once. So basically you can't get outta this bed or move until your soul is fine or you're gonna die." 

Ink punched him in the arm and reassured me that I was fine, I just needed rest, so they'll be here until I got better, and Fresh was in the other room locked up, and that the host Sans was not in the room with Fresh but in another room as well. I said that was fine, and I wanted to rest anyway. 

Ink and Error kept switching from rooms, Ink mostly. Error just stayed with me and went over to the room where Fresh was locked up once in a while to make sure he didn't escape. I wanted to feel better faster so I could go and give fresh a piece of my mind, but as Ink and Error said, I couldn't move. At all. It was like I was paralyzed. 

When I could finally get up and start walking I had to lean on Ink and Errors shoulders to be able to go anywhere. Every step I took was with excruciating pain, and so I only got out of bed and went with Error and Ink to someplace if I had to. I had to find out a way to protect my soul so that if this ever happened again I would have somewhat of an advantage. 

I hated being like this, vulnerable to any attack from anywhere, having to rely on other people to protect me. It wasn't fun, let's just say that. 

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