Joy Pain and Misery

431 14 12

~Dust Sans

It was Papyrus, again not wearing his battle body, but a jacket instead, and, well, smoking. So this is the Pap he was warning me about. Psh, doesn't look like a big deal to me.  The human ran up to him and hugged him, and he hugged back. She pointed to me and whispered something to him, and he sighed again and said, "Welp, as long as he's a friend o' yours I'm fine with him bein' here. Looks a Lil' shaken up though. I'm just glad he ain't the last Sans I saw here other than my bro."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Where's your Sans anyway?"

"Oh, well, he's comin' soon. Er, well I hope."


Then a Sans who was wearing a blue scarf and a battle body ran over. "Oh, 'sup bro?" The Papyrus said. "YOU KNOW WHATS "'SUP", BROTHER! IT'S BEEN EIGHT DAYS AND YOU STILL HAVEN'T-" By this point I had just spaced out. It was a new thing I did. If I was bored, or just at random, I would start thinking of other things, like how to torture more people, or if I could kill the human again. So this Sans was like Papyrus and this Papyrus was like Sans. Weird... Lots of AUs were starting to get reaaal freaky. 

Then I felt something grapple or grab me or something. I snapped out of it and looked at what the heck was going on. The other Sans was....grabbing me. That was really weird, so I asked, "Uh, what the heck're you even doing?" He looked at me confused and said, "It's a greeting hug! Don' know what hugs are?" I stared. "Uh, of course, I do, psh, not knowing what hugs are, stupid... do you have a grillby's here?" The Papyrus said, "Oh, you don't wanna go there. You must mean Muffets. Yeah, cmon, I'll get you a Lil' something. This isn't how it's supposed to go, but it's fine with me." The Sans looked at the Papyrus suspiciously and said, "PAPYRUS!!! What did I tell you about SMOKING in front of our guests! If we had them. And now we do, so STOP SMOKING IT'S NOT GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH!"

"Aw, come off it bro, I can't help it. And besides, they don't mind, do they?" The human shook her head no, and I just smiled and said, "Nope....don't mind at all...heheh." The Papyrus looked at me funny and said, "Cmon, let's just go." 

When we got to this 'muffets', everything was the same as a grillby's except the tender was freaking muffet herself. The Papyrus got whatever it was he wanted and got what the human wanted and asked me if I wanted anything, and I just said no. All I wanted and would be PLEASED to have would be their DEATH.

 Once they were done babbling about nonsense and asking me non-relevant questions I decided it would be time to kill them. I was walking alone and went up behind the human who was talking to the Sans, and stabbed her through the back straight into the soul with a bone. I lifted her up, still on the bone, and had her slide down it, making blood go everywhere onto me and cover the bone I was using with her blood. I smiled wider as I heard the soul crack, and she dissipated to nothingness. I forgot the other Sans was there, and he was just gaping at me with horror. I stared at him smiling for a few seconds before he said, ""

"HEHEHEHEHAHAHAH YES I DID GOOD OBSERVATION!!! AND YOU'RE NEXT." I sprinted towards him the bone in my hand ready to stab. The other Sans was paralyzed. Perfect. But, the one Sans was right, this Papyrus meddles with my plans. He jumped in front of the  Sans and pushed him out of the way all the while blasting me, knocking me back onto the ground. I slowly got up, laughing. "Y-you really think you c-can kill m-me? Pfft. I laugh at your attempts. But, sadly, all is lost, hope, friends, family, love, dogs,  for I guess I'll have TO KILL YOU TOO." I dodged all of his blasting attacks and was about to stab him when he dodged and kicked me to the ground. 

I quickly got back up and put him in a chokehold and pulled him to the ground. "GET READY TO DIE!" I said, smiling. But, for some reason, I hesitated. "Heh, I knew you were holding back." the Papyrus said. "You are a Sans, after all." I just stared blankly into his face. Every single thing in my body was telling me to kill him, but I just couldn't. I just listened to his rambling.

 "Because, even if you are a lil crazy and we're from different AUs, we're still bro's. No matter the universe, you still can't hurt me."  I stared blankly again, and said, "Heh, if only you knew what I did to that one Papyrus...". But, for some reason, I was hesitating to kill this guy. Is it because we talked? Is it because I knew him a little better? I have no idea. He continued talking. "My brother thinks there's good in everyone. I want to think that too. I don't know what the heck happened to you, but I'm sure you had friends and family who took care of you. Right?" 

I stopped moving. I did, but that was over now. He had no idea what happened to them... what I did to them. I was a monster. But there was no going back in what I did to them. "And if I ever saw my bro like this, because I love him with all my heart..." His eye glowed orange and he got up and prepared a gaster blaster. "I WOULD NEVER LEAVE HIM TO SUFFER LIKE THIS." He shot it at me, and I barely had any time to dodge. 

"I KNEW IT," I said, my eye flaming as I dodged his attacks. "I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE IM AN IDIOT AHAHHAHHAHAHA! YOU DESERVE THIS EVERYBODY DESERVES THIS THE HUMAN WOULD HAVE GOTTEN TO YOU BEFORE I DID YOU SHOULD BE THANKFUL BUT NOOOO YOU JUST WANT TO GET A PIECE OF ME??!?! WELL FINE HOW ABOUT YOU TAKE IT!!!!" My blaster got out, this time it was huuuge, eyes flaming, the plasma from the blaster already seeping from its fangs dripping onto the ground, a crazed look in its eyes. The other Papyrus didn't even have time to think as I fired and turned him to dust. The other Sans was cowering in a corner behind some trees.

 I walked up to him and laughed as I got out my bone to stab him and break his soul into itty bitty pieces when I felt something push into my back and come out the other end. I looked down. A paint brush now covered in my blood was sticking through me. I smiled and slightly turned around to find Ink, with Fresh behind him, and Error and Geno, in which they all looked completely surprised to find that Ink had stabbed me. Ink had a rage-like look to his face and was breathing heavily, not saying a word. I dropped the bone that I was using.

My vision blurred as I smiled even wider and said, "Y-yes, kill me, kill me now. Kill me. D-do it. END MY SUFFERING. HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAH..." I guess Ink finally snapped out of it as he looked at what he did in horror and dropped me to the ground. He pulled his brush out of me and threw it away, and said something to Geno Error and Fresh, and Fresh stayed behind as the other two nodded and took the Sans I wanted to kill away, which had my blood all over him now, just a blank look on his face. 

I saw that I was bleeding but of course I didn't feel any pain. Ink was leaning over me, and lifted me over his shoulder which wasn't a smart decision knowing that he would get blood all over himself. My vision then blacked out completely. 

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