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I opened my eyes very slowly. A bright white light shone into them, which made me close my eyes quickly. I blinked a few times before I could sit up. I was in a room, it was not small, nor was it big. My long black hair wasn't in a ponytail anymore, nor did I wear my normal clothes. I was dressed in white; a top and a tight tin pants that stopped above my knees. The rest of the room was white too, except for the painting above the couch. I stepped out of the bed. My bare feet made contact with the cold floor.

Like every other room, this room had a door. I walked towards it and looked out of the small window. Across a corridor outside was another room. Someone was pacing in it, someone I recognized as-
"Harper!" I shouted while I hit the glass. I caught the girl's attention
"Olivia!" I heard softly, though I saw she was shouting.
"What the hell is this?!"

Bellamy's P.O.V
My legs hurt. My lungs stung. Sweat formed everywhere. The spear in my hand felt heavier then ever. I looked back at the Drop Ship sometimes, which wasn't in sight anymore. The Drop Ship... Olivia was safe in the Drop Ship. I kept telling myself. I wanted to turn back and pick her up, but I couldn't just yet. I didn't know ho long the sea of fire will last, and I couldn't take any chances. Though I would walk right through it for Olivia... for my Queen.
"Bellamy?" I heard, for a moment I imagined i was her voice, but it wasn't. It was Monroe and Sterling. "Get back down." I told them, and kneeled down with them.
"You were followed?" Sterling asked.
"Quiet." I hissed.
"Have you een Finn?" I asked them after a second, whispering.
"Finn's alive?" Sterling whispered surprised.
"He was. Ewe got separated. We knew the fire was coming, so we ran. But one of the Grounders followed. How'd you guys get out?"
"We- uh-." Sterling started, "saw the Ark come down, and thought we would come get help. Piece of it came down this way. Monroe thinks it's Mecha, but personally I think it-" A strange noise cut Sterling off. We heard chatter in the distance. "Follow me." I ordered, "stay low and quiet."

A/n: so this was the prologue. This is the first time I am using Bellamy's P.O.V as a standard. His P.O.V won't be much different from the show. In the beginning of this book I skip a few scenes that aren't really important to me, just that you know. There's also a picture of what I imagine Olivia would look like above. What she ears comes later on in the book.
I hope you enjoyed this first part

When We Are Apart~~ Bellamy Blake Where stories live. Discover now