Chapter 11- Alone mission

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Little A/N: I changed up Dante's desk a bit for this chapter, just that you know. Enjoy reading!

Olivia's P.O.V
Right after breakfast, I walked the halls of Mount Weather in a pretty fast pace. I was going to see the President again. Just to ask some questions, maybe steal anything useful to me. Yes, you van say I was going to ask about any survivors, and about Harper & Monty. My heart raised when I was almost at the door. He was sitting inside, talking to- what I believed- was his son. I took a deep breath and tried to forget about the scenes hat played in my head in which he kills me. I knocked the door slowly. President Dante gestured me to come in, so I opened the door and got inside. "Am I interrupting?" I asked as polite as possible.
"No, no, Mrs. Kane." Dante said friendly, "we were just finished, isn't that right?"
"Yes." Cage said coldly, "I'll leave you them." The man, who made me think of Dracula, walked past me, "have a nice day."
"Thank you." I replied with a fake smile, "you too." Once Mr. Dracula had closed the door behind him, I felt suddenly a lot more comfortable.
"Well," Dante started, "how can I help you, Mrs. Kane."
"Same old, same old." I replied kindly, or trying, "oh and please, call me Olivia.''
"What exactly is the same old?" Dante asked and gestured me too sit at his desk in front of him. Perfect.
"I don't want to be rude or anything," I started while sitting down. "But two friends of mine are missing." I ran my hand through my long black hair. This whole conversation went like I was hoping for. I could now easily get to the metal box. While I went through my hair I took out one of the three bobbing pins that had pinned a lock of hair on the back of my head. I felt the nasty point of my makeshift knife press slightly against my skin. The knife was made out of a the heel of a high heel and a sharp point I found, "their names are Monty and Harper."
"Monty and Harper? There is absolutely nothing to be concerned about..." Dante started a whole Stör about them, what if I listened would absolutely let me doubt my concern and make me shut my mouth about it. So good thing I didn't listen, instead I had shoved the chair so closely against the desk that I had trouble breathing. But that trouble was of good use, it made me look more concerned and Dante talked longer. I held the bobbing pin tight and went with my hands towards the metal box under the desk. It was just big enough for it to contain important files, but to big to take. "... and that's we needed to take her to Psych Ward, you see."
"But what about Monty?" I asked. Now Dante started a story about how he was in love with Harper and didn't want to leave her bedside, or something. But just before Dante was fully finished, I had shoved (hurray!) files under my shirt, and because of the cardigan my stomach didn't look flaut.
"So," I started, "Harper didn't feel well and had a mental breakdown like Clarke had before she left, and Monty wants to stay with Harper and that's why I didn't see them in days?"
"Exactly." Dante said slowly, "do you have any other questions?''
"Just one: can I visit them?"
"I think not, Olivia..." story about how it wasn't smart to visit them. As always, just long enough, but now to close the boy, lock it and take back my bobbing pin.
"Thank you for telling me about my friends." I said to Dante and stood up, "I think I should go and tell Jasper about them, before he suspects me to be missing too." Dante chuckled lightly and shook my hand.
"You can always talk to me and just ask." We told each other goodbye as I left his office.

I sat on my bed and opened the map op stored files. Their were names written on every page, and we all had one page for ourselves. Kane, Olivia I read. I furrowed my brows once I saw the file. It existed out of pictures and some medical stuff. One was recent, I recognized, probably taken in Mount Weather, but the others were all taken ever since we landed. There was a red question mark drawn above Bellamy on the pictures where he was next to me. I couldn't resist touching this picture. Tears stung in my eyes and I bit my lip to hold them back. "Olivia, are you okay?" I heard Jasper' voice. I fast wiped away the single drop which had managed to escape. "Yes, I..." I anted to put away the files, but I found one with survivors and possible enemy's written above it, with pictures my father and Abby Griffin and many others.
"What's that?" Jasper asked and reached for the files, "are those from Dante?"
"Yes." I simply answered and slapped his hand away.
"How did you-? Why did you-?"
"I stole files. I went to the President asked him about Monty and Harper, it while he talked I stole this from under his desk."
"But why didn't you tell us?"
"You would've made it some sort of mission and involved Miller and Maya and everyone. I couldn't risk getting caught, because we together are way too obvious."
"So you risked your own life? If they suspected you, you would've been caught and then three people would be been missing. We can't risk losing you."
"Am I missing? Jasper, I got out alive and without any suspicion of Dante. So do you wanna see the truth? Do you wanna see what what they've known for ages? Because it's right here in my left hand." Jasper sighed a little and climbed onto my bed. I opened the files and spread them over our laps, making sure that the security camera's didn't see it. "Look, Bell is alive." I slightly smiled and as I pointed at him on a recent picture.
"They've been watching us ever since we got here, look." He pointed at a picture of Finn carrying an unconscious Jasper in.
"That was right after you were-"
"I know, don't repeat it." Jasper said softly.
"Sorry, I meant: that was the first time we had real meet." Somehow, Jasper and I found joy in talking about the pictures, and remembering the stories behind them."
"Look at you goggles." I chuckled.
"Look at you pony tail." Jasper replied.
"I used to call you Goggle-Boy, you know."
"I still call you Queen."

It was quiet for a few minutes as we looked at the pictures again. But Jasper broke that silence, "we should bring this back. If Dante find out it's missing...''
"I can't bring them back. That will absolutely cause suspicion." I said thoughtfully.
"Yeah, you're right. I'll do it." Jasper leaped off the bed and gathered most pictures. He reached out for one of Bellamy and me that I was trying to hold apart from the rest.
"Wait, can I keep that one?" I asked quietly. Jasper nodded slowly and handed it to me. I mouthed a thanks before Jasper went off again; one of my bobbing pins in his hand and files under his shirt, not to mention the worried look on his face. I looked at the picture again: Bellamy's hands on my cheeks and his lips on mine. Rain drops- that had probably landed on the camera- covered the sides, but the middle (in which we stood) was perfectly clear. It was right after Clarke decided to leave, what in the end meant Drew's death.

The dorm was empty as I felt a new set of tears stinging my eyes again. This time I didn't hold them back. I put the pictures under my pillow and laid down, crying. I cuddles the blankets imagining it was Bellamy. I needed him so badly right now, I hurt my heart even more. But something that stung my arm made me forget for a second and stopped my tears. Then I remembered the knife. I lifted my sleeve slightly and saw it was all bloody. I got out of the cardigan and had removed my knife. After I had put some bandages over the wound, I laid back down and fell in a deep sleep.

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