Chapter 17- A help inside

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Again, we're going back in time
Bellamy's P.O.V
"Work station, do you read me?" I asked in the radio. I was still waiting for Raven to tell me how to shut down the acid fog, "anybody there?"
"Bellamy, you're late." Clarke's voice came over the radio, I couldn't help but role my eyes, "every three hours means every three hours."
"Are you through?"
"Have you found the source of the acid fog?" Clarke changed the subject.
"No, that's gonna gave to wait."
"What? No. Nothing is more important than that."
"My Queen is. They've started taking people from the dorm, one at the time, every few hours."
"Taking them where?"
"I don't know. We tried to follow them, but they went to a classified level. Maya borrowed the schematics of the vent system from her boss and we're still trying to find a way in. Anything?" The last part I asked to Maya.
"I think I found a path." She replied, "but it's gonna be tight. Here's the walke Raven asked for and earbud." She handed me the stuff.
"Bellamy, you have to find them." Clarke told me.
"That's the plan." I said.
"If you don't, all of this is for nothing."
"Yeah." I said knowing this all to well.

I found myself crawling through an air shaft. It was just big enough or a person to crawl through.
"Okay, so tell us where you're at now." I heard Raven's voice in my ear.
"I'm at an intersection, which way?"
"Llama, we think you're close." Clarke said over the radio, "the lab should be up ahead."
"Any chance you be more specific?" I looked at the may ways to go, almost sure I was gonna get lost. But suddenly I heard a sound coming from my right. I knew it was a drill that made the sound.
"Never mind." I murmured and started following my ears.

I cam at a part where I could walk, which was a lot better then crawling. I curiously looked through the opening of a grid; on the other side was the lab where someone laid on a table. One of The 100 that was for sure. The boy was getting drained in his hip by a doctor with black hair and a tanned skin. I listened closely to what they the doctors said to each other, and made sure Raven & Clarke heard it too. After they finished talking, I got away from the grid so I could talk to the girl on the other side. "Please tell me you heard all that." I said.
"We heard." Clarke replied.

"They're killing them." I said to Maya once I got back to her.
"Yes." Maya said, she seemed shocked.
"They need to protect theirselves, until I figured something out."
"Figure what out?" A man walked in, he was suited up in black armor, "oh hey Maya." Maya waved and faked a smile.
"Figure out..." I started, slightly stuttering and searching for the right words while I hid my face under my cap some more, "how to get on the team of guards who take one of the 48. I would like to help."
"Must be your lucky day then." The man said, "I am on that team and there's a spot free."
"So, do I have the job?" I asked and exchanged looks with Maya.
"Sure." He handed me an armor set.
"Thanks." I said awkwardly.
"See you in ten on Level 5, B corridor." I nodded as he walked away.
"Acting skills." I said to Maya, who chuckled lightly.

I joined the team with at went inside exactly ten minutes later in B corridor. It as strange to see how open and normal the guards acted. It seemed like they didn't know that they were killing children. I tried to act the same, but kept quiet mostly. Half of my face was covered it's the helmet, so their was a big chance Olivia wouldn't even recognize me. But still, I had to talk to her; partly because I needed to hear her voice, but mostly because she needed to know what was happening to our friends.

After another few minutes, the doctor I saw draining the body walked towards the team. My hand slowly went towards my pistol, but then I got the idea to give it to my Queen so she could protect herself. I saw the other guards making two rows, so I joined one of them. "Open the doors." The woman said to no one in particular, but still the alarm wailed and the doors open. We marched in, while they linked arms. Immediately I spotted Olivia between Monty and Jasper, dead glaring the doctor. Before I even realized it the doctor had chosen the next victim. But as soon as two guards wanted to grab the girl, the group didn't let her go. "Come on." A guard said to me and started parting the group. I moved towards Olivia, she tried to hit me but I grabbed her arm and pushed her in a far corner out of earshot. I tried as hard not to hurt her, and it seemed like she noticed. I wanted to tell her so much and never let her go, but for now I told her what she had to know. I gave her my gun, while she told me to find Dante. He would be on our side. "I love you, Queen." I told her.
"I love you too.' She said and I saw a tear slip down her cheek.
"Don't cry. I'll come back for you, I promise." I softly pushed her on the bed and walked out with the other guards. Though I hated it to let them kill the poor girl, I needed to head straight for Dante Wallace and think of a really good plan to free all my friends.

With another bad story I put up and told people I needed to, I got to serve Dante his evening meal. I entered his jail cell, which was actually quite comfy looking. Music was playing, which I could really use so no one would hear what we said. "Your evening meal, President Wallace." I said, looking him straight in the eyes. He looked at me a little bit confused, but then he put the music harder, understanding why I was here. I set down his meal on a small table. "Who are you?" He suddenly asked.
"Olivia sent me." I replied dryly, "we need your help. Your son is killing my friends."
"I'm a prisoner here, same as them."
" a prisoner who knows every inch of this Mountain. Every security measure."
"Who's helping you?" Wallace asked coming closer.
"That's not important right now."
"After Clarke escaped, I had all exits fortified and put under extra surveillance. My son has no doubt changed all access and entrance codes by now. Your friends will never even make it off of Level 5."
"I won't let them die here."
"I'm sorry. I can't help them escape." Angry on him, I threw the napkin back on the tray and wanted to walk out when he edited: "but I may be able to buy them some time."

Once again, I was climbing and crawling through airshafts and tunnels in Mount weather.
"Talk to me." Raven said over the radio, "what do you see?"
"Close your eyes," I started, "imagining a bottomless pit." Luckily this new shat I reached had lights, but also a long ladder. I thought I must be in the middle of it; I couldn't see where it ended when I looked up and it didn't seem to have an end neither. Bottomless.
"Stick with it." Raven told me, "according to Dante's coordinates, you're almost there."
"What's happening on your end?" I asked while climbing up, "did they evacuate Tondc?"
"Don't know yet. But it's Clarke. She'll have it done. Just concentrate on squeezing your ass through the vents. Stop worrying about your sister."
"Octavia's in Tondc." I realized. She would be in danger. In a few hours a bomb would head for the village, and there was nothing to do to stop it without Mount Weather finding out I was here, "she's there? Raven?"
"She's gonna be okay." Her voice slightly high pitched, "Clarke fired out of here. She's gonna get there on time."
"How could you keep this from me?"
"Clarke was trying to protect you. You still have a job to do. I know you're worried about Octavia, but you have to focus."
"Let's just get this done."

I was more messing with the cables and wires then actually having the feeling I got somewhere. "You gotta pull the outside air in to reverse the air-filtration system." Raven told me. I pulled more wires out, which gave small electric shocks.
"Tell me how we know if it's even working.'' I sighed, but right at that moment another alarm wailed and a women's vice called over the radio system containment breach.
"I'd say it's working." Raven stated.
"Thank you, Mr. President."

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