Chapter 14- Inside man pt. 1

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We're going back in time to the point where Bellamy is still in the cage!

Bellamy's P.O.V
The only clothes I wore were underwear, the rest as removed fore they washed me. A sort blueish light shone in the Harvest Chamber, there we no other lights. A beeping machine caught my attention; I looked at it, two Grounders hung upside down while their blood was pumped out of their body. I needed to get out as fast a possible, so I roughly started shaking the small door of the cage. In a cage besides mine, a girl started saying something to me, only it was in Grounder. "I can't..." I breathed and thought of the right words, "I don't understand you."
"Sky Person." She said and over closer, now looking at me angry and disgusted. I nodded slowly and spat right in my face.
"I take it," I spoke up again and wiped her saliva from my cheek, "no one has told you we're not enemies anymore." She moved away, but still looking the same at me. "I need to get out of this cage."
"And what then?" She asked in reply.
"And then I'll kill everyone in this mountain." I started violently shaking the door with as much force as possible. This went on for a couple of minutes until the Grounder girl warned me for the guards coming though the door. I stopped and crawled back against the side of the cage; not that that would've helped if they choose me. The cage was very small, but just big enough for one person to sit in.

The one guard and doctor didn't even look at the other Grounders; they went straight to the first cage they saw, which in this case was the Grounder girl's cage.
"This one will do.' The Guard aid and wanted to unlock the cage. But an unlocked cage was what I needed, so with all strength I had left, I kicked the door. I caught the attention of both men. The guard pulled the key out of the still locked cage of Grounder girl. "We got us a live one." The man said. Then they made an unexpected move; he pushed his weapon into the cage and gave an electric shock. I gasped as the electricity ran through my body, while they opened the cage. I attempted to get out, but the guards simply gave me another shock. An injection followed, making me fall asleep- if you can call it like that- again.

I knew that I dreamed. My head was hurting like there was an enormous pressure on and my feet felt heavy, especially around my ankles. I was in a room. A room I recognized from other nightmares I had. I closed my eyes and hoped I would wake up, because these nightmares were the worst ones. In these, someone I cared about is being tortured, harmed or even killed and I cant help. I'm forced to watch, the worst is that no one is holding me back from helping; I'm never locked up, I'm never hold back. It's like my own willpower isn't strong enough to save the people I care about, and that terrifies me more then anything else.
"The blonde girl, what did you do to her?" A doctor -from which I could see the face- was talking to another one.
"She's already upside down." The other doctor replied. He was laughing about it. I was standing so close to the doctors that I could almost feel them. Behind the two, the machine stood. A blonde female was hung upside down like the second doctor said and to my surprise it was Clarke.
"What about the one fishtail hair?"
"Dead." The doctor replied. My heart skipped a beat and I had a sudden urge to choke them both. They had killed Octavia.
"And the last one? That one with black hair, ponytail, brown eyes?" At once I knew who they were talking about; Olivia.
"She's a difficult one. Keeps fighting, you see. I couldn't even come close to her." The two liked towards the cages. It was like I was bound to them; I followed without moving my feet. In one of the cages- and also the only cage filled- say Olivia. Her once beautiful hair that stayed put in a thighs pony tail was now a big mess. She looked wildly around. Her pupils were big and her eyes didn't see the o have any life left. She looked like a caged wild animal in general.
"What you need to do when they don't listen..." the doctor grabbed his weapon and pushed it against my Queen. She screamed and grunted. It was like had died at once when she fell from her sitting position. The doctor went on with shocking her, and she curled up into a ball. I tried to yell at them, but no sound left my mouth. Olivia was breathing heavily, gasping for air and trying to make her human ball smaller in fear.
"Now you can take her." He opened the cage and dragged her the way they dragged me when they sent me to the Harvest Chamber. The only problem was that they dragged to the opposite side of the blood machine. She got striped down on a table. I recognized this situation from another dream at once. One of the men grabbed a drain, but just before I had to hear her scream again and forced to watch, I was sucked away.

Something stung in my leg and I started gasping for breath. The pressure on my head and the heavy feeling in my feet suddenly made sense; I was upside down. I felt blood being pumped away by the machine, a strange awful feeling. Suddenly, a girl with black half long hair appeared in front of me. "Who are you?" She asked desperately. I couldn't answer, it was impossible. "You're from the Ark, aren't you?" I gave a weak nod and in a sigh I managed to whisper a yeah.
"Do you know Jasper?" She asked.
"Maya." I realized who she was, she nodded quickly, "how about you getting me down, Maya?" She gave me another nod and removed some stuff they had put on my body to pump the blood out.
"Lovejoy, hey." She said in a normal voice. I was still hanging there, waiting for her to continue helping me.
"What are you doing here?" A male voice asked. I couldn't see the man, but he sounded surprised, "you're not cleared for this facility."
"I know." Maya answered nervously, "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see what was so special about him. But... he's dead." I heard the man walking towards us so I closed my eyes and tried not to breath. After a few very tense second, I was finally lifted to the floor.
"You're a brave girl," Lovejoy said to Maya, while removing the chains from my feet, "coming in here-"as soon as I was loose I kicked the man in his face. He grunted and fell backwards, but before I could do anything he had grabbed a pistol and aimed it at me. "Don't move!" He shouted, "on your feet." Before he said it a second time, Maya had grabbed a random injection needle and pushed it into Lovejoy's neck. I stood up and wanted to grab his pistol he dropped, but before I could Lovejoy had hit me in the face. He took me off guard and I stumbled backwards. He hit me again and pushed me agains the cages. ''Stop!" Maya shouted  and pointed the gun at the guard.
"Don't." I warned her, "they'll hear." I managed to hit the man in his stomach. The rules switched and now he stood against the cages, only he pulled me head sidewards by my hair. He wanted to hit the injection needle into my neck, but when he lifted his arm the Grounder girl in the cafe pulled it against the cage. Lovejoy let go of my hair and tried to free his other arm. I took my chance and wrapped my hands around his neck. He immediately started making choke sounds. I blocked his air way long enough for him to sunk to the floor. His skin was pale and their was no heart beat anymore. I whispered a thank you towards the Grounder girl, before turning to Maya. "You're alright?" I asked her in a hoarse voice. She didn't respond. So I walked towards her and laid a hand on her arm, "are you okay?"
"I'm fine." She lied, I knew that.
"Help me get him undressed." I said, "we need to get rid of the body."

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