Chapter 20- Second uniform

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Bellamy's P.O.V
I got to the radio again. I needed to know when Olivia was useful so I could plan on taking her with me. "Camp Jaha, do you read me?"
"Yes, Bellamy." Raven replied, "what's up? It's been two hours not three."
"I couldn't wait. I need to ask."
"Spit it out."
"You said I was going to need Olivia, when?"
"I could've guessed this was about her. Listen, we need to shut down the acid fog. So you can pick her up if you want. We'll need her."
"Good. Anything on your side?"
"Not really. Something interesting there?"
"We split up the group into smaller ones. They're hiding in houses of people who don't agree it's Cage."
"How'd you get her there people?" Raven sounded surprised.
"I didn't. Olivia did."
"Well, bless her. And now go get that smart as." I smiled to myself and turned off the radio.

I walked back towards Maya's house or apartment, whatever they call it. I wanted to take the elevator, but there was someone already in there. The doors were open and the women who stood in the elevator seemed to be working on it. The clothes she wore were work clothes. The luck is on our side. I thought. Once I as in front of the elevator, I cleared my throat, but made sure to keep my head down. "Is the elevator out of use?" I asked.
"Yes." She answered dryly, not bothering to look who she was talking to.
"Then I guess I have to take the other elevator." I said, not really sure of what I was saying. She stopped what she was doing and looked confused at me.
"There is no there elevator." She told me suspiciously.
"Ever heard of sarcasm?" I asked sarcastic, "look, is the elevator really broken? The stairs take so much effort."
"It isn't broken. One of those kids who took over Level 5 took out the camera. I am trying to fix it." She seemed to think a second, "you know what" I can use a hand. Get in the elevator." I did as she said and got into the elevator, leaning against the wall.
"What level?" She asked me.
"Basement." I lied and pressed the button.
"Not even gonna ask what the guard does in the basement." She said, "her, hold this, will you?" She handed me a screwdriver, "so, how is the problem with the 47 going? Heard they were gone. I don't usually believe rumors, but hey? Engineering usually doesn't talk to guards."
"You're engineering?"
"Oh, it still talks." She joked, "and yes, can't you see it by the uniform? You're a strange man, ya know?" She kept babbling on, while I looked at the uniform. I think it'd fit Olivia perfectly. My eyes landed on her name sign and I reminded myself to pull it off once I had the uniform.
"Don't stare at my boobs, will ya? She laughed.
"I just read you name tag." I said in a slight stutter.
"Don't lie." She said taking it all lightly, "seen anything you like?"
"Oh please, I'm taken." I told her.
"That thing in your hand." She laughed annoyed.
"Oh that." I handed her the driver while she started babbling again. I looked at the floor and just waited.
"Basement floor." A computed voice said.
"Oh good that that isn't broken." The girl said, "would be one hell of a lot work to finish that. Anyways-"
"Sorry." I cut her off.
"For wha-" i hit her against her head with the screwdriver she had given back to me.
"For that." I whispered. I lifter her up and carried her into a cupboard that was big enough for the both of us. "God how I hate this." I needed to do this fast and started unbuttoning buttons of the dungarees. They looked exactly like the one Octavia wore the first days on the Ground, only the color of this one was light blue and it had more pockets. I grabbed her key card and the shoes that seemed to be a part of the uniform. It's a bit of luck she didn't remember a thing when she woke up, but I left a note that said that I jus needed the uniform anyways. I folded the dungarees and grabbed the shoes in my other hand.

I got back into the elevator and pressed on the level I needed to be. Half way up it stopped and another man stepped in/ "where'd you get the clothes?" He wondered out loud standing with his back towards me. Some memories returned of the last time I heard someone ask that question. At that time it was Atom who asked wells, while I was waiting for a girl I slept with to get Olivia jealous to get dressed. That seemed a long time ago. But atom was another reason e needed to shut down the acid for.
"I picked them up for a friend of mine." I said quickly.
"The Maya I know doesn't do engineering." He said suspiciously.
"Well she must need them for something." I said in an annoyed voice. The man didn't say anything else as I got out of the elevator on the right level and started my walk to Maya's apartment as fast as possible, trying to avoid more encounters with Mountain Men.

As soon as I got to Maya's apartment I knocked the door quickly. Waiting for anyone to open it, I looked at the dungarees again.
"Come in." Vincent, Maya's father, said as he opened the door. I stepped inside and immediately recognized Olivia doing the laundry while Jasper and Monty did the dishes. "Should've taken them in sooner." I chuckled slightly.
"They're a great help." Vincent committed, "anyways, what are you doing with the clothes?"
"I need Olivia to come with me." I said, "I need her as a sort engineer to shut down the acid fog.' My Queen had already noticed me and walked over quickly. She embraced me in a hug that didn't last long, though she kept hugging my side.
"Queenie, put this on, and Raven needs you to be a smart ass." She took the clothes from me and walked into a room.
"They're still warm." She called laughing, while I needed to swallow the lump in my throat I got from it.
"What did you do to get them?" Vincent asked in a whisper.
"There was a girl in the elevator, who was an engineer..."
"So you-"
"Just don't repeat it." I cut him off. Olivia walked out of the room in the dungarees while tying her hair into a ponytail. I handed her the cap that was part of the uniform, while she was putting on the shoes.
"Does it fit?" I asked curiously.
"Fits perfectly." She replied "only the shoes are a little small."
"You have to live with it, Queenie." I said and kissed the side of her head softly
"So we're gonna shut down the fog."
"That's the plan."
"This is the end of making memories in caves with a fog outside and a sleeping twelve your old besides you." She sighed falsely.
"Are you ready to go now?" I asked her.
"Thought you'd never ask." She said bye to Jasper and Monty, then to Vincent who grave us some last advise.
"You guys stay safe, okay?" Jasper told us before we full left.
"We'll try." Olivia replied and closed the door behind us. It was hard not to reach for her hand when we walked over the hallways. We also didn't have to wait for the elevator, because it was still open. No one had picked up the tools of the engineer yet and the camera was still broken. Nice the doors closed, I couldn't help but push livid up against the wall and kiss her more rough then intended. She kissed back, tangling her hands in my hair, mixing her passionated way of kissing with my rough one. My hand traveled up her body and carefully ripped off the name tag, hitch I put into my pocket. "Bellamy, do you read me?" I heard in my ear. I pulled back from Olivia annoyed and turned on the radio in my ear. "Yes, Raven, I read you. I also got what you asked for." I glanced at Olivia who seemed excited, "we're on our way to find the source of the fog. You'll talk us through, right?"

Hey, what's that? Oh wait I see... THREE CHAPTERS ON ONE DAY!

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