Chapter 24- Whatever it takes pt. 1

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Olivia's P.O.V
We were so close to escaping. We stood in he Harvest Chamber. A guard walked in and shot Vincent merciless. He talked to the leaders of the new Grounder army. It seemed like she didn't believe him, but suddenly handed all of us over. The guard let them go in return for us. It was so cruel and such a low move of the President. Right now, I couldn't even feel my arm anymore; they were tied above my head. I needed to hear the screams of Fox. Eventually she died. Like garbage, they threw the poor girl's body away. They chose a new delinquent and drained him.every time they needed a new one, I kept calm and acted like I was weak. But suddenly, new guards walked in. They dragged people along. I was hoping it wasn't Bellamy so badly. Raven was already in here, we didn't have much time to talk, but gave each other meaningful looks. Anyways, the people they brought in were all hooded, but after a small talk between Cage and one of his top guards they started taking off the hoods. The first one revealed Monroe, next a man I recognized from the Ark-Guard, followed by my own father. "Dad!" I yelled at the same time as Miller did when his dad was revealed.
"Olivia." He called back, but kept still. Besides my father sat Abby Griffin. My father soon got tied up next to me.
"I didn't picture the Kane-familiar reunion like this." I said almost whispered.
"It'll be alright." My father reassured, "I'm here for you now." I took a deep breath and straightened a little.
"She's next." Someone said. I looked up and saw them pointing at me.
"No. No." M father started begging, "please take me. Not my daughter, no." I looked straight forward. My heartbeat raised and everything around me seemed to go slower. They came closer and started untying my chains while my father kept shouting desperately to stop. I soon started struggling too. "No. Stop." This time it wasn't my father who said it, but Cage. Immediately the guards stopped and looked at him confused.
"She was seen with the invader." Cage went on, "she laughed in Doctor Tsing's face when she died. She also threatened Doctor Tsing. She can be vulnerable. Take her." He pointed at Raven. They left me alone and untied Raven, who struggled while Wick begged them to stop. They gave Raven an electric shock to get her to stop struggling. She was immediately knocked out and the guards could take her with ease. "Raven." I cried out and tears formed in m eyes. One of the doctors needed to bow over Raven to tie her to the table, but Raven took her chance and bit him in his neck. Raven tried to fight so badly, but in the end they striped her down. She breathed heavily and hopelessly looked around the room that once was our dorm. The sound of e drill filled the room and a piece of Raven's pants was ripped open. I could see the drill making contact with her leg and her trying so hard not to scream, but after a few seconds she screamed and the tears rolled down my cheeks.

Bellamy's P.O.V
I desperately looked around the Harvest Chamber for a sign of Olivia, but in the end the room kept being empty. We decided to go to the mines. I opened the door, my gun aimed. "Bellamy?" A voice said. I saw Octavia; war paint around her eyes and her hair braided. I put away my gun and she immediately hugged me. Clarke was standing behind her. "I knew it." Octavia said to Jasper and Monty after letting go of me, "you two are too scrawny to drill." She hugged Monty first followed by Jasper. I turned to Clarke with only one burning question: "where;s your army?"
"Gone." She replied, "just like yours. Say you have a plan."
"Not really." I replied, "we need to talk to Dante. Maya says he's in quarantine." Clarke got noticed by Jasper, both him and Monty hugged her too. I waited until they broke apart, which didn't last long; Maya's suit starting beeping, which couldn't be much good. "Thirty minutes." Jasper said when he checked it, "we just changed it. That cant be right. It's her last tank."
"Okay," Clarke walked forward, "we'll find you another one."
"All the supplemental oxygen is on Level 5." Maya said nervously.
"Then we have to get you to Level 5." Jasper told her.
"5 isn't safe for any of us."
"We'll take the trash chute again. It'll work."
"To get in maybe," I spoke up, "but Maya is right, every soldier in the Mountain is there. We'll never make it out."
"We can do this." Jasper told us, "we'll split up."
"Okay." Octavia said, "you guys g find Dante." She said to Monty, Clarke and me, "we'll help Maya." Jasper nodded in agreement. Octavia got out her sword and marched forward, while I closed the door behind us.

The door of Dante's jail was left open when we walked in. He looked infused at Clarke, but then got a straight face again, "hello, Clarke." He greeted coldly.
"Sir, we need your help again." I spoke up.
"It's okay," Monty said, "I took out the camera from the junction box in the hall. We can talk freely."
"No one's watching anyway." Dante replied, "thanks to you, they're all on Level 5."
"You're not." Clarke stated.
"No... I'm not."
"We don't have much time." I said, "we need a way to get our people out without killing everyone."
"He's not gonna help us." Clarke stated.
"You cut the power." Dante started, "risking the lives of everyone in this Mountain, my people, even the ones who helped you."
"We knew they'd be safe on Level 5." Clarke said stepping forwards, "we made sure not to destroy the turbines so you could repair them. We're the good guys here, not you."
"Tell me, if we released your people and theirs. What would've happened to mine?" Clarke furiously turned to Monty who was just staring.
"Can you get us into the command center?" She asked him, "we need to see what's happening."
"No problem." Monty replied.
"Let's go.'' I said and grabbed Dante's upper arm to drag him along, "you're gonna help us wether you like it or not."

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