Chapter 18- Together again

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We're not going back in time...
Olivia's P.O.V
We took over the fifth level with ease, since the breach was still there. We used the Mess Hall as our base and made/found more weapons. I still carried the gun, but also had a knife. Some of the delinquents were making a barricade with all they could find- chairs, tables even beds were placed against the entrance door. "We took the level." Jasper said loudly, "but now we have to hold it. They will be coming. And we need to be ready."
"Harper, can you help me fill these buckets?" I asked holding out the large buckets I found.
"Yeah, sure." She said and spread the knifes she found over a table, "more weapons, guys!" She walked with to the tap after.
"Girls, what are you doing?" Jasper asked as he approached us.
"They use smoke bombs every now and then." I replied, "if they use them now, we aren't screwed, because we'll put them in the water."
"Smart." Jasper said satisfied and alleged off again.
"What if they take another?" Harper asked quietly.
"They won't." I reassured her, "we'll fight better this time."
"But what if?"
"I- I don't know, Harper/ but try focusing on now and not on what if and what comes after." Harper nodded and helped me bring the buckets in front of the doors.

For a long time it was quiet. Meaningful looks were exchanged between all of us. The silence felt unbearable but no one broke it. Until a loud bang in the corridors outside. The ones that had sat down waiting now leaped up, knowing that the fight will start very soon. "No guns." Monty said and walked towards me and Jasper, "you were right, Jasper." He showed us the camera's he tracked. Now we could see everything what happened through those.
"It's because they need our blood," I said, "they can't kill us."
"Guys, let;s promise each other we won't get caught." Jasper said nervously.
"Promise." I said and forced a weak smile. Monty just nodded.
"Good." Japser replied and faced the doors, "now we can fight."
"Be careful with that thing." Miller said to Harper, who held a gun, "we're in close. You could hit one of us." Harper looked at the gun, but ignored Miller in the end.
"Wait a second." Monty spoke up, "some of them aren't wearing Hazmat suits."
"What's it mean?" Miller asked.
"It means they're cured." I said slowly.
"Marrow treatments worked." Jasper edited, but when Jasper finished talking we heard shouting from outside the barricade.
"Get ready." Jasper said loudly. I took out my gun and held it tight. They started hitting the door with something big and hard. Eventually he doors broke down, but the guard were faced with our barricade. As I already thought, they threw smoke bombs. I and a few other hurried, grabbed the bombs and put them in a bucket. "On the ground." I whisper yelled and laid down, pretending to be knocked out by the smoke.

As soon as the barricade was down, all of us laid on the floor. The men walked in, al of them at once. Hen they least expected it, we stood up and started the fight. I shot one in his uncovered stomach, and slit another once throat. I was so into the fight that I didn't realize how far I was drawn away from the others. Three of them surrounded me. One managed to unarm me, but that did cost him his life. I had no weapon left; my gun didn't have bullets left and my knife was pierced in the chest of one of the three men. I looked at the other two, ho just smirked devilish. They came closer and grabbed both my arm. I started shouting when they dragged me away, but t soon became yelling and screaming. On the way I saw a camera and screamed for Jasper and Monty. "You promised!" In the distance I heard Jasper yell my name, but I was too far to save. It seemed like they dragged me in slow motion through the halls just a eek ago I was free to walk these halls whenever I wanted to. My screaming faded- knowing that no one could save me now. I kept murmuring the 'no's' and 'please's', but they didn't seem to care. My thoughts raced over the possible scenarios and ways to kill me. Somewhere, the doctor had won, though I laughed in her fave hen she died. The hallways became darker, but still familiar; here we saved Monty and Harper. i suddenly recognized the corridor that seemed more like a tunnel with the walls made of rock. I started the struggling again when they opened the big iron door in the end of the tunnel. "No, please!" I screamed one more time. I couldn't move or tell anymore when I saw the two bloodstained bodies. One of the guards said something but I couldn't make out what. He let go of my arm while the other tightened his grip. I suddenly noticed the chair, where they were going to drain me on. I couldn't help taking my chance, I pushed the guard's side. He was surprised and his balance, falling against the cages. I got away and moved towards the door as fast as I could. I didn't come far, another guard had joined with his gun raise. I raised my hand quickly, he nodded to the side, so I did what he wanted me anted me to and stepped away. "Thanks." One of the other to said relieved, but he had spoken to fast because the new guard shot the both of them. After, he took off his helmet. "Bellamy." I cried out and flew into his arms. All the tension from the last minutes formed tear. I hear him sob very softly. I felt so safe in his arms, though I knew this was long from over. I pulled away and smashed my lips onto his. He immediately started kissing back in a rough but passionated way. His hands were all over my back while mine were tangles in his hair. I wrapped my legs around his torso as he spun me around when we pulled back for breath. "Guys." A voice said softly, "we need to get you somewhere safe.'' Bellamy set me on the ground again but kept holding my hand. Maya gestured us to follow her.
"Queenie, promise me one thing..." Bellamy said while following Maya.
"If I learned one thing," I spoke up, "you can't keep promises in here."
"Okay, but, never do anything like that again."
"I'll try." I said and chuckled lightly.

Maya opened a door, but stopped in her tracks, "dad, you're home."
"Yeah," a male voice answered, "drill bit broke again." Maya let Bell and me in after she stepped inside herself. Bellamy stopped holding my hand, but I grabbed it again quickly.he looked softly at me and kissed my cheek. Once Maya's father had noticed us he leaped out of the place he was sitting, "what are they doing here."
"They're in trouble." Maya said nervously, "we just need someplace safe."
"They need to go.'' The man said to his daughter, "now."
"Let me explain."
"Explain where you got that uniform." He turned to Bellamy, who searching for words. Clearly something bad ad happened he didn't want to say now/
''Maya, you know how dangerous this is." The man went on, "what are you doing?"
"What mom would've done." Maya said, her voice cracking slightly.
''I need you to leave." The man said to me and Bell.
"Sorry, we can't do that." Bellamy answered. I just kept gazing at the floor, hitch was a lot more comforting then intertwining in this conversation.
"That's okay." Maya told us, "he's gonna help us.''
"Really? Because I'm not getting that."
"My parents were part of a movement that was against using outsider blood. My mom refused the treatments, and it killed her. She was willing to die for what she believed in."
"Maya you were five." Her father started, "I couldn't leave you alone."
"I'm not a little girl anymore."
"They were willing to kill you before. If you get caught-"
"We won't if you help us."
"Please." I spoke up and looked the man in his eyes, "they're killing us all. We don't have anywhere else to go."
"Just this once." The man said finally, "just for one night."
"Bedroom is this way." Maya said. I slowly let go of Bellamy and walked with her. She showed me me the room, "my room is besides this one and my father's besides mine." She I opened a closet and started making up the bed, "I guess it;s okay that you & Bellamy share a bed."
"More then okay," I chuckled, "thank you so much for everything you did for us."
"That's okay." Maya smiled. Bellamy got in to the room too, just when Maya was about to leave. "Goodnight." Maya said quietly.
"Bye." I closed the door behind her and turned back to Bellamy, who immediately kissed me, taking me by surprise. It was only to short for me to have a chance to kiss back.
"This is the first time I can actually get some sleep since I arrived here.'' Bell said and started taking off the uniform.
"When did you arrive?" I asked sitting down on the bed to take off my shoes while I watched Bellamy.
"Not sure." He said and laid down, "I only remember waking up in a cage, half naked, in the Harvest Chamber."
"Tell me more." I said and took off my soft red cardigan and sky blue t-shirt I wore, "how did you get out of there?" Bellamy told me everything he did after the escape, while I laid in his arm under the blankets. After he finished, there was only one important question left: "Bell, is my father alive?"
"Yes." He answered, "but there is something you should know..."
"You can tell me everything." I said snuggling my face in his neck, planting a soft kisses.
"I didn't tell your father that we are... you know.. in love. I didn't find the proper moment and we didn't have a great start; he locked me up for hitting Murphy and trying to kill me."
"Seems like you've done some interesting stuff outside. How's Reyes, and Monroe, and Spacewalker?" He seemed to flinch at the last nickname, "Bell?"
"Finn massacred village called Tondc while looking for Clarke. And if we wanted peace Finn needed to die. In the end, Clarke killed Finn so the Grounders didn't torture him."
"Welcome to the Ground, right?" I sighed tiredly and started to fall asleep. Bellamy planted a soft kiss on my head and started to fall asleep too.

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