Chapter 2- Return 'home'

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Bellamy's P.O.V
We got caught by a Grounder, and then a lot of other stuff happened. But out of nothing, the Grounder was shot. And since Grounders don't use guns, it must've been some of our people. And I was right; out of the bushes came Kane, Marcus Kane. His gun was still aimed when two more of the Ark-Guard showed up too. "We're here now," he said as he lowered his gun, "everything's gonna be okay." More and more Arkers came out of the woods.
"Don't stand." Doctor Griffin told me as I tried to get up.
"I'm fine," I said hurriedly, "we need to get back to the Drop Ship." Finn turned around to go with me. I had one thing in mind: getting my Queen back.
"Where's Clarke?" Griffin asked, "is she alright?"
"She was when we left," Finn replied, "we'll take you to her."
"Wait," Kane spoke up and stopped us from going into the forest again, "slow down. Sinclair, we're splitting up. One guard detail comes with me to the Drop Ship, I have to see my daughter. Everyone else here goes with you to Alpha-Station. You have the coordinates. We'll follow when we can."
"Yes, sir." The man, Sinclair, said.
"You six with me," Kane told a few man, "you two, lead the way."
"We're gonna get them back." Finn said to me.
"Our Queen and Princess." I couldn't help, but smile slightly at the thought.

"It's too quiet." I said once we had reached the battle field, but not the ashes of camp. I attempted to stand up and look for her, but her father held me back.
"We'll take it from here." He told me.
"No, I have to see her. Get her back." I stuttered slightly, making sure not to say who her was yet.
"We'll signal once we're sure it's safe." He informed.

I paced around waiting for the damn signal. I wanted to know what went on there. If she even was- no I shouldn't be thinking that. She is safe. "We need a stretcher." A man shouted. Finn and I immediately attempted to leave, but the guards held us back. We gave each other a nod and ran towards the tunnels. That was our backup plan of if they wouldn't let us through.

The hole camp was burned down, but the thing that bothered me even more-
"Here is everyone?" I asked and looked around. Kane was helping Murphy walk out of the Drop Ship, while Murphy was making up some kind of story from the battle. "Bellamy." He stuttered once he saw me, and immediately anger washed over me, "you're- uh... you're alive." I lost my temper only by hearing his damn voice and pushed Murphy on the ground.
"You murderous son of a bitch!" I shouted and without noticing I had started choking him while I hit his face. "This is for Raven! And my Qu-" I felt electric shock against my back and fell off of Murphy.
"Place him under arrest." Kane aid to his men.
"Wait," Finn tried, "you don't understand. Murphy murdered two of our people. He shot another one. He tried to hang Bellamy and then kill you daughter Olivia."
"For now I don't care," Kane said sternly, "you are not animals. There are rules. Laws. You aren't in control here anymore." The last thing he said more to me. I didn't really care what he said; my mind was focused on Olivia for now... and Murphy wanting to kill her. Did he manage to do that?

They forced me to sit on the ground, as Abby Griffin helped Raven and Kane helped Murphy all. Finn came over to me, "we're leaving." He said quietly.
"What?" I asked confused, "this is where they'll come back."
"I don't think they're coming back. The Grounders took them, and you know that," Finn kneeled down and almost whispered now, "look, we go with Kane to Alpha-Station. We get reinforcements, weapons. Then we find them."
"One question: how many more of us will be dead by then?"  Finn didn't answer and looked back at Raven and sighed before replying.
"Abby says Raven needs surgery or she's gonna die. It's time to go."

They brought me into Alpha-Station and locked me up immediately. I didn't have much time to see the enormous piece of the Ark that had crashed down on Earth, but for so far I've seen it was impressive. But i couldn't think of that now; I paced around, thinking of what Finn said about my Queen and all the others being taken by Grounders. Suddenly, I was ripped out of my thoughts when Kane walked in and the doors closed behind him. "How long are you gonna keep me locked up in here?" I asked him before he could say anything.
"Till I'm confident you're no longer a threat to others." He replied dryly and then grabbed a chair and sat down, "let's continue. You said there were hundreds of Grounders attacking. Two, three hundred?"
"I didn't count." I snapped.
"Why do you think they attacked? What provoked them?"
"We were here, that was enough. Look, we're wasting time. She didn't just vanish into air." I said she, I needed to say the others or anything, but I didn't, "they were taken, and we need to go after them."
"It seems to me that there is a girl you need back, but don't forget that I need my daughter too. Was Olivia on the Drop Ship?"
"Yes, she was. I made sure of that." Kane didn't know we wanted the same girl back, and strange enough I couldn't tell him, not yet.
"There is a team that goes looking for them. I hope that calms you down."
"Put me on that team. Please." I begged him.
"It's out of question. You're not trained. It's too dangerous."
"Those are my people out there." I reminded him, "the girl I love."
"They're my people too. You wanna help them? Them me what we're up against. Grounder tactics. Their numbers. What kind of weapons they used."
"Arrows and spears. Axes. Swords. Their teeth."
"No guns?" He seemed surprised but I shook my head, "you had guns."
"The guns we found at the aid depot leveled the playing field. Maybe... maybe if we had more bullets, we could've-"
"There ere more bullets. Search team just returned  from the bunker. They found two more barrels with rifles and a third filled with bullets."
"I was there with Clarke and Olivia. We should've looked harder." I barely finished my sentence when a blonde haired women walked in, dragging Murphy along.
"Excuse me, sir," she said, "Doctor Griffin cleared Mr. Murphy out of medical."
"Put him over there, Major Byrne." Kane replied and left. They tied me up across Murphy. Couldn't be any better.

Olivia's P.O.V
"We give thanks." The people of Mount Weather prayed before they ate. We sat down and started eating. I sat between Monty and Harper as we started ich out soup. Even Clarke couldn't resist eating. Mount Weather had give us a dorm room for us to sleep in. 24 dubble beds with orange blankets and white soft pillows were spread out over the room. I slept above Harper in the bed besides Clarke and Jasper's. Harper and I got into a small pillow fight, but on a moment I stopped fighting back. She hit me full in my face. "Something happened?" Harper asked and laid down her pillow.
"I just wish Monroe and Bell could Jon us here." I said sadly.
"Me too..."

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