Chapter 23- Army on the inside

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"Roads? Where we going we don't need roads." Did you guess it? We're going back in time. So grab your DeLorean's, Infinity Stones and time-machines!
Bellamy's P.O.V
I shove away a grid and a familiars blue light filled the airshaft. I crawled out and stood up. I had my gun in my hand as I looked around to see if there were any guards or doctors in the Harvest Chamber. I didn't have much time to free all the Grounders in here, but it was exactly what I needed to do. I wasn't sure who;s plan it was, but it was a pretty good one. While there was already an army outside at the front door of Mount Weather, I was freeing the army on the inside. The army outside only kept all eyes on them. No one was now looking at me, or at Raven and Wick who were also inside the dam to turn off their power.once I had freed all of them I needed to take these Grounders into the Reaper tunnels, from there Octavia and a team would guide them outside.

The first cage I opened was the one from the Grounder girl, who helped me with killing Lovejoy. "Get up." I said once the small door of her cage opened, "it's time to go. I told you I'd come back for you." I helped her out, "our people are marching on Mount Weather right now." I opened another cage of a man, but he resisted to come out. "We're getting you out." I tried.
"Slow down," Grounder girl said and stood in between me and the cage, "they just bled him." I really didn't have time for his now.
"Listen to me." I started, "there's an army inside this room. And I need you to help me get them ready to fight. Can you do that?" The Grounder girl nodded, "good. Start with him." I opened more cages, but the other Grounders started rambling their cages and shouting to be freed.
"Too much noise." I sighed. Suddenly the Grounder girl was shouting in their language. Immediately after, all of them turned quiet. "Okay, " she said to me, "how do we do this?"
"There;s an army outside going for the main door." I explained, ''when they get it open, all hell will break loose. That's the signal for my friends to come here, and then-" I couldn't finish my sentences there was a beep and message started. It was from the President. A little bit into the message I realized what he was doing. "He's going public." I shove the keys of the cages into Grounder girl's hands, "here. I'll be back." I walked towards the shaft again.
"Where are you going?" She asked.
"He's trying to get his people to turn on each other. They'll find my friends. I have to bring them here now. I'll send them in groups. You get your people ready to go, but you wait for me to come back, you understand?" She nodded once more. I quickly made my way to the shaft but she stopped me again. "Wait," she said, "thanks you."
"You free your people. Protect mine when they get here. We can thank each other when we're all outside." With that I ducked back into the airshaft.

Okay, back to the cliffhanger again.
Olivia's P.O.V
He stepped closer and closer to Vincent. He was about to shoot, when, out of nowhere, he was shot in the head himself. The other guards wanted to go to the shot guard but Miller wrapped his chains around the guards eck. Vincent quickly opened the grid at the due where the shot came from. Bellamy leaped out of the shaft while I stole the keys of the now dead guards. I gave them to Jasper who freed me of the chains and then freed Miller. I embraced Bellamy and planted a kiss on his lips. He held me to his side and asked Miller if he was okay.
"I'm fine." Miller replied.
"Get everyone to the Harvest Chamber," Bell told Vincent, ''you'll be safer there."
"The Harvest Chamber?" I asked confused.
"Just trust me." Bellamy replied.
"Are the others there?" Jasper asked.
"Not yet."
"Monty's still with the other group on Level 3." Vincent replied , "don't worry. We moved them after the last sweep. You should go there next."
"Right, go." Bellamy said while letting go of me, "Vincent will take you I wont be long." I nodded slowly- so did the others- while I walked towards the rest again.
"Hey, I'm coming with you." Jasper said and picked up a gun, "I promised I'd protect them, that's exactly what I'm gonna do." Bell nodded in agreement and walked away with Jasper. Maya eventually went with them too, while Miller, Fox and I went with Vincent.

Bellamy's P.O.V
"We don't have much time." I informed Jasper and Maya, while getting out of a shaft, "the last 12 are on this level."
"Including Monty." Jasper said and helped Maya out, "which way?"
"This way." Maya replied and pointed. Both Jasper and I moved forwards with our guns out.
"Attention." A man called over speakers, "class 1 quarantine protocols are now in effect. All citizens must report to Level 5 immediately. Hard-seal lockdown in t-minus 30 minutes. This is not a drill." I saw out of the corner of my eye Jasper going to Maya, "listen to me." I heard him say, "it's gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. We're not gonna let anything happen to you, will we?" I gave a nod in agreement, but in reality I wasn't sure what was going to happen to Maya.
"Jasper," She started, "in 30 minutes all backup power gets diverted for species continuity. That means Level 5 for life support and security. Radiation will seep in everywhere else. I can't go to Level 5 I thought being shot in the head."
"Guys," I spoke up, "we need to keep moving."
"We'll get you your hazmat suit." Jasper assured, "extra oxygen. Enough to last until your engineers get the power on."
"And then what? Think Cage Wallace is gonna let me live her after that?"
"Then we kill him." I gave Jasper a look after he said that. This was very unlike the Jasper I knew. It was quiet for a second, but a gunshot and a gasp broke the silence.
"Monty." Jasper whispered while we quickly moved forward.
"Be ready for anything." I warned when we reached a corner. I walked first with my gun aimed. The hallway seemed empty at first, but then I noticed a body on the floor. "It's Mrs. Ryan." Maya told us.
"She was hiding the last 12." I said and looked at the bloody body.
"Where'd they take them?" Jasper asked.
"It's gotta be Level 5." Maya replied. Jasper wanted to move towards there, but I stopped him.
"Get out of my way." He sneered.
"Every person inside this Mountain is on Level 5." I told him, "every soldier. Tell him." The last part was for Maya, since Jasper seemed to listen better to her.
"Jasper is right." She said, "after the lockdown it'll be almost impossible to get them out. It's now or never."
"Alright." I said after overthinking it twice, "but how do we even get-" today wasn't a day I got to finish my sentences, because a door cracked open. Both Jasper and I pointed our guns.
"Monty?" Jasper realized and lowered his gun. I did the same, while Monty kneeled down by Mrs. Ryan's body. After some second he looked up, "they know about the Grounders. That's why I hid." He said, "I didn't do anything to the others. And- and I let them kill Mrs. Ryan."
"What do you mean they know about the Grounders?"i asked concerned.
"It's on a soldier's walkie." Monty replied, "they are going for the Harvest Chamber."
"If they take it," I said, "we lose everyone." We exchanged a look and then started running.

We soon got into the Harvest Chamber. I looked around, but it was all empty. Another body lay on the floor, but I only noticed when Maya cried out. It was her further. I walked further into the Chamber; all cages were empty. It only made me wonder where they had put that much Grounders. But it more concerned me, if my Queen and the other were already in here when the guards came. And also if they were, where were they now? It couldn't be over. It was far from over.

Just two chapters left everyone! I hope you liked the book so far <3

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