Chapter 15- Inside man pt. 2

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I knew I couldn't walk around in Mount Weather in just the underwear they put on the Grounders in the Harvest Chamber. So I had put on the clothes of the dead Guard -Lovejoy- and got rid of the body. "You've done enough." I told Maya, while I put the pistol away, "you should walk away."
"You don't know where you're going." Maya replied.
"So draw me a map."
"No." Maya scoffed, "I'm in." She handed me a key card.
"Okay." I said, "I need to get to the radio so can contact Clarke. We heard Olivia's sos-"
"I helped them set that up. I know where it is." She took a deep breath, "Bellamy... your people are disappearing. Two so far. Monty and Harper. I though they'd be in here but-"
"I wanna see the others. Especially Olivia. She's the main reason I am here and not someone else."
"The dorm is on the way to the radio."
"Yeah." I wanted to walk away, but Maya stopped me and pulled of the name sticker with Lovejoy.
"Everyone knows everyone." She explained, "put this on and roll up your sleeve." She handed me a cap. I did as she said.
"The tracking chip." I realized.
"It'll trip alarms once we start moving." All of a sudden Maya had a operation knife in her hand., "we need to take it out."
"Do it." I told her and held out my arm.
"How'd you know my name before I told you?" She asked while she made a cut.
"Clarke." I replied looking away from the wound, "Clarke said Jasper couldn't stop talking about someone named Maya." She got the chip out so I held a small cloth agains the cut,
"Put this in your cage." Maya told me and handed me the small chip.
"I'll come back for you." I told the Grounder girl when I passed her cage, "I promise." I turned around again, "take me to my Queen and friends."

"There are 382 people in this mountain," Maya told me when we walked as inconspicuous as possible over the hallways, "if any of them realize you're not one of us, you're dead. We're on level two. The dorm's on five. There's a camera in the upper right-hand corner of the elevator. Keep your head down." We stepped inside. The doors were almost closed, when a man stepped inside. "Hey, Maya." He said and pressed the button of the level he wanted to go. My hand slowly touched the handle of my gun. "You know I missed you in my Expressionist class.''
"Yeah, I..." Maya started replying, "had same work to do.''
"I'll get you the notes." The man whispered, Maya just smiled and nodded. He turned back and faced the door again. Maya shook her head at me once she saw my hand on the pistol. We soon reached another level and even more people stepped in. But finally we reached level Five after a minute, so Maya and I got out. "Hey, you're bleeding." The man called after me, "are you okay?"
"You're exposed." Maya said quickly to me, "we need to retrace your steps and find the breach." She pulled me back into the elevator hole telling the man to leave.
"What about you?" He asked.
"This is my job. I'll be fine." The elevator door closed again. Once we were almost sure the coast was clear we got out again.

Maya let me through more corridors, until we reached one with drawings the walls. It wasn't art like most of the corridors, these seemed to be made by children. A bell suddenly rang and Maya had to hold me back from walking further. Mount Weather pre-school was written on one of the walls. I stood there for just a second when I felt a small tap.
"Mister?" A small voice said. I looked down and saw a little boy, "are you on a Ground unit? My dad's training for a Ground unit."
"It's pretty cool up there." I replied, "I hope he makes it." The kid smiled and turned towards the class room. Lovejoy was written on his bag. I felt my heart sunk and gasped off air. The kid's father won't make it to the Ground unit. Never.
"They're just kids." I almost whispered.
"What did you expect you'd find here?" Maya asked, but isn't wait for a response and walked further.

We finally reached the dorm and immediately I noticed e familiar black hair, though it wasn't in a ponytail. She was packing a bag, making me wonder what they were all doing. "There they are." Maya said while I was staring tensely at my Queen. I was ripped out of my stare when an alarm wailed.
"What the hell is going on?" I asked.
"I don't know. It's not a breach, but it can't be good." I looked at the side towards the door and saw her standing there in front of the glass calling for help. As soon as I looked I saw her yell my name, but I just couldn't hear it. "Get me to the radio.''

It broke my heart to leave her like that, but I had to. Maya brought me to that radio as fast as she could. "Camp Jaha." I said into it, "this is Mount Weather. Anyone read me?"
"Bellamy?" I knew immediately that it was Clarke.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. But that's it for the good news. We have to talk fast. Something s changed. Olivia, Jasper Monty, everyone is locked in the dorm.''
"But they're alive? All of them?"
"I think so. For now. Maya says that they're already using blood. Things will get ugly in here real fast."
"Maya is with you?"
"She helped me escape. If not for her, I'd be dead." I gave Maya a thanking look,, "and, Clarke, there are kids in here. We need a plan that doesn't kill everyone. Please tell me we have one."
"I hear you. But we can't do anything until you disable the acid fog. Raven;s gonna help you."
"Got it. What else?"
"You have to figure out a way to free the Grounder prisoners. There's a whole army inside that Mountain and they don't even realize it."
"A Trojan horse. Good plan."
"What does Maya think? Is it doable."
"She says it's not a problem." I told Clarke, in reality Maya wasn't sure, "Clarke, if I'm gonna pull this off, I need you to buy me sometime. It won't be long before they realize I don't belong here. And if that happens-"
"That can;t happen. I'll come up its something."
"Come up with it quick."
"Copy that. and Bellamy?''
"You came through. I knew you would."
"All I've done so far is not get killed."
"Keep doing that."

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