Chapter 9- SOS & peace?

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Olivia's P.O.V
Maya was a little a head of us, gesturing whenever there was no one around. After like 10 minutes we got into the warehouse. "Look at this." I said, looking at another Van Gogh.
"Keep your head in the mission." Jasper whispered and pulled me with him.
"Right here.'' Monty said and shone his flashlight on a painting, "the communication are behind this wall." I removed the painting, while Miller smirked as he looked at the hammer.
"Big ass enough for you?" He asked Monty, who nodded slowly. Miller swung the hammer but was stopped by Maya, "wait." She warned, "they'll hear you."
"This was the plan." Miller sighed annoyed.
"She's afraid of losing her blood supply." I sneered at Maya.
"Hey, you don't have to like me," Maya took dangerously a step towards me, "you can blame me for what my people are doing, but I'm trying to make things right."
"Then get the hell outta Miller's way."
"Five second." Maya said.
"What happens in five seconds?" Monty asked.
"Olivia realizes what a bitch she is at the moment?" Jasper suggested, I wanted to reply something but an alarm started wailing.
"Friend owed me a favor." Maya smiled.
"Time it to the blasts." Jasper said, and Miller swung the hammer again, this time into the wall and created a hole.
"Jackpot." Monty breathed when he shone his flashlight onto the wires.

"You gotta set it up to play our sos in a loop over the Ark-wire channel." I told Mont.
"If cI can get it to transmit somebody's bound to hear it." Monty replied. He contacted the wires, which started making a clicking noise.
"Well, that doesn't sound good.'' Miller sighed.
"Mont, we've heard this before." I breathed.
"The black box." Monty said, "from the Exodus Ship right before..."
"... it crashed." I finished, "they crashed the Exodus Ship."
"Jamming signal." Jasper said suddenly, "what are they jamming now?"
"Everything." Monty replied, "to keep our people from talking to each other."
"We're totally screwed?" Jasper said it like a question.
"Not totally." I said, ''Mont can get it to work, right?"
"With a little bit of Oli's help, sure."Monty smiled back.
"Okay, I gotta know," Maya interrupted, catching our attention, ''are you two a couple?"
"No!" Monty and I said at the same time.
"I have a boyfriend." I said to her.
"And I'd get hit by her boyfriend if I even tried." Monty told her.

"Damn it." Mont said as he tried to blow the signal.
"So now we're totally screwed?" Jasper asked.
"Our message is broadcasting over a jammed frequency." I told them.
"Then unjam it." Miller said annoyed and like it was easy.
"What do you think we've been doing?"
"It's like the only way to shut it down is from the source." Monty said, ''I need five minutes in the Command Center."
"No way." Jasper spoke up, "you heard Maya, it's too dangerous,"
"The guard's coming." Maya ran in warning us, "we have to go. Cover the hole." I grabbed the painting back and hung it over the hole as the rest packed their stuff. Then we booked it out of there.

"Have you seen Monty et?" I asked Miller thirty minutes after we returned from the warehouse.
"Nope." He replied, not bothering to look up.
"They're like Grounders." I sighed, now Miller looked up curious at what followed, "picking us up one by one. First Harper, now Monty. Who's next?"

Bellamys P.O.V
The walk was long and the rifle in my hand started to feel heavier somehow. Only if that could be the heaviest, I thought, because the weight on my shoulders was far more massive then anything else. Would they be hurting her on this very moment? Is she too in a small cage like Clarke described- spoken about Clarke. "Hey." I started walking next to the blonde for some distraction, "doing alright?"
"Yeah." She quickly answered.
"You did the right thing." I told her and fixed my eyes on the road in front of us.
"Now I get to live with it." She said, "you still think this truce is a bad idea, don't you?"
"I think we're wasting time with politics, while our friends are in trouble."
"That's that you say, but in mind you said: while my Queen is in trouble. And besides, we need an army to get her out. To get them all out, and you know it."
"1) yes, that's exactly what I thought," I rolled my eyes, "and 2) their army had been getting their ass kicked by Mount Weather forever. What we need..." I suddenly realized what we really needed, "what we need is an inside man. Someone to be our eyes and ears."
"Forget it, it's too dangerous."
"Clarke, if you can make it out, I can make it in."
"I said no."
"Since I don't take orders from you, I'm gonna need a better reason."
"I cant lose you too, okay?" She looked up. I sighed shortly and looked away. One way or another, I'm getting inside Mount Weather.

"Clarke." I spoke up and walked towards Princess. She was laying on her blanket on the ground, since night had already fallen and the Grounders had set up a camp. "It's safer on our side ." I told her at last.
"We need to trust them, Bellamy.'' She replied.
"There are no more sides." Abby spoke up. I ran my hand through my hair and let out a sigh. I walked away and crawled into my tent. As usual, spending the night staring at the tent ceiling. My hand traveled to my backpack. I sat up and opened it, taking out a red jacket. I ran my fingers down the fabric. I didn't know what I was doing when I pressed it against my face, it still smelled like her. I let out a quiet sob and laid the jacket in my lap. I wiped away the one tear that had managed to slip down. I couldn't go crying over the fact that she was not here with me, because she was alive either way. I put the jacket back into my backpack and laid down. I tossed and turned in my tent for the rest of the night, staring hopelessly at the backpack.

In the village, what was called Tondc, Finn's body was burned. Now, there was supposed to be peace between the Grounders and us. We would celebrate this by dining together. So now we were in a not to big room with a table in front of us and behind that Grounders stood in a row. "Please accept this gift, Commander." Kane spoke and held out a bottle of rum wrapped in a cloth, "we drink this at special occasions. I believe this qualifies." The Commander nodded to the side and the Grounder besides her took the bottle from Kane and handed it to her. "Thank you," she replied, "Marcus of the Sky People."
"You're welcome, Lexa... kom Trikru. Just- er- don't drink to much of it." I was reminded of things that happened last time I drank to much Moonshine, without regret.
"Clarke.," Lexa the Commander spoke, "let us drink together."
"It would be my pleasure." Clarke nodded quickly. Somewhere, it felt wrong to me. Clarke was handed a small cup filled with the drink, but just before they drunk_
"Heda, allow me." The man besides Lexa said, and she gave him her drink. That's where my feeling started to grow even more, but the Grounder drank anyways and nothing happened. "Tonight," Lexa started as soon as the man gave her her drink back, "we celebrate our new found peace. Tomorrow, we plan our war. To those we've lost. And to those e shall soon find.: she raised her cup with Clarke and almost drank, when the Grounder who tried first fell coughing on the table and then on the floor. "It's poisonous." Someone yelled. Clarke looked confused, her mouth slightly open. I hit the cup out of her hand to be sure. "It was the Sky People!" A women yelled and grabbed her sword, pointing it towards us. I stepped in front of Clarke and held her back. "This wasn't us!" She shouted, "you have to know it wasn't us.'' In Grounder language Lexa must have ordered to search us, because that's what happened. "Head," another Grounder spoke and showed Lexa a vial.
"That's not mine." Raven protested. The Grounder handed Lexa the vial. "I'm telling you," Raven said angrily, "that's not mine. He put it there when he searched me."
"No Sky Person leaves this room." The Commander ordered angrily. The Grounders got out and locked the door behind them.

It seemed like hours before the Grounders finally returned. "How's Gustus?" Lincoln asked.
"Gustus will live." One of the Grounders replied. The women, called Indra, said something in Grounder
"What are you doing?" Kane stuttered once the Grounders walked straight for Raven.
"She didn't poison anyone." I said rather loudly and tried to keep them away from Raven.
"I argued for All of you to die.'' Indra told us, "but the Commander is merciful. She wants only one."
"She's innocent." Lincoln said quietly.
"I. Don't. Care. They move, they bleed." A man took Raven away, "the rest of you are free. When she's dead, so is the alliance. You should run."

A/n: who ships Indra and Kane? Just curious!

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