Chapter 4- Rescues and lies

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Bellamy's P.O.V
We captured a Grounder. He had Clarke's watch around his neck, so we thought he must know where they were. We brought him into a bunker Finn had found quite a long time ago. We're gonna do this one more time,"I said to the Grounder, ''and this time, you're gonna stop screwing with us. Where did you find this watch?"
"I told you,'' the Grounder said, "I found it outside your camp."
"He's lying." Finn sneered, "she would never take it off voluntarily."
"I know." I told Finn.
"Where's the girl who was wearing this watch?" Finn asked him angrily.
"I never saw a girl." The Grounder replied.
"Another lie." Murphy spoke up, "maybe you should stop asking him nicely-"
"Shut up, Murphy." I said loudly, "where are our friends? You took them. We know you did. Just tell us where. Was there a girl with long black hair and brown eyes? She was wearing-"
"Murphy's right." Finn cut me off, "we're wasting time." He hit the Grounder a few times, "ANSWER THE QUESTION!'' He yelled and then asked for Clarke again.
"FINN STOP!" I held him back, "you don't wanna do this. Trust me. There are some lines you cant uncross." Finn took a step back and so did i. He was breathing heavily in anger. I tried to stop him again, but he pointed his gun at me. "Put don the gun, Finn." I tried, but he turned around and held it against the Grounder's head.
"Three second!" He shouted at him,"two!" He counted down, "one."
"Okay!" The Grounder broke, "I'll tell you. Your friends are east from here. The village where we take our prisoners of war."
"East where?" Finn sneered, "how do we get there?"
"I can draw you a map." The Grounder told us, ''but you should hurt; soon they'll outline their usefulness."

The grounder had drawn us a map. A map that'll hopefully lead me to her. "Gather up you gear." I ordered when he finished drawing, "we're leaving."
"What about him?" Sterling asked me.
"What if he escapes?" Murphy asked, "he knows where we're going." Murphy and I started a useless argument, that was stopped when we heard a gunshot. Finn had coldly shot the Grounder.

Olivia's P.O.V
Maya had agreed to help us find out where Clarke is, though Clarke and Maya didn't have the best start together. Jasper, Monty and i waited in the Mess Hall, not saying much to each other. There were only a few other people there, but they were all out of earshot. Maya returned after an hour or so. ''Find out something?" Jasper asked her hopefully, but she didn't reply, "what is it?"
"Apparently," Maya started slowly, "Clarke had some kind of breakdown. She just snapped started pulling out her stitches, trying to hurt herself."
"Where is she now?" Monty asked.
"Psych Ward." Maya answered, "being monitored. I talked to a friend who works there. She thinks it might be a couple of days before the doctors let anyone see her."
"I don't think so." I said abrupt and stood up. Monty followed suit.

Bellamy's P.O.V
We were looking at a big part of the ark, which had crashed down. Bodys of the people who were oh the ship laid around the place. "There's nothing we can do for these people." I spoke up, "we gotta go." The moment we started to move, someone cried out. It came from out of the ravine.
"Did you hear that?" Murphy asked and walked back tot the edge of the ravine.
"Someone's down there." Monroe stated and pointed at a figure hiding against the wall of the deep ravine.
"Hey!" I shouted trying to get the attention of this person, "up here!"
"Please, help me." A girl begged as she looked up.
"Mel?" Sterling asked.
"You know her?" Murphy asked him, while Mel kept begging for help.
"Shut up, Murphy." Sterling snapped back, "she's my friend we have to do something,"
"Sterling please." The girl begged as Sterling ent looking for a robe or anything to help Mel. Finn tugged my sleeve and turned me around.
"We cant stop." He whispered, so the others wouldn't hear it.
"This isn't a Grounder, Finn." I told him, "we have a rope."
"You saw her. She would never be able to hold on to it. We have to lower somebody down. It'll take time that we don't have, I hate this as much as you,but out friends-"
"I know." I cut him off, "okay? I know. I want to get to Olivia as much as you ant to get to Clarke. I know."
"We'll come back for this girl." Finn told me, "okay?" I nodded and turned around.
"We;re moving out." I said, but Sterling was already getting down, a rope tied to his body.
"Sterling, wait!" Finn tried.
"Yeah, well, it looks like we're taking that break after all, huh?" Murphy said sarcastically.

"I'm almost there!" Sterling shouted, "once I have her, pull us up!"
"I'd say he's heard one too many of your motivational speeches." Murphy said to me.
"Shut up, Murphy." I snapped at him. Sterling reached for Mel, but he slipped, now both Mel and sterling hung; he on the rope and she on a branch. Sterling tried again, but something happened so fast; the rope went loose and he fell.
"Mel," I called, "Mel, hold on. Focus on me. You can do this."
"No!" She cried.
"Yes, you can." I said, ''you're strong."
"I'm not strong. Stubborn, maybe.''
"Then be stubborn a little longer."

We helped Mel up, Octavia returned, I had decided to take Monroe (who was hit by an arrow) and Mel back to Alpha-Station. As Murphy followed Finn to get our friends back. Octavia was going with me back. I didn't dare asking where Lincoln was yet.

Olivias P.O.V
I walked in a fast pace through the halls of Mount Weather. Monty followed closely behind me. We stopped just before the entrance of Psych Ward. "Do you think Clarke really hurt herself?" Monty asked quietly.
"I laid with Clarke in the same crib.'' I told him, "trust me, she would never do such thing. Only if she found something really bad out... or tried to..."
"We'll find out."
"Nope," I said, Monty looked extremely confused and surprised, "you're gonna find out. I'm gonna talk to the President."
"Are you sure? I don't want anything bad happening to you too."
"Thanks Mont, but I have to." I told him.
"Be careful," he smiled softly.
"I will." With that I started y walk towards the President office.

Guards at the door held me back from entering the office once I got there. "Let me through." I said between my teeth. A man around the age of 60 said inside the office. "Let her through. She's one of the 48." The guards removed their hands from my upper arms so I walked in. I clenched my fist as I saw how satisfied and calm the man looked. "Olivia was it?" He asked with a small smile, I nodded once, "what can I do for you, dear?"
"Clarke," I simply said, surprised a the anger in my voice, "she's gone, isn't she?"
"She is a friend of your, I guess?" The President sat down at his desk, "tea? Sit down, please." I did as he said and sat down in front of me. I shook my head when he wanted to fill a cup with tea for me, so he put away the tea. My fists were still clenched as I felt my nails press into the flesh of my hand. It was like my fingers were stuck in that position, I could only press deeper but not move them away. "Where is she?" I asked. While my eyes started to burn holes in the eyes of the President.
"Clarke had a mental breakdown. She started hurting herself. We had to take her to Psych Ward."
"I want to see her and talk to her." I said sternly.
"In a couple of days she'll be able to. Please, have patience." His voice kept steady and calm.
"I am not satisfied with that answer." I said louder then I intended.
"It's the only answer I can give you."
"But is it the truth?" I leaned a little over his desk. He hesitated for a second.
"Why would I be lying to you?" He asked, his vice wasn't steady anymore, it was desperate for me to leave.
"Because something is going on in her and nothing will stop me, until I find out what." I stood up and walked past the guards. I heard a sort sigh of relief from the President when he thought I was out of earshot. I opened my hand and looked at the four red stripes each in the palms. I ripped a piece of the dress and bound each hand. Before they bring me to Psych Ward.

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