Chapter 12- Get into the mountain

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Bellamy's P.O.V
I trailed my fingers down the red of Olivia's jacket again. The same questions played over and over again in my mind. was she alive? Does she know I am alive? How is she in general? I wondered every time my skin made contact with the leather.
"You know you can't take that into Mount Weather, right?" Lincoln spoke up once he approached me. He wore the clothes he had as Reaper and I wore some Grounder clothes.
"You're right." I sighed and stood up, "meet me back here in 5."

I cleared my throat to get Kane;s attention. The man turned towards me, surprised that it was me. "Listen, I wanted to give you this." I handed him Olivia's jacket while my own heart sunk, "I never found a proper moment. It's-"
"Olivia's.'' He finished, as he too tripled his finger down the jacket, "where have you found it?"
"I didn't." I replied truthfully, "Murphy did. He handed it to me at the village right after- right after the thing with Finn."
"Thank you." Kane said and firmly shook my hand while I nodded, "please tell my daughter I love her, when you see her."
"I will." I told him before walking towards Lincoln.

I didn't even want to look at the gross things Lincoln had to do to get the blood of the animal he had killed all over his face. "Okay," I started catching his attention, as I kneeled down next to Lincoln, "so we make it to the intake door without any of the real Reapers seeing us, what happens then?"
"I kill everyone." Lincoln stated, "limestone." I gave Lincoln what he wanted, "let's go. We have a lot of ground to cover before dark." We stood up and walked off into the forest.
"I need to know what happened after the intake door." I told Lincoln, walking next to him.
"They remove your clothes." Lincoln said dryly, while I felt more uncomfortable then before, "blast you with boiling water, then douse you with some that burns even worse. And the we were sorted. The others were tagged Harvest. I was tagged Cerberus, turned into a Reaper."
"Cerberus." I repeated, "three-headed dog that guards the underworld." Lincoln looked confused at me, "my mom read mythology to us all the time. Octavia loved it. You're good for her." I changed the subject, "you made her strong.."
"She was already strong."
"Hey, I need to ask you something.'' I said and stopped in my tracks, "you protected my sister before you even knew her. Why?"
"When I was a boy," Lincoln started, "I saw a ship fall from the sky. Like Raven's. The man inside was hurt, his body broken. I couldn't get him out.
"Suicide by Earth." I spoke up, "I heard stories in the Guard, I just didn't know they were true."
"I brought him food, water. I didn't speak the enemy's language yet, so I couldn't understand him, but I wanted to. So on the third day, I told my father. He made me kill him," he paused for a second, "the world's been trying to turn me into a monster for as long as I can remember. Let's keep moving."
"Wait." I said, what made Lincoln turn back, "the parking garage where we found you... it's North."
"There's a mine entrance closer to where the Reapers hand us over. We go into the underworld when we have to. Not before."

I studied the map again, and looked back at the Mountain. We were walking for hours already.
"The mountain has many eyes between here and the tunnels." Lincoln spoke up, "from now on, details must be exact."
"What if we run into Reapers?" I asked, "Oulu the they wonder where you've been?"
"All they see is the Red." Lincoln replied. He was talking about the drug called the Red that was served to Reapers. The drug that made Reapers Reapers. "Once you're taken, nothing else matters. Just how you'll get more.
"How much do you remember from when you were on it?"
"Everything." Lincoln replied and stood up. The look on his face told me that he rather remembered nothing, "turn around." I did what I was told. My heart raised slightly when Lincoln tied my arms to the log. This was how Lincoln was going to bring me in.

Though I was all tied up and Lincoln guided me like a dog it's a rope around my neck (which brought back a few memories), we walked in a pretty fast pace. It wasn't easy to keep up in this state, until Lincoln stopped in front of the entrance of a cave, which was the mine. "Come on." I said quietly, not wanting to go there myself either, "let's do this." We walked into the dark cave. It was death quiet if you thought the sound of our boots on the rails of the mine cards away. The light came from the mine lamps, which still worked because of Mount Weather that was coming closer and closer. But after a few minutes of walking, Lincoln suddenly stopped.
"Why are we stopping?" I asked him. Lincoln gazed intently at a small bottle with a few drop of red liquid still in it; the Reaper drug. Lincoln shattered the vial by stepping on it. "You okay?" I asked.
"As soon as they open the intake doors, we attack." Lincoln stated, "do not let it close. Once they're all dead, you go in, I'll make it look like you escaped. Once you're inside-"
"I know." I cut him off. Right after, we heard distanced shouting and the light of torches joined in. "Anther raider party." Lincoln stated, he turned around and quickly started untying me.
"What are you doing?"
"We have to get back."
"Go back? No way."
"There's three, maybe four. We can fight our way through."
"We'll never get a better chance."
"I thought I could do this." Lincoln breathed, "but I can't, okay? It's over."
"No, it's not. We can join them. When they bring out Red, you grab it, and run like hell. The Reapers will go nuts, the Grounders will run and Mountain Men will deal with it. No one will be looking for a Grounder running into the Mountain."
"I said no." Lincoln tried to walk away, but I couldn't let that happen now we were so close. I pushed him again the wall. "Fight back." I whisper-yelled, "they'll think I am trying to escape." Lincoln did as soon as he saw Reapers approaching. He turned me around and held a knife against my throat. In the language he talked with the Reapers. Then Lincoln moved me forward to a log where more Grounders were tied against. All of them were blind folded. Lincoln tied me like the Grounders, while I started breathing heavily once I got blind folded too.

They had taken away my pants and shirt, leaving me in only my underwear. They took off the cloth so I could see again. A door opened and out walked a womn in a blue suit. The other men (also in suit) started giving Reapers the frug after controlling them with a high pitched noise. The woman stood in front of me, and thank god she tagged me Harvest. I sa Lincoln trying to resist the red drug. But those men in suit kept saying next. In the end, Lincoln stepped forward and got the drug. "Harvest them all." Said the woman suddenly 2 guards picked me up and dragged me away. I wanted to stay with Lincoln now. He was becoming a Reaper again and I couldn't help him. Somewhere I knew that 47 other needed help more. And one of those who need help is my Queen. I didn't know what I had to do to be reunited with her once. But what I did know was that I would do everything for her. It was only a matter of time- no wait; I hoped it was only a matter of time before I saw her.

I was placed in a room, I think. I didn't know if I was sleeping or awake. I knew the pain I felt, a heavy pain, was real. I thought I fell asleep when I started seeing thing; a small baby in small hands, my hands. I suddenly knew the baby was Octavia. I was dreaming memories. "Your sister, your responsibility." A voice said. Then everything went black. When my vision returned, I was running through a hall way on the Ark. I didn't remember this. "Girls, we shouldn't be here." The voice of a young boy said.
"I know," another voice replied, a girl this time, "but I'm getting tired of always the same Alpha-Station walls. I want to see more."
"You can go back, Wells." A girl voice said, "I am staying with Oli." Oli? I knew that nickname , but I couldn't place it right now. I had stopped running the moment I heard the voices. Two young girls walked around the corner. They were much younger then me; I guess they were Octavia's age. One of the girls had her black hair tied in a pony tail, and her pony hung a little in her brown eyes, the other had wavy blonde hair hanging loosely. The blonde one gasped once she saw me, the other one seemed to smirk a little and folded her arms. "Oli, let's go the other way." The blonde one suggested and pulled her friend with her. The ten year old's walked away quickly. My vision didn't turn black this time; this time I saw steam and felt a sharp pain like needles were put in my arms.
Another memory I didn't know I had started.
"Don't you think that's a little too expensive for a cloth?" A girl sneered at an old woman, who was selling at the Exchange. My unit stood guard there while a few Alpha-Station bitches were buying useless stuff like necklaces or cloth's they liked from the poor Arkers.
"But miss," the old women started, "it;s one of the first made in space."
"S it isn't even Earth-made?!" The black haired girl said loudly, she threw the cloth back at the woman, "here, keep your garbage."
"Okay, that's enough." I interrupted. I really hated Alpha's who though they were better then anyone else. I grabbed the girl;s upper arm. She swung around and I saw she was probably only 14. Suddenly I recognized her from the last memory I had. The same brown eyes and ponytail, also the hair that hung slightly in her eyes. She was a very pretty girl.
"Don't you dare touch me." She said in her sneer.
"I am a Guard." I replied coldly, "and you are rude."
"I am Alpha-Station, and if you don't let go of me, you'll lose you job within a week." She looked at my name badge, "Blake."
"What's going on here?" A stern voice spoke up. I turned towards the man I recognized as Marcus Kane and let go of the girl.
"I as warning this girl for her behavior, sir."
"The only mistake you made was touching my daughter." Kane said even more stern, "you get off with a warning this time, cadet Blake." Kane lead his daughter away no out of the hall. I sighed deeply and turned to the woman, "I'll buy it." I said giving her the money as she gave me the cloth.
I woke up suddenly and felt boiling water against my skin. I screamed out. Something rough rubbed all kinds of dirt off my body. When they finished, little stars blurted my vision and I passed out again. I saw the masqueraded ball on Unity Day. I remembered this very well. A girl was dancing; her hands above her hand and her hips swaying perfectly. I knew I should be guard, but I couldn't stop staring. Damn she was hot. She had her black hair hanging loosely and suddenly I realized: Olivia. My eyes sapped open. I was trapped in a cage.

Strange chapter at the end I know. Sorry, I just had to put memories into it. I hope you enjoyed reading!

When We Are Apart~~ Bellamy Blake Where stories live. Discover now