Chapter 1- Welcome to Mt. Weather

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"What the hell is this?" I shouted back. She shrugged. I went with my hands through my hair and started pacing around, my hand remained on the sides of my head. "Darkness, the green spots darted on us, the Drop Ship lasting off, Bellamy, a war, Bellamy, Murphy, Bellamy, Bellamy, Bell, Bell, Bell." I was saying out loud taking back memories from before this place all the wat back to my arrest on the Ark 1 year ago... or was it longer? I didn't know. How long have I been here?

On that moment, the door unlocked. I swung around and saw a figure in a blue suit. "Olivia, don't panic." A Female said as she took the part of the suit that covered her head off, "I didn't know you were awake."
"How do you know my name?" I asked her, "I never told you."
"You will find out," she said, "I am Maya."
"I didn't ask for your name. I want to know where I am immediately."
"You're in Mount Weather, Olivia. Please, let me take you to out Mess Hall, but before, you have to get dressed." I looked at the clothes I wore now and then at Maya. I didn't know if I could trust her, or this place, but this was my chance to get out of this room.

I followed Maya towards a dress room. I chose a red dress and a pair of sneakers. The dress looked old and the color had turned lighter then it was probably supposed to be. After I got dressed Maya lead me towards the fifth level of this place. Whole load of people- that seemed totally normal and harmless- was dining in a big hall. But though of the many people I spotted Jasper and Harper and many others of the delinquents I was dropped down with. Only the one person I needed to see wasn't here. Bellamy Blake wasn't here.

Maya lead me towards a seat besides Harper and in front of Jasper. Miller waved while he took another bite of the food in front of him. "Good morning to you, Olivia." Jasper greeted me.
"Hi, guys." I sat down, a plate with good looking food in front of me, "are we the only ones here?"
"48 of the 100." Harper replied as she took a bite "you need to eat. It's delicious."
"Where are Monty, Clarke, Finn, Raven, Monroe and Bell?" I asked as I put a fork filled with the food in my mouth. My eyes widened when I tasted this new amazing tastes.
"Monty is over there." Miller said and pointed at the doorway. Monty walked in a fast pace towards us and hugged Jasper. "I guess we found out where the strange radio noise came from." Monty told me jokingly. I nodded slowly, not finding what was funny about that, because that would've meant they were blocking our signals for a long time.
"Too bad Raven can't see it." I said more serious then the rest seemed to be, "or Finn, Clarke, Monroe... Bellamy."
"Clarke is-" Monty started but he was cut off by pure chaos.
"Containment breach!" A women shouted and pointed at a blood soaked Clarke standing in he doorway. The people that lived in this place started screaming and running in all directions while a alarm went off.

The chaos was fast over and Clarke was taken to medical. 47 other ere taken on a sort welcome-to-Mount-Weather-tour. The women was giving us maps when Monty noticed Clarke had returned and called her name. He ran over and hugged her. The rest of us got over too as we all greeted Clarke like some old friends. Jasper hugged her next. "Clarke." I breathed as it was my turn to hug her.
"Finn and Bellamy?" Clarke asked. I took a deep breath and looked at the floor, as Jasper told her the news that they didn't make it here. "We don't know that." Clarke stubbornly said, "what about Raven?"
"Not here too." I told Clarke.
"Welcome, Clarke" a new voice joined in. The tour women gave her a map too, "if you have any questions, I'm Keenan." The women walked off again as Clarke looked at the map. I knew what she was thinking and I thought the same.
"I don't think this place as a escape door, Clarke." I told her. She looked at me and closed the map.
"Stop reading my mind, Oli." She said playfully.
"That's what you get when you know people since your birth."

The 48 had a privet desert to catch up on each other. Monty and Jasper were dying from the pie that's how good it seemed to be. I wasn't paying attention to them and ate my own pie, until they both stood up. Clarke had told me about the President in this Mountain, and that man was now looking at Monty and Jasper. "Seriously?" I laughed as Monty almost fell over me while protecting his chocolate pie from Jasper.
"Sit down and pretend your happy to me." Clarke suddenly hissed.
"We are happy to see you." Monty said as he sat down again. Clarke took a seat besides Jasper and in front of me.
"You have to try the chocolate cake." Monty told her,
"Oh, it's so on." Jasper whispered.
"I'm not eating their food." Clarke said as she looked at the President.
"If she doesn't, I want to try the chocolate cake." I said and stared at the cake on Monty's plate.
"You have bad connections with the enemy." Monty told me and held it away from me.
"The enemy?"
"Jasper." He replied.
"Are we playing like that now?" Jasper intertwined in the conversation.
"In my hole life I talked more to you, Mont, then to Goggle-Boy.'' I laughed.
"That's true." Monty shoved a bit of his cake on my plate and I ate it satisfied.
"Are you children dine now?" Clarke rolled her eyes, "look." She pointed at the map, "they gave us a map it's no exits."
"I was joking about the escape door." I informed her.
"I need to know everything you've seen." She ignored me, ''every room. Every hallway every way out."
"Way out?" Jasper repeated questioning, "look around you, Clarke. There is no one hunting us here. First time in our lives we're not hungry. Why would we leave?"
"Because we have friend out there who need our help."
"They're looking for survivors." Monty told her, "and they're way better equipped to find them then we are."
"This place is too good to be true." Clarke said.
"Then enjoy it," I said, "before it's getting worse and then we are at war and nee to survive. Enjoy it as long as you can."
''So I'm gonna get more cake."Jasper replied and walked away smiling. He started a conversation with Maya, who sat there too.
"Don't be rude." I told Clarke as she made her way over.
"God, Clarke is paranoia." Monty said when Clarke was out of earshot.
"She had all right to be," I said, "this place is to good to be true."
"Olivia, you're just missing Bellamy."
"Damn right I am."
"I'm sorry." Monty whispered at last.

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