Chapter 16- Fight back

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Olivia's P.O.V
I kept pacing and tried to re-picture the face I saw. But after hours this got harder. "We've been locked up for-" Miller started.
"Hours, I know." I cut him off and stopped pacing.
"If it really was Bellamy-"
"It was Bellamy." I snapped and leaned back against a bed.
"It doesn't make any sense." Monty stated.
"I know what I saw." I told him. I barely said saw or another alarm started wailing.
"God, not again." Fox whispered. A whole bunch of armored guards walked in, all of them crying weapons. We all started moving backwards. The Doctor walked in too. Two guards reached out for Harper, who begged them to stop.
"Not her!" I shouted and tried to stop them, but both Monty and Jasper held me back.
"No, not her," the Doctor reaped my words, "she needs more time to recover. This one." She pointed at a boy, who was immediately dragged away.
"Stop!" I shouted, "stop doing this to us." She walked back to me and looked me right in the eyes, "President Wallace said we could go,"
"That President Wallace is no longer in command." She replied, "he had to step down for health reasons. I'm sorry it has to be like this. I hope you know you're all incredibly special to us." She turned around and walked away, swaying her hips.
"Hey." I called one more time, and she irritably turned around, "if I ever get hands on you, I will drain all blood out of your body and feed it to the worst animal I can find. And yes, that was a threat." She gave me a look in disgust and fear, but asked out quickly. All guards walked after her.
"They'll come back." I said and stepped out of the group. All them looked flabbergasted and stood in half-circle around the door. They all looked at me to go on with talking, "and I can't make a threat like that twice. We need to be prepared."
"But... we have nothing to protect ourselves with.'' Harper stuttered, making a good point.
"True. But we have our selves. We have a group. No weapons didn't stop is fight the Grounders, right? Next time, we'll..." I thought of something to do for a second, "we'll link arms, make a chain. Show them we're strong and fearless."

The doors opened again after another few hours. The group of guards followed by the bitch walked in. "Here we go." Jasper said to the group, "come on, like Olivia said. Link up." We linked arms, I stood between Monty and Jasper and looked straight at the guards. The Doctor came forward and looked around, not surprised by our move.
"This one." She said pointing at a blonde girl. They wanted to grab her, but we tried to stand strong. The guards started tearing the group apart, and to my surprise the delinquents fought back. I tried to hit a guard who came straight towards me, but he grabbed my wrist and turned my arm on my back. Though I expected him to be one hell of a lot rougher. He pushed me into a corner, away from the crowd. "Stop trying to get yourself killed, Queenie." A voice whispered in my ear... Bellamy. Tears stung my eyes, I wanted to hug and kiss him so badly right now.
"Bell." I breathed.
"Listen, they're killing them. You have to fight back harder next time. Do you understand?" He asked, "here take this." He shove a gun into my hands, "be ready.''
"Ready for what? What's the plan?"
"I'm working on it." He soften his hold a little more.
"Find Dante. He's on our side. He'll help us."
"Okay, my Queen."
"Everything okay over there?" A man asked Bellamy.
"Yes, she's just difficult." Bellamy replied, acting like he was struggling with me. The man gave him a curt nod and went on doing what he did before. "I love you, Queen."
"I love you too." I whispered, while a tear slipped down my cheek.
"Don't cry. I'll come back for you, you know that. I promise." He pushed me on the bed and walked away with the other guards.
"Are you okay?" Jasper panted and looked at me, "he held you for a long time."
"No. I'm not okay," I replied, "that was Bellamy."
"You heard me," I sighed and showed him the gun, "he gave me this and said they were coming back. We needed to be prepared better.''

Several weapons were made out of pipes of the beds and high heels. It was the best we could get for now. I held the gun tight as I sat on the edge of a bed, waiting for anything to happen.
"Here." Jasper said and held out of the pipes, "give me the gun."
"No." I replied stubbornly and looked up, but instead of making eye-contact with Jasper, my eyes were glued to the pipe; memories of the last time I held such thing flashed back, "I can perfectly handle a gun." Jasper chuckled lowly.
"Fine." He sighed a little, "do you think Bellamy will be with this bunch?"
"I hope so." I said and looked at the door.
"Must've been difficult for him."
"What?" I asked and looked back up at him.
"Bellamy holding you like that without kissing you until you both have swollen lips.
"Jasper!" I snapped loudly and slapped him playfully, while Monty chuckled and Harper rolled her eyes at Jasper.
"Jasper just spoke the unspoken truth." Monty said once he was done laughing.
"Guys, can we get back to the faxt that dangerous people can walk in every second who want to drain us for blood?" Harper said quietly and gazed back at the door. Jasper, Monty and I exchanged some looks, straightened our faces and looked at the door.

We waited another half hour if not longer. I started to feel slightly tired and leaned my head on my hand. "What's taking Bellamy so long?" Monty broke our long tense silence.
"I don't know." I said quietly and stood up, stretching my legs. Somewhere deep I knew the doctor would be here soon again.
"Maybe they caught him." Miller said the last thing I wanted to hear.
"No." I told him quickly, "he'll  figure something out. I know he will. He promised."
"It's already been four hours, Olivia." Monty said softly, "the guard's be back any second."
"They're gonna take someone else." Harper said, sounding scared.
"O." Jasper said loudly, "listen to me. Everyone. We stick to the plan. They're not taking anyone else out of this room without a fight." Like what Jasper said was a sign, the alarm wailed once more. The familiar group of guards stormed in. New were the rifles they held and pointed at his, but they couldn't kill us if they wanted our blood. The doctor walked forward, I tried to avoid making eye-contact the best I could.
"This one." My heart skipped a beat when she pointed at Monty.
"No!" I shouted before I knew it and started pushing guards, but still they dragged him away.
"Hey!" I yelled nervously and pointed the gun, "hands off!" One of the guards moved towards me, I made sure to check his mouth, but it wasn't Bellamy (who I would've recognized by the scar in the corner of his mouth), so I shot., before I realized: bulletproof. The man slapped the fun out of my hands it's his weapon and leaped towards me. Luckily, Jasper hit him with a pipe on his back. Another fight started, but only we were forced backwards, while Jasper was hit in his stomach with a real weapon and fell to the floor. The doctor was clearly surprised, but above all: angry. "Take this one instead." She sneered and pointed at Jasper.
"No. You can't!" And "no please." Was said and shouted.
"Jasper!" I shouted and searched the ground for my gun, "let him go. Please, please." I started begging.
"Search the rest." The doctor ordered, "make sure there are no other weapons." Instead of immediately walking away, she stood over me. I was forced to the floor after I shot the gun, and the doctor was now looking down at me, "before you take my blood, I will take all your little friends. You will loose, and I will laugh in your face when you do." With that she walked away.

Once all of the guards had disappeared, I hit the floor in frustration. They had taken Jasper, one of my best friends, from me and I was so angry. I stood up and sighed deeply, my eyes stinging with tears. The guards weren't gone for two minutes or a new alarm stated and containment breach was told over the speakers. Our doors opened and most took their chance and ran. Harper grabbed my arm and ran outside with me. Jasper stood in the middle of the hallway telling people what to do, he was okay. I saw an elevator closing near by, and stuck my arm between the closing doors so they opened again. "No." Someone begged. I gazed down and saw the doctor laying on the floors, her skin turning red.
"I win, you loose." I spat. She screamed out and her skin burned faster. Monty, Jasper, Harper and Miller hurried over, but by time they got there the doctor was dead. "Ha. Ha. Ha."

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