Chapter 8- Deads & pretending

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Bellamy's P.O.V
"Hold your fire." I told the guards back in Camp Jaha, as I noticed it was Clarke walking between the Grounders the guards aimed at, "she's back. Open the gate!" As soon as Clarke was in, we closed the gates so the Grounders stayed outside. Finn ran over, and curious people made a circle around Clarke as she hugged her mother. "What did she say?" Abby asked while pulling back, "is there a chance for truce?"
"Yes." Clarke breathed.
"What's wrong?" Finn asked stern when he noticed Clarke's nervousness.
"They want you." Clarke turned to Finn, "if we wanted a truce, we have to give them Finn."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Raven said corned.
"That's their offer."
"That's not an offer."
"It's a punishment." Finn realized, "for what happened at the village. Blood for blood."
"That's insane." I spoke for the first time..
"If we refuse..." Abby started more like a question, while Arkers started shouting to give Finn up.
"They attack." Clarke stated.

Our guns were pointed at the woods as we told the Grounders we were not giving Finn up. "Bellamy." A voice besides me whispered and I just knew it was Clarke.
"Movement on the tree line." A man shouted.
"Don't shoot!" Someone shouted outside the gates. I suddenly realized it was Kane when he walked closer. He as gone for a really long time, trying to find peace. I had assumed him dead. "You can't be out in the open." I said as Clarke and I made our way towards my Queen's father and Abby, "we need to get somewhere safe."
"It's safe." Kane told us slightly smiling, "for the moment. Come on, we need to talk. I managed to buy us a lot of time.''

I had a plan of getting Finn to the Drop Ship as he wasn't safe in Camp Jaha. Many angry Arkers didn't want to risk war so they wanted to give Spacewalker up. We did as I suggested and split up in smaller groups. I reached the Drop Ship as first, Raven was second. It took a little while before the next person walked in: Murphy. Quite sometime later Finn got in, carrying an unconscious Clarke. "What happened?" I asked as I got over.
"A Grounder hit her on the head." Finn replied.
"Put her here." Murphy said and gestured at the spot he sat on.
"I need a bandage, a wrap, anything." I said examining Clarke's head.
"Here." Murphy gave me a cloth.
"Hold her head." I told him, "Clarke, can you hear me?" She groaned a little, "you're gonna be fine. You just need to rest."

I stood watch outside the Drop Ship with Murphy when I saw something moving in the forest in front of us. "We got company." I shouted, "get out here." Finn ran out, followed by Clarke who felt a lot better after she rested for a little while. "Get down. Grounders." They did as told and hid themselves quickly. "We're surrounded."

Murphy was on the second level and had watch over the forest because of the hole he blew into the wall. Raven, Clarke and I guarded the front door, as Finn would be under the Drop Ship floor. Would be. He had risen his hands and stood in the middle of what one was the gate, while Grounders took him.

Night had fallen. All Arkers watched the lights in the forest of the thousands of Grounder warriors. Finn was there too, he would get cuts for all people he had killed. "What is that?" Raven asked in a low voice as she looked at the pole the Grounders had just placed.
"It's for Finn." Clarke replied, ''they want us to watch."
"We're gonna get him." I said, I couldn't let Finn die. We needed a plan, "we'll get in close and we'll hit them hard."
"Son, there's thousands of them." Kane told me, "even if we could kill hundreds, they'd still while out this camp and your friends would die."
"We have to try." I said.
"Abby, we have to do something." Raven tried.
"No, Raven." Abby replied sadly.

We watched Clarke walk out of the gate. Watched her talk to their Commander. Watched her kiss Finn goodbye. And watched her stab Finn with the knife Raven gave her to kill the Commander. It was done. Finn was dead and a war was stopped.

Olivia's P.O.V
Monty and I played cards in our dorm room, pretending like everything was just fine like everyone else did. "You're winning again." Mont sighed.
"I swear I was letting you win." I laughed a fake laugh.
"This song is awesome.' Miller said as he turned the speakers harder. I looked behind means saw Jasper and Maya. They sat don besides us. "Anything?" Jasper asked, but we shook our heads, "keep looking. Someone must have seen what happened to Harper."
"We're in a sealed bunker." I said in a sigh, "how many places could she be?"
"There had to be rooms we don't know about," Jasper told us, "places that aren't mapped.''
"Well," Miller turned to Maya for the answer, "is it possible?"
"I doubt it." Maya replied, "but maybe."
"Thanks," I said sarcastic, "you're such a big help."
"C'mon, Olivia." Jasper snapped, "Maya's on our side."
"Are you sure?" Miller asked.
"I'm sure. She's risking more then any of us.''
"So she's gonna end up in a kennel too?" I asked.
"Stop it, guys." Monty spoke up, "I found something that leads to an antenna on the Ground." He pointed at the map, "if we can access the radio, we can send a message over the Ark-wide channel. Tell them we're here."
"The only radio is in the command center on level seven." Maya said, "highly restricted.'
"We got in before." Jasper told the girl.
"Only because it was scheduled for decontamination." Maya replied, "that won't work again so soon."
"We don't need the radio." Monty said, "we need the wires tat run in it." Monty pointed at the map again.
"The art warehouse." Maya said, "that I can get us into."
"Great. All we have to do is break through a two-foot section of wall, find the outgoing wire, jack into a closed system... without being seen by anyone."
"That's all, huh?" Miller asked sarcastic.
"No. We also need to steal some copper wire, the guards' schedules and a walkie-talkie... and a big ass hammer."

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