Chapter 21- Acid fog

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Warning: difficult, frustrating words ;P. I had to google them all. Also Wick/Raven feels!
Olivia's P.O.V
It seemed like we were searching for hours for anything that could be related with the infamous acid fog. Both Bellamy and I got slightly irritated. Bell also got me an earbud to listen and talk to Raven. Our searching was now that far that we both searched in different areas- still not to far from each other. E didn't have any encounters with Mountain Men, which I wasn't sure of it being a good or a bad sign.
"Guys, come in." I heard Raven, I jumped a little in shock since I wasn't used to this yet.
"I'm a little busy, Raven." Bellamy sighed.
"Guys, my key card isn't working on this level, which sucks." I said.
"You missed check in." Raven told us, "did you find the source of the acid fog yet?"
"I'm making my way there now." Bell replied.
"Found it?" I asked and started to head back to Bellamy.
"I think so, hurry," he told me. I found Bell in a few minutes and joined him.
"It's taking longer then I thought." I told Raven.
"I don't know enough to crack it on this end." She replied, "you gotta give something."
"We're working on it." Bellamy said. We got to another door. Bell tried his key card, but the door didn't open. "Raven, my key card isn't working either."
"That's not golf."
"Let's find another way in, then." I suggested, "we'll talk to you later." Bell and I turned around and started to walk the other way.
"Stay right there!" I stopped in my tracks and looked at the die; two real guards were pointing their guns at us, "hands in the air."
"At three we run up the stairs." Bellamy whispered, but because of the earbud I could hear it, "3"
"2." I replied.
"1." We said at the same time and sprinted up the stairs. I took 2 steps at the time, while the cap had fallen off and the guard were busy talking in their radio's and coming after us. I was only two feet behind Bellamy and I could easily run in this pace, since he had grabbed my hand. We sprinted down another stairs, but it seemed like the men chasing us didn't notice.
"What now?" I panted.
"Everything except splitting up or getting caught." He said under his breath.
"Good plan."
"You're surrounded!" One of the men called and appeared at the top of the stairs. Both Bellamy and I ran again. Bell had now intertwined our fingers hole we ran a random direction. We stopped running Asian behind a corner hole a guard talked over the common Mount Weather guard radio, which e could hear over Bell's radio. "He's coming." I whispered.
"Don't worry." Bell let go of my hand as soon as the man appeared. Bellamy unarmed him, hit him twice which made him stumble and fall. He was hit again against his head and knocked out. "What;s your status?" The other guard asked over the radio.
"His key card." I said and searched him, "here." I handed it to Bellamy once I found it.
"They know I'm here now." Bell panted and walked to the door.
"Then let's be extra careful." I said and walked after him. He tried the key card on the door and luckily it opened. "Are you okay?" He said closing the door being him and laid a hand on my cheek.
"Yes, I am." I smiled slightly, "how are you?"
"Fine." He said no dropped to the floor to sit, "after I sat for a minute or two." I sat down too and sighed at the relieved feeling of my legs once I sat. Bellamy stared at me for a few second and started smirking. "Now what?" I asked in a slight sigh.
"Did anyone ever told you you look sexy in dungarees?" He flirted.
"Yes." I said and laughed at his confused expression.
"What? Who?" He suddenly was a lot more alert.
"My last boyfriend before I locked up." I replied and shrugged, "we broke up. Ask Clarke if you don't believe me."
"Well-" Bellamy was cut off by shouting of guards behind the door. We both leaped up and started running. "This way." Bellamy told me and got to the elevator.
"Don't." I said stopping him from going in, "we really need to avoid encounters now." He nodded and lead me towards the stairs. I sighed a little but started the long climb with him.

We got to Maya's house again and once the door opened Vincent was revealed. "I need you help." Bellamy whispered. Maya's father opened the door quickly and let us in before closing the door even faster.
"It's all over the radio's." Vincent said, "they know about you. Anyone see you come here."
"No." Bell replied, ''we've been keeping in the vents and unmonitored halls."
"Vincent." A man spoke up. I stepped behind Bellamy who immediately aimed his gun at the guard.
"It's okay." Maya's father said fast, "Lee's with us."
"Dante was like a father to me." The man told us, "some of us don't agree with Cage's agenda."
"Where's Jasper, Monty and Maya?" I asked.
"They're okay." Vincent told me, "thanks to Lee, we moved them to a wing that;s already been searched." I sighed relieved, knowing that they were safe. I noticed Bellamy still pointing his gun, so I laid my hand on his wrested and moved downwards. "Thank you." I said to Lee.
"Isn't that a risk?" Bell asked ignoring me, but he did stop aiming his gun.
"We had no choice." Vincent replied, "they have gone public with what happened on Level 5. They're saying you killed 10 soldiers. I don't know how much longer we keep this shell game going. Did you take out the acid fog yet?"
"That's why we're her." I said while Bellamy was putting his gun away, "we had some struggle."
"We're gonna need another route." Bell said.
"Way ahead of you." Vincent told us and grabbed some big file, "you van get there through the retrofit zones. They're off limit." He spread open a sort map of another part from Mount Weather, "no camera's, no patrols. We used some to move the kids. And that's you're other route." He walked away again while we studied the map and came back with something in his hand, "you'll also gonna need this. An acetyl torch.'' He handed it to Bellamy and leaned over the map again, "go to the Northwest corridor."

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