Chapter 19- "War is coming"

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Bellamy's P.O.V
I woke up very early that morning. I yawned and stroked my Queen's hair softly. I almost fell back to sleep, but then I realized where I was. "Hey." I heard a soft voice whisper. Olivia had woken up too and was now staring up at me.
"Good morning." I said in hoarse morning voice. I leaped out of bed and started putting on the uniform again.
"Did anyone ver tell you," Queenie started sleepily, "that you stripping down is much better then you dressing up." I turned to look at my beautiful girlfriend, who sat up right on the bed. I walked towards her and put a strand of hair behind her ear. I planted a kiss on her lips, "for you goes the same, Queenie." She chuckled and got out of bed.
"Are you sure?" She said in a low voice she grabbed her clothes and started putting them on like she was stripping down.
"I'm pretty sure." I laughed and kissed her again. At some point we had to pull back for breath but I kept staring in her eyes. So many things I anted to say to her now, too many."
"What?" She asked snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Just that, now it's peace with the Grounders, we are going to take a long walk when we get out of this hell hole.''
"What;s the purpose of the walk?" She wondered out loud.
"Getting out of earshot of the other Arkers so I can make you scream my name." Before she could reply anything I had pressed my lips against hers again. It didn't last long since Maya knocked on the door "Bellamy, we need to go." She said to me once I opened the door. She was holding a tray with food. She entered and set down the food. "The breakfast is for Olivia." She edited. Queenie looked thankful at Maya.
"We need to eat something on our way." Maya held out to sandwiches and handed me one.
"I'll come back." I told my Queen before leaving with Maya.

"Lovejoy;s key card ill get you in the armory." Maya said while we were once more walking the hallways in a fast pace, "the guns are locked. The guard has the key. I can lure him away if-"
"There's no time." I cut her off, "once I get guns, how do I get to Level 5? They're watching every door."
"Maybe not." Maya said walking slower, "the Mess Ha;; has a trash chute.''
"A trash chute?"
"There's one on every level. Best part, no radiation alarms. The hatches leak like crazy, so they put in air locks to be safe. You get the guns. I'll be them to the Mess Hall."
"You're a natural-born revolutionary." I told her.
"My mom was the revolutionary. I'm just trying to do what's right."
"Meet back here in 30 minutes." I said and walked off.

It wasn't even ten minutes later when the chaos began again; Cage was talking over the radio system of the guards. He wasn't talking to the guard, but to my friends. "This is President Cage Wallace talking to the people who killed 10of my men. I though we'd try something... a little different this time. There is only 20 minutes of oxygen in Maya;s suit. I know she's a friend of yours. In 20 minutes, your friend will either suffocate of burn." I immediately unread around and walked the other way quickly, "but you can safe her. All of you have yo do is surrender." I had to do something now. I couldn't get too the armory in time, I knew that, and Maya;s life was more important then guns.the trash chute was the only solution no. I started walking faster and faster, almost running. I reached the place I needed to be, but it had cost me ten minutes. Luckily, no one was here right no so I started kicking open the gird. After another few minutes, something broke inside. "Screw this." I whispered to myself and pulled it open. As fast as I could I crawled to, until I reached a dead end. I heard voices on the other side, and I knew it were my friends. I did the same as I did with the other hatch and kicked it open. "Bellamy." Monty breather, but there was no time for catching up on each other.
"Get her in here." I said quickly and pointed at a heavy breathing Maya. They helped her in as we went down the trash chute. I didn't even notice Jasper coming with us, because air was blown in the trash area. Jasper pulled off the helmet of Maya's suit. She immediately gasped for air and hugged Jasper tightly. Suddenly the man I recognized s Maya's father came around the corner. "Dad." Maya breather, "what are you doing here?"
"Hat your mother would've done." He answered. Another figure came around the corned, dressed in a blue suit so no one recognized her. The person too off the helmet and revealed Olivia.
"Bellamy." She breathed and hugged me.
"Oh thank god, you're alive." Jasper said and gave her a hug too.
"Jasper, Clarke is coming with an army of Grounds." I informed him.
"What?" Jasper breathed.
"We have to keep all of you safe till then."
"Don't tell me Finn finally got his peace talks." I saw Olivia immediately look at the floor at Jasper's words.
"Something like that." I replied and took Olivia's hand in mine, "come on. We got a lot of work to do." I walked away with y Queen, and the other just followed suit.

Within ten minutes everyone in the Mess Hall was out of there. We stayed together, but I knew that wouldn't work  for long. "It's all clear." I told them after checking the next hallway.
"What if they see us?" Someone asked while we sneaked through the corridor.
"Maya took out the camera's." I hear my Queen reply.
"Yeah, but we're still sitting ducks in a group like this." Miller told her.
"You're right." I said, "so we're gonna split up."
"No." Monty said and stopped me, "we do this together. We survive together."
"Bellamy is right." Jasper told Monty.
"They don't trust Maya anymore." Miller stated, "who the hell's gonna help us now."
"Well, I didn't wait on a room," Olivia said, "c'mon." She gestured us to follow.while I shot her a few confused looks. She turned another corned, "they're gonna help us." I didn't believe what I saw; around the corner a group of Mountain Men we're gathered, among them Maya and her father.
"We're going to hide you." Maya spoke up, "not everyone here agrees with Cage. Not by a long shot."
"Come with me." Maya's father gestured us to come, "we'll decide you along the way." I grabbed hold of my Queen's hand again so I could kiss her and tell her ho amazing she was.
"We're coming with you." Jasper said to me.
"No, you're not." I replied, "they still don't know I'm here. I need to keep it that way."
"So, what do we do?" Monty asked.
"Stay alive. Be ready for fight. War is coming." (Winter is coming also) They nodded and walked away. Olivia wanted to follow them but I didn't let her go, "not yet." I whispered and turned her towards me, "how did you get this done?"
"I didn't study for Chancellor for a year to be not convincing." She replied, "I also did some engineering in my spare time."
"If you just knew the half of how much I love you." I said and pulled her in for a kiss. She kissed back, but there was no time for the kiss to last long.
"I love you too, you know that." She said. I kissed her forehead and watched her being escorted after Jasper and Monty. I went my own way in the opposite direction. I couldn't help but wonder when I saw her again. War was coming, but when?  And how do we know when it;s here? How will I be able to protect my Queen while they think I am one of them? I was sure Raven needed to talk to me through more stuff I knew I wouldn't understand. I was going to need Olivia again soon. For now I needed to focus on now. War is later, keeping my friends save is now.

Who got my beautiful reference?
Also: what do you prefer: Bell saying 'war is coming' or Stark saying 'winter is coming'? Tell me in the commentssss

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