Chapter 25- Whatever it takes pt. 2

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Bellamy's P.O.V
We didn't have to use much force to get Dante to walk. Clarke walked in front of him, with a gun and I was right behind him, while Monty behind me. "I told you," he started while we turned into the next empty hallway, "there's no one here."
"Sorry if we don't take your word for it." I said with a note of sarcasm/
"Why aren't you with you're people on Level 5?" Clarke asked.
"After what Ive done," he started, "they can be free, I can't. Deliverance comes at a cast. I bear it so they don't have to."
"It wasn't Cage," I realized, "it was your idea to make the deal with the Grounders." He silently nodded in reply.
"We're in." Monty said suddenly. I looked away from Dante and saw that Monty had already unlocked the door of the Command Center. I walked in first to check, but it was all dark and empty. "It's clear." I told the others, "he was telling the truth."
"Let;s get the monitors up." Clarke said, while I lead Wallace inside. Monty immediately started doing his thing and within a minute-
"The Command Center is live." He said proudly. I looked at the screens and my eyes landed on one in particular; it as the dorm. They were draining someone in there while the others were tied to the walls. Right now, they drained Raven. "Oh my god." Clarke whispered. I grabbed a walkie talkie and turned to Dante, "tell them to stop. Now."
"I wont do that." He said slowly and stern. Clarke walked over to us and grabbed the walkie out of my hand.
"Carl Emerson," she said into the radio, "Mount Weather security detail, dome in."
"Who is this?" A man replied.
"You know who it is. Give the radio to the President."
"They're moving." I noticed the camera's turn every now and then.
"Not a problem." Monty replied, "I'll bring it on the min monitor." Monty did as he said and the screen became much bigger. We saw the President standing outside of the Mess Hall with a walkie talkie.
"This President Wallace." Cage said.
"I have your father." Clarke stated, "if you don't let my people go, I'll kill him."
"How do I know you have him?" Clarke held the radio in front of Dante to prove it.
"Stay the course, Cage." He said.
"You won't do it." Cage said a little nervous.
"You don't know me very well." Clarke held a small pause, "this ends now. Release my people."
"I can't do that."
"It would mean the end of our people, Clarke." Dante told her. Clarke stared for a second or two, but then aimed her gun at Dante. "Clarke, we need him." I tried to remind her.
"And I need his son to believe me." She replied. She then brought the radio to her mouth again, "don't make me do this."
"Dad," Cage said after a few second, "I'll take care of our people."
"None of us has a choice here, Clarke." Dante said nervously.
"I didn't want this." Clarke said to him.
"Neither did I." Those words were Dante's last words. Clarke shot him coldly.
"Listen to me very carefully," she said into the radio, "I will not stop until my people are free. If you don't let them go... I will irradiate Level 5. So Cage, listen to me. I don't want anyone else to die. Stop the drilling and we can talk. There must be a way to get us all out of this." On the screen we saw the man called Emerson talk to Cage and the jog towards the Command Center.
"He's coming for us." Clarke stated.
"They deactivated my key card.'' I said, "can you do that to his."
"That one's easy." Monty replied and sat down at one of the computers again. I looked at the screen and saw Cage walking away and into the Mess Hall. "Where's he going?" I wondered out loud. We saw him appear in more security camera's.
"The dorm." Clarke answered me concerned, "Monty, can you do it? Can you irradiate the Level?"
"I can do it." He replied.
"Wait a second, Clarke." I said trying to get some sense into her, "we need to think about this. There are kids in there."
"I know." She replied in a whisper.
"And people who helped us."
"Well, then, please, give me a better idea." She said desperate. I kept quiet, thinking so hard of something, but nothing came up. I looked back at the screen; I furrowed my brows because Raven wasn't on the table anymore. Someone else got dragged towards it. "What have I done?" Clarke asked, her voice high pitched. I looked back at the screen and saw that it was Clarke's mother who got dragged. Clarke was no really on the point of killing so many people, I saw it in her blue eyes.
"If we do this, there's no going back." I told her. Monty looked up at Clarke, she nodded at him.
"Figure it out." She said. It was silent for a long time. I watched the different screens until I saw two people hysterical running over the corridors. "Now what?" I said. Two guard appeared to, and then Octavia. She stuck her sword into one of the guard's chest, then tripped the other and slid his throat too. "They gotta get out of there." I said once I saw Maya and a new group of guards running towards them. Only a second later, Emerson started banging on the door. "He's here." Clarke stated.
"Jasper, they caught him." Monty said looking at the screen too; guards indeed were leading Jasper into the dorm too. Octavia and Maya now appeared in the Mess Hall, guard surrounded them. Right on that moment, Monty stopped everything he did. "Why are you stopping?" Clarke asked.
"Because I did it." He replied, "all we have to do... is pull this." He pointed at a lever, "hatches and vent will open, and the scrubbers reverse, pulling in outside air." I looked back at the screen of the corridor in front of the Command Center.
"He's gonna blow the door." I said, grabbing my gun as I saw Emerson with a bomb in his hand.
"Clarke, we're out of time." Monty said and stood up. Clarke grabbed hold of the lever, but didn't dare pulling it yet. I got another look of the screens, but my eyes remained on the one where Octavia was forced on her knees. "My sister, my responsibility." I whispered.
"I have to save them." Clarke tried to explain, breathing heavily. I laid my hand over hers on the lever, knowing she couldn't pull it on her own. "Together." I told her. She softly nodded and moved downwards. Only a minute later, all the Mountain Man laid on the floor, gasping for air. "Let's go get our people." Clarke said with tears in her eyes.

Olivia's P.O.V
And suddenly the guards and doctors lay dead on the floor with a burned skin. It was quiet now. We gave each other only meaningful looks, but remained silent. Waiting for anything to happen and then-
"Octavia." I called out when she appeared in the dorm.
"Get the keys from the guard." My father said desperately to get free. She did as told and freed my father, who hurried to Abby while O freed me. "Thanks." I breathed and hugged her.
"Hey." She whispered but quickly let go and freed the other. I couldn't even take a breath before my father hugged me tightly. "My beautiful daughter." He said in a small sob, "I missed you so much." I buried my face in his neck and sobbed too.
"I missed you too." I said and really meant it. He slowly let go after a few more second. I looked over his shoulder and saw Clarke, Monty and Bellamy standing in the doorway. Clarke ran over to her mother who as freed of the chains by my father. "Bellamy." I said. He noticed me too and sprinted over and immediately embraced me.
"It's over." I said and hugged him tighter, though my father's confused looks.
"Yes, Queenie, it is." He relied and slowly pulled away.
"You did the right thing." I said and laid my hands on his cheeks. He kidded me as reply. I suddenly remembered something when my father cleared his throat. We pulled apart but didn't let go of each other. "When did this...?" He trailed off.
"About two months ago." I replied while a slight pink blush appeared on my cheeks.
"If not longer." Bellamy edited.
"I don't think you really need my... blessing." He said, "but you have it anyways." He still seemed confused but I chuckled lightly and kissed Bellamy's jaw.
"You get that I never gonna let you go ever again?" Bell joked.
"Still your second." I said, "not even expecting you too."
"If you're done we can get these people home." My father told us, his old self again.

An enormous piece of the Ark rose up in the distance. "Is that-?" I started but Bellamy- who never let go of my hand- cut me off.
"Home." He told me. We slowly walked through the gate, but I did need sometime to get this all in. "Olivia?" I heard besides me. Clarke softly smiled, but looked broken, "can I borrow you for a second?" Both Bellamy and I nodded. I walked further with Clarke, while Bell stayed at the gate.
"What's up, Clarke?" I asked softly.
"I just wanted to say..." she took a deep breath, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for leaving you in Mount Weather like that. I should've kept to the promise. But... I want you to know, I'm leaving again. I need sometime on my own."
"I understand." I told her nodding, "the first- and the last part." She embraced me in a hug.
"Talk to Bellamy before you leave okay?"
"I will." She sobbed slightly, but then let go.
"May we meet again." We said at the same time.

Bellamy's P.O.V
"I think we deserve a drink." I said to Clarke after she talked to Olivia, who left me alone with Clarke.
"Have one for me." Clarke replied.
"We can get through this."
"I'm not going in."
"Clarke, if you need forgiveness... I'll give that to you. You're forgiven. Please, come inside."
"Take care of them for me."
"Clarke," I said in disbelief and scared to lose her.
"I'm seeing their faces everyday. It's just gonna remind me of what I did to get them here."
"What we did. You don't have to do this alone."
"I bear it, so they don't have to."
"Where are you gonna go?"
"I don't know," she paused but the lightly kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly, "may we meet again." She let go and asked out of the gate and into the open.
"May we meet again."

Olivia's P.O.V
I felt two arms wrap around my waist and immediately knew who it was. "I love you, you know that right?" He asked.
"You've told me a couple of times." I chuckled.
"I'm telling you again; I love you."
"You took a piece of my heart, and made it all your own. So when we are apart, we'll never be alone." I turned around slowly and connected my lips with his. I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with his hair. We had all the time to kiss now, but little did I know, somewhere far away, a new enemy was rising. The only question: how long does it take to get here?

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