Chapter 7- Lincoln & Burglaries

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Bellamy's P.O.V
The only person in this camp that could possibly help us bringing Lincoln back, was Clarke. So I went off by myself as Octavia wanted to stay with Lincoln. I hurried into camp Jaha, not caring what was going on. I bumped into the right person, the blonde I was looking for. "Hey, where have you been?" She breathed.
"In the Drop Ship." I replied, "you need to come with me."
"Why? What's happening?"
"I'll explain on the way. Bring a med kit. Meet me at Raven's gate." I walked away quickly, leaving Clarke very confused.

Clarke met me at the gate, with her med kit, but still confused. I told her everything that had happened in the past hours. It didn't make Clarke much less confused, but she understood the most important part. Clarke climbed up the ladder first, and I followed quickly after. Lincoln immediately started growling, grunting and yelling. We had chained him, just like the last time he was on the third floor of the Drop Ship. "It's okay." I calmed Clarke down, ho couldn't move at the sight of Lincoln, "he's been restrained."
"I can't believe we're here again." She breathed.
"Can you help him?" O asked.
"I dunno." Clarke replied honestly, "I knew Mount Weather controlled Reapers. I had no idea they were creating them."
"If they can do that to Lincoln," I spoke up, "what are they doing to our friends... to Olivia?"

Olivia's P.O.V
Once again, the music was playing loudly as we had set up another meeting.
"I'm tired of puking." Harper said sadly. We were doing more treatments to buy more time, but the time was running out and it felt like our blood was running out too.
"I'm tired of being a human pincushion." Miller replied.
"I'm tired of sitting here and doing nothing about it." I sighed.
"Look, I know this sucks..." Jasper started, "but as long as it seems like we're cooperating, we're using ourselves time."
"Time for what?" Miller snapped.
"Yeah." I replied, "if we're gonna die in here, let's die trying to escape."
"Olivia, we've been over this after Clarke left," Jasper sighed in annoyance, "there's no escape. We just have to hold on long enough for her to find a way to get us out.'
"What if she doesn't find a way?" Monty said, "what if she didn't make it out? What if it's just a story they're telling us to hide the fact that they-"
"Sucked out all her blood?" I cut him off.
"That's one at to say it." Monty went on, "but then no one's coming for us and we're doing exactly what they want us to do. Jasper, you know you've thought it too."
"Alright, then.'' Harper spoke up, "we escape."
"No." Jasper said, "we find the truth."
"How do e do that?" Monty asked.
"We're criminals, right? So let's be criminals."

Miller stood guard. Monty and Harper tried to unlock the door. Jasper and I pretended like we were talking. "Today Monty." Jasper whisper yelled.
"I'm going as fast as I can." Monty murmured. Miller gasped when he saw the security camera on the ceiling and pointed at it. "Relax." Jasper said, ''Maya's decontaminating the surveillance room. No one' watching. We got this... if we can get that door open."
"You were saying?" I smiled as the door opened. We hurried into the President's office. I looked around, searching for answers about Clarke. I noticed a metal box on a sort shelf right under the desk. "What about that box?" I asked pointing at it.
"No time for that now.'' Jasper said.
"What do we have here?" Monty opened a computer on the desk.
"Great." I hurried over.
"It's password protected." Jasper sighed.
"Try welcome." I said sarcastic. Monty chuckled lightly, while Jasper rolled his eyes.
"I'll heck into it.'' Monty started hacking the computer while I went through one of the bookcases.
"Guys." Jasper said and lifted a sword.
"Watch yourself, before you take someones eye out." I chuckled and Jasper replaced the sword.
"Got something." Miller held up a few files.
"Me too.'' Monty said, "damn, I'm good." I quickly got over, the laptop revealed a few pictures of clearly Arkers and pieces of the ship behind them, "they're alive."

Bellamy's P.O.V
O shone her flashlight on Lincoln all the time as he kept screaming and struggling. "He's convulsing." Clarke spoke up as she examined Lincoln.
"So, what does that mean?" Octavia stuttered.
"What happened to his leg?" Clarke looked at the blood soaked cloth bound around his leg.
"I shot him." O breathed.
"Clarke, he's lost a lot of blood.'' I said. Clarke took only a small step closer, but Lincoln growled and tried to attack her. "Can you shine the light on his neck?" Clarke asked, not looking away. O did as told, "needle marks." Clarke stated.
"You think he's been drugged?" I asked.
"Maybe." Clarke replied, at that very moment the chain shot loose and Lincoln could attack Clarke. "LINCOLN!" Octavia yelled and ran towards him. But Lincoln there her away. In my own run I pushed Lincoln as hard as I could, hitting him as he didn't let go of Clarke. His attention went towards me and pushed me and Clarke roughly to the floor. The Reaper now almost fully escaped the chains, only his foot was still chained. I grabbed the electric stick as he tried to free himself from the last chain. I ran towards him, but he got loose and attacked me this time. I couldn't even touch him with the stick as it flew out of my hand. Lincoln hit me multiple times. My sight became blurry when someone hit the Reaper with a pipe and he rolled of me. It was Octavia, she kneeled down next to me as I breathed heavily. It was just for a few minutes that I thought I was going to die, but it got better.

I tightened the last new chains. Lincoln laid on his back, he couldn't move nor was there any chance of escaping. "We have to stop the bleeding and get the bullet out." Clarke said, "hold his leg still." I crawled over and did as Clarke said. O tried to give Lincoln water, but he resisted. She was going to get some more but I stopped her. "Once the drug is out of his system, he'll be okay."
"You can't protect me from this one, big brother." She walked out with that.

"Your mom would be proud." I said to Clarke as she rebounded Lincoln's leg after moving the bullet.
"My mom would know how to save him." She replied. O reentered the third floor, followed by a Grounder. The last part took me by surprise and I instinctively grabbed the rile and aimed it at the man. "Bellamy, don't." O leaped in front of the Grounder, "he's Lincoln's friend and their healer." Clarke noticed Lincoln seized once more. I lowered my gun and let the Grounder through. He kneeled down and grabbed a vial. He said something in their language and let a drop out of the vial, but Clarke caught it on her finger before it reached Lincoln. The Grounder grabbed a knife. "Back off!" I shouted, ''right now!" Clarke repeated the Grounders words again.
"It's what they say before death." Clarke told us, "he's not trying to heal him, he's trying to kill him."

It was late in the night and Clarke had somehow brought Lincoln back. She actually brought him back from death. After that she left with Finn. I was so exhausted of everything and I didn't have an ounce of energy left. I didn't sleep in days. "You should sleep, at least rest." O said while she looked at the bags under my eyes.
"I won't fall asleep." I said resting my head back against the wall of the Drop Ship, "and if I did fall asleep, I'd have some awful nightmare in which I see Olivia getting hung upside down..." I yawned trailing off when the exhausting really hit m, "though for a minute or ten..." my eyes closed, but I wish they never did...

"No wait!" I said.
"We need her blood now." A man in suite said.
"Bellamy!" She screamed in pain as a drill made contact with her body. I couldn't move. I couldn't look away or close my eyes. "Bell-" she was cut off by death.
"Lay her on the others." The Mountain Man said. Two other threw her body on the bodies of Jasper, Monty, Abby, Kane, Clarke... almost everyone. The blood that still leaked from her body mixed with the blood of the others. Her beautiful black hair was all over her face and her beautiful brown eyes stared lifelessly at me. "She's next." The Mountain Man said and pointed at Octavia.

"NO!" I shouted and shot up panting. Abby had entered the room, but I couldn't make out what she was saying. She was pressing Lincoln's chest. But suddenly she stopped. "He's gone.'' She said.
"No, it's not possible." Octavia breathed, "you're wrong." She tried the same as Abby did. O sobbed and I kneeled down next to her, when the hatch opened. Clarke climbed in, followed by a male and a female Grounder. My hand slowly traveled towards my gun, when the third (female) Grounder entered. "Kill them all." She said. I stood up and aimed the gun.
"Please, you don't have to do this." Clarke tried.
"You lied." The younger female said, clearly she as their leader... then it hit me, she was their Commander, "and you're out of time." No idea what the girl was talking about, but when she finished Abby placed the electric stick on Lincoln. "Hit him again." Clarke said getting her mothers idea. Abby did it again, and suddenly Lincoln breathed.

Olivia's P.O.V
We looked at the files back in our dorm and talked about the pictures a lot. "If Alpha's on the Ground," Miller started, ''maybe the other stations are too."
"You're both from Alpha, right?" Monty asked.
"I'm a Kane, that says a lot." I replied.
"My dad was chief guard." Miller explained, ''he sure loved having a thief for kid."
"You're a great thief." I said with a smile, he chuckled.
"She's right." Monty reassured but went back to the files, "these are the engineering schematics for this whole place. If there's a way out, we're gonna find it."
"Guys." Jasper breather a he walked over, "Harper didn't show for breakfast, have you seen her?"
"Not since Dante's office." Miller replied.
"So where the hell is she?" I said with anger, confusion, and concern in the same sentence, "if they touch her, I will kill them all with my bare hands."
"Relax," Monty said and laid a comforting hand on my shoulder, "we'll find her. I promise."

A/N: Lexaaaaaa

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