Chapter 5- Reunited and Maya's savior

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Bellamy's P.O.V
Tired and hungry I walked. My feet hurt as ell as my legs. The thought of being reunited with Olivia made it better, but another voice in my head told me she wasn't there, or here any time soon. A guard took the gun out of my hand when we reached Camp Jaha (AkA Alpha-Station). Abby walked up to Mel and laid a hand on the girl's cheek, "I know you." She said, "Factory Station. Where are the others?"
"There are no others." Mel replied.
"We found her a day from here." I told the Doctor, "no survivors. Lots of supplies." Abby said to a guard to get Mel to medical.. Monroe asked after her, but Octavia stayed at my side.

We didn't talk to each other because something blonde and running caught my eye. It was Clarke. She flung her arms around me. I hesitated before hugging her back. Clarke let out a sob even. "Now, there's something I thought I'd never see." Octavia said. Clarke pulled back, she was smiling weakly just like me, and then she hugged O. "Olivia. Is she here too?" I breathed looking around, hoping to spot my Queen.
"I couldn't take her with me. She's alive." Clarke replied. My smile faded, but I nodded grateful.
"Where's Finn?" Clarke looked at the gate, hoping to spot him.
"Looking for you." I told Princess.

Clarke told me all about Mount Weather, the place Olivia was. Clarke made sure to mention my Queen as much as possible, knowing that as the most of what I needed to know. Abby had formed a council and talked probably about what to do next.
"What?" Clarke snapped at her mother as she told her decision about not going after Finn and Murphy, "no. We cant just cut them loose." I had that feeling Clarke was more talking about Finn then about Murphy.
"Sweetheart," Abby started, "we don't have the manpower to send out two rescue missions and protect our camp."
"Mom, they're in trouble. They're either gonna get killed or make things worse with the Grounders, who we need to save our people out of Mount Weather."
"I know you feel this unfair... but our priority has to be with Chancellor Kane if there is any hope for peace."
"If you wanted peace , you shouldn't have killed Anya, the only Grounder who was gonna help us."
"I'm sorry." Abby said coldly, "the decision's been made."
"You're sorry?" I snapped sarcastic, making both the Griffins face me, "Finn and Murphy are out there looking for your daughter with guns you gave us. And she's home, you're just going to abandon them? If you cant spare the guards, we know the terrain. We have a map. We can do it ourselves.
"Absolutely not." Abby snapped.
"I just got you back."
"Abby," a man called Jackson jogged over, "we need you in Medical."
"You better go." Clarke said coldly.
"Byrne, no one leaves this camp." Abby told the Guard women.
"Yes, ma'am." Byrne replied. Abby walked past me on her way out. Clarke came towards me and said some magic words: ''we're gonna need guns."

Olivia's P.OV
"That filthy little-"
"Olivia, that's enough." Monty snapped.
''Jasper can go wherever the hell he wants, and the President tells me Clarke's still here."
"Do you believe him?" Monty asked ignoring me.
"Yes, I believe him." Jasper replied, "Clarke left us, guys. She faked being crazy to get into Medical and took off."
"We need to go after her.'' I said. Exactly on that moment Maya entered our dorm room. The rest of the 48- 47 was somewhere else at that moment. Monty and I rolled our eyes at the same time. Monty even walked away. "Where are you going?" Jasper snapped, there was a note of sadness in his voice.
"The Drop Ship for starters." Monty replied and started taking stuff from his bed.
"I just hear," Maya said, "you're leaving?"
"Yes, we are." I replied it as a statement.
"No, we;re not.' Jasper corrected.
"What would Clarke do?" Monty asked Jasper, who stayed quiet.
"No you can't leave." Maya tried.
"And why's that?" I snapped.
"It's too dangerous."
"Don't worry." Jasper smiled, "I'm a coward."
"No you're not." Maya almost whispered, "you're smart. You cant make her come back."
"Clarke would go after us." I slightly raised my voice, "we should do the same. And, hell, it's Earth. It's always dangerous." I looked at Maya, red spots were appearing on her skin.  Looked like she was sunburned or something. Confusion was written on my face. "Radiation." She breathed suddenly and a alarm started blaring, "there's a containment breach."
"How?" Jasper stuttered.
"I don't know." Maya cried, she ran towards the doors, but they didn't open.
"What do we do?" Jasper shouted.
"Help!" Maya screamed. She turned around, her skin fully burned. Now the three of us started screaming for help too.

Bellamy's P.O.V
I arched the flames of our small camp fire. I knew I should be thinking about Finn and Murphy- where Clarke, Octavia, and I had managed to go after- but I was thinking about my Queen so badly. I missed her that much that I couldn't sleep and only ate when it was a real need. Was I happy that she was in Mount Weather? She wouldn't be tortured by Grounders, that' was for sure. But there was a chance she and all the others were next in getting hung upside down my eyes wandered to Clarke. I was jealous that she could sleep so peacefully, but her eyes fluttered open. She stared me in the eyes. "Last time I saw you" I started, "you were closing the Drop Ship door. Had to be done. As long as Olivia was inside."
"Did you get any sleep?" Clarke asked as she sat up.
"Do you think I can sleep when I know my Queen is in that hell place?"
"Never mind." She whispered, "how is Finn anyways?"
"You haven't seen him, Clarke. Losing you, the others, the war, it changed him. He executed the Grounder that drew us the map. Pulled the trigger without blinking and walked away." Clarke shook her head in disbelief and muttered that it didn't even sound like Finn.
"No, it doesn't." I replied on that, "I saw what he was capable of and still, I let him go with Murphy and two automatic rifles."
"I'm sure that had to done too."
"When we got back to the Drop Ship and no one was there, we assumed it was the Grounders."
"Of course you did." Clarke told me, "you couldn't have known it was the Mountain Men. No one could have."
"How long until chocolate cake turns into being hung upside down and drained for their blood?"
"I don't know. But we don't have much time."
"Okay." I looked back at the fire, "first we find Finn, then our people in Mount Weather."
"And Lincoln." A third voice joined: Octavia, "i think we've slept long enough."

Olivia's P.O.V
Jasper he laid down on the hospital bed besides Maya's. Monty and I closely watched. "If anything goes wrong," I spoke up, while the Doctor looked at the needle, "we'll blame you." She glared at me and I glared right back.
"You sure about this?" Monty almost whispered to Jasper, "look at her." Jasper looked at Maya, "I know you like her, but her blood is about to go into your body." On that moment Maya started shaking heavily, and the machine connected to her body beeped 5 times faster. "What it is?" Jasper asked concerned.
"We need to do this now." The Doctor said.
"Jasper." I snapped trying to get some sense into him.
"I can't just let her die, guys." Jasper said, "let's do this."
"This will sting a little.'' The Doctor said as she put the needle into Jasper's neck.
"Ow." Jasper yelped, "a little?" The end of the needle stayed in his neck, the Doctor connected the with a hose that was connected with the machine. Maya had the same, but blood was already streaming through it; out of her body, into the machine, and then into Jasper- who started acting strange.
"Something wrong?" I asked laying a hand on his other shoulder.
"Nothing." Jasper said like he had taken some drugs, "I feel nice.'' By now Jasper blood went into Maya's body.
"Maya's been heavily sedated." The Doctor said, "you will, of course, feel that too. It's perfectly normal."
"If you've never done this before," I said suspiciously , "how do you know?"
"You're right." The doctor said to me, perfectly calm, too calm, "I should've said: it's to be expected. This will take a while, why don't you both head back to your room? I'll send for you once he's awake." Monty and I exchanged a look, and then sat both down on a small couch that stood against the wall. No way we were leaving Jasper's side.

Bellamy's P.O.V
The sun had already risen, and we were still looking for Finn and Murphy. Octavia led the way to the village, where hopefully Finn didn't cause any trouble.
"This is it.' I said and looked at the map and then to the statue in front of us, "which way to the village?" My sister dint reply, "O?"
"The reapers came from there." Octavia pointed with her sword, tears ran down her face, "I couldn't save him, Bell." I hugged her and she repeated her words. Losing Lincoln was hard for her.

We ran into the village and there he stood; Finn was shooting innocent Grounders. He stopped the moment he saw Clarke and dropped his gun. Octavia ran forwards, Clarke and I asked rather slow, looking at the bodies laying bout. "I found you.'' Finn breathed as he walked towards Clarke. I noticed Murphy, who had a dark red jacket in his hands. "You might want this back." He said and handed me the jacket. I looked at it and squeezed it. It was Olivia's. I nodded towards Murphy and ran my fingers over the material.

Olivia's P.O.V
My head rested on Monty's shoulder, as we had fallen asleep on the couch. But we woke up from Jasper vomiting on the ground. Maya was sitting upright in her bed, her face still reddish. I was happy to see that Maya was still alive, but more important to me that Jasper was fine... besides the fact that he was vomiting.

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