Chapter 10- Torture

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Bellamy's P.O.V
"We can't let them kill Raven." I said after the shock that they wanted to kill her faded.
"Bellamy, I hate this just as much as you do, but..." Kane sighed mid sentence, "they need this. They need what they want to call justice. And we sadly need to let this happen."
"The alliance is dead," I told him raising my voice slightly, "why follow their orders?"
"If we don't, we are dead too."
"I'm not letting Raven die."
"How can we help anyone, our people, inside the Mountain if we die after you saved Raven?" Kane asked, trying to get to me and remaining way too calm, "how can you save that girl you seem to love so much when you're dead? How can I save my daughter if I'm dead?" Clarke looked extremely confused at me, but I shot her a look to keep her mouth shut, "I hope you understand that there is no way saving Raven, Bellamy." Kane walked away with that, not even glancing at me.
''So, I expect you didn't tell him?"Clarke said quietly.
"That would've been an interesting conversation," I started, "oh and, I hope you don't mind, a Factory station boy screwed your daughter a couple of times. I love her."
"But when we get her out of Mount Weather... what then?"
"I'll think of something. He can find out himself."
"Bellamy, don't be like-"
"Like what, Clarke?" I said louder then intended, "Raven dies in a few minutes, Olivia is stuck in a place they want to drain her for blood... I can't protect anyone." I sighed and stood up, followed by Octavia and Lincoln.

Kane was glaring at me as soon as we walked outside. I didn't see Raven anywhere yet. "Kane is right." O said to me and grabbed my hand, "but we'll do anything to save her. And if Raven dying is the way of getting 48 of our people out, we have to let her go." I pulled my hand out of her grasp as soon as I saw Raven tied up with her hands above her head all shaking. Lexa cut Raven first in her upper arm, then Indra, and more Grounders followed. Clarke suddenly walked out very fast. "Stop. What are you doing?" I asked after her.
"I need that bottle." She said, "stop!"
"Let her pass." The Commander said.
"One of your people tried to kill you, Lexa, not one of mine.''
"You should have run." Indra walked threatening forward.
"I can prove it." Clarke said. She grabbed the bottle and took a sip, nothing happened to her.
"Explain." Lexa ordered slowly.
"The poison wasn't in the bottle." Clarke told her, "it was in the cup." In Grounder language, a man man talked to Lexa. But though I couldn't understand what he said, it hit me. "It was you." I glared at the man, "he tested the cup, he searched Raven."
"Gustus would never harm me." Lexa spat.
"You weren't the target." I replied, "the alliance was."
"We didn't do this." Clarke said, ''and you know it." Lexa turned to Gustus and spoke again in the other language.
"This Alliance old cost you your life." Gustus replied in English, "and I could not let that happen.''
"This treachery will cost you yours." At Lexa's words both me and Abby untied Raven. She was breathing heavily, but she would be okay.

"How did you know it was Gustus?" Lincoln asked me. Night had fallen and we sat around a small fire. Gustus was dead, and Raven was totally fine.
"I though the way Olivia thinks." I replied, "and it just made sense."
"Look at the thanks he got." Octavia said. We were quiet until Raven ran over shouting.
"What is it?" I asked standing up.
"Listen to this." Raven turned on the radio.
"Forty-seven of us are trapped."
"That's Olivia." I gasped and a warm feeling took over; she was alive.
"They've taken Harper."
"Talk to her." Clarke said, "say something."
"We don't know how much time we have left."
"It's repeating." Raven told us.
"Please hurry. This is Olivia Kane."
"They're alive." O stated.
"We need help."
"We need to do this now." I told Clarke, "we've got the alliance, now is the time to use it."
"They already have Harper. She may be dead."
"First, we need on inside man.'' Clarke stated looking at me.
"Please hurry."
"You were right," Clarke went on, "without someone on the inside to lower their defenses, turn off the acid for, an army is useless. You should go."
"I thought you hated that plan," I said, "that I would get myself killed."
"I was being weak. It's worth the risk." There was a small silence before Clarke handed me her map, "find a way to get on the radio and talk to us. Good luck." With that she walked away.
"How are you-?" O was cut off.
"I can get you through the tunnels." Lincoln told me.
"you cant you back there." O said referring to his time as Reaper, "not yet."
"Let me show you what to look for." Raven offered.
"Let me guess," I said following her, "a girl with long black hair and brown eyes?"
"Yeah, you'll need that too," Raven chuckled lightly, "you're absolutely needing Olivia."

A/n: sorry this chapter was a little bit short. Yu gonplei stai odon, Gustus kom Trikru. Anyways, thank you for reading!

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