Chapter 13- Leaving?

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Olivia's P.O.V
Someone was softly shaking me awake after I had fallen asleep for what felt like a real long time. "Hey, wake up, Olivia." A voice said softly. I flattered my eyes open and saw Jasper.
"Back already?" I yawned and say up.
"You slept until noon." Jasper said. I expected some kind of chuckle to follow, but it never came, "we are gonna get something back. And that something is Monty & Harper."
"Yes!" I said loudly, throwing my fists up in the air, "finally." I leaped out of bed and had a heart attack when I saw the President and two guards. "Uh, I meant..." I stuttered.
"I'm gonna help you." Dante said and gestured me and Jasper to follow.

"So when did Dante decide to be on our side?" I whispered once we were walking through the halls.
"He always was." Jasper replied quietly, "he doesn't know about the files, don't worry."
"We have to take the elevator." Dante spoke up and stepped in with the two men, two others were already in there. Jasper stepped in, but I hesitated. What if this is a trap? What if he leads us into the Harvest Chamber anyway? "Mrs. Olivia, you can always take the stairs, but that takes much more time." Dante said in his calm voice. I stepped inside quickly, so the President pressed the button of the lowest level of Mount Weather.

We got out as soon as we reached the level. The hallways here didn't look like the other hallways I've seen so far; this one looked more like a tunnel. The walls were mostly rock, and blue light shone down. A strange noise came from the end of the hallway, and our we walked faster then before. A door opened at the very end and the sounds were much and much louder. Dante and two men walked in first. "Mr. President." The same Doctor as always was inside. She had a drain in her hand, making my heart fall.
"Put that down." Dante commanded. Only now I saw a girl on a hospital bed in the middle of the room. It was Harper; she looked awful and she was crying and shaking. 48 cages like the ones of the Harvest Chamber covered most of the room. Monty was placed in one of them. "Get away from that girl."
"Jasper, Olivia." Monty shouted.
"Monty." We said at the same time. Jasper ran towards his best friend, while I started untying Harper.
"Release him." Dante said. Immediately, one of the doctor's assistents opened the cage. And while the two best friends had a very emotional reunion, I stroked Harpers hair and whispered that she was gonna be okay.
"The Ground is our birthright." The doctor said to Dante, "you can't keep us from that."
"Watch me.'' Dante replied, "lock her up." I started helping Harper up with a little help of another man, but Dante turned to Jasper, Monty and me, "go back to the dorm and tell your friends to pack their things. You're going home."
"Thank you." I said softly. Jasper let Mony lean on him, while Harper needed more medical attention. We walked back as fast as possible to the dorm.

"Jasper, bring everyone together in the form." I told the boy, "I'll look for more in the Mess Hall."
"Sounds like a plan." Jasper said, "I'll see you soon."
"That's a promise." I said in a warning voice and got to the hall as quickly as possible.

"Miller, Fox." I spoke up, catching their attention and walked over, "we got some news. Come back to the dorm."
"What news?" Miller asked, and glanced at Fox a couple of times to tell me that she didn't know about anything that was going on in Mount Weather.
"Go to the dorm room to find out." I said. Fox nodded and walked away, while Miller stared tensely.
"What news?" Miller repeated more stern this time.
"Gosh Miller," I sighed annoyed, "Monty and Harper are back. We found them with some help of the President."
"I'll tell you more in the dorm." I cut him off and walked away, a confused Miller closely followed.

Jasper had gathered everyone else in the dorm. Monty was dressed up properly and Vene Harper laid tired on a bed. "Alright, listen up." Jasper started, "there's gonna be questions, but there's no time. We're getting out of here. So pack your stuff."
"What are you talking about?" Fox asked.
"They're letting us go?" Miller questioned in disbelief.
"Yes. And now start packing before they change their mind." I told them.
"Guys, what the hell's going on?" Fox asked quietly.
"They lied to us the whole time about everything," Monty replied, "the Ark is on the Ground, and we're not safe here. Now, do what they say." Still flabbergasted everyone started packing. I grabbed my picture and put in the inside pocket of the cardigan I wore. I grabbed the pillow and got it out of the sheet. In this new created bag, I put some clothes and the knife and more stuff I could use. I was almost done when an alarm rang through the dorm and faster then ever before, the door closed. "No!" I yelled and looked out of the glass of the door while hitting it. I saw Maya clearly, a few feet away from the door. She was talking to a guard who looked terrible familiar, though he was turned away. "Help!" I screamed without use. The guard turned his head, giving me a heart attack and walked away with Maya quickly.
"Bellamy!" I suddenly shouted, in shock of my own words- or name.
"Olivia?" Jasper said quietly and grabbed my hand, "what did you say?"
"Bellamy." I said confused and pulled my hand bout of his grasp, "I saw him!"
"No, Olivia." Jasper sighed slightly, "I'm sorry."
"No, you're not." I said shaking my head, "wait, you think I'm crazy. You both do."
"That's not true." Monty said and grabbed one of my hands, as Jasper grabbed the other, "you know that's not true."
"Sometimes," Harper spoke from of the bed where we were standing in front of, "when we really want something, our imagination makes that image. Maybe you saw a normal guard with black curly hair and you made up it was Bellamy."
"Maybe." I sighed, holding back tears. Bellamy couldn't be here, I knew that... or could he? 

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