Chapter 28

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Charlie was the first of The Seven to wake up the next morning. He poured himself a coffee then headed to the war room. As he went down the backstairs he heard someone in the gym and poked his head in to see who was there. It was Angelica. Charlie did not know how long she'd been there but her bloodied hands were a sign that she had been there for quite some time. She had already destroyed two of the punching bags, reinforced to withstand vampire strength, but she had pulverized them. She was working feverishly on the third bag. "Shit," Charlie said and returned to the Frat House. He rousted the rest of The Seven from bed with a few simple words, "Angelica is in a mood." The Seven each quickly dressed and headed for the gym. "What is going on," asked Rebekah as Rafe dressed. "Nothing to worry about, go back to sleep and I'll be back in a little bit," came his reply. He kissed her then left the room in a flash.

As The Seven each made their way to the gym, they saw what Charlie saw: The destroyed bags, her intent focus on the third bag, the blood on her hands from hours of impact without stopping. She was covered in sweat and did not even acknowledge them, barely noticing they were there. She was locked in a battle with an unseen enemy and this was a look that The Seven had seen before. "Bloody hell," said Rebekah, and the men turned to see her standing in the doorway. Before Rafe could stop her, Rebekah was beside Angelica and grabbed her arm and turned Angelica toward her. Rebekah barely recognized her face. Angelica's face reflected an intensity and ferocity that was truly terrifying. Angelica looked through Rebekah as if she was not even there.

Angelica was looking for a fight and The Seven were prepared to give her the fight she wanted, but Rebekah was unfamiliar with this side of her Beloved Sister. Angelica was different now and she was rabid for the fight. Angelica moved so fast that Rebekah did not even know what hit her. Rebekah crashed into the wall and landed on the floor. Rafe helped her up and stopped her from advancing on Angelica. "We've got this," he told her, "she'll be okay she just needs to work it out of her system." With that The Seven surrounded Angelica and the fight was on.

Elijah had woken up to an empty bed but did not think it unusual. She often snuck away early and he would find her in a corner reading a book, or the morning paper, sipping tea. He had hoped she had forgotten about the nightmare but he was determined to broach the subject with her today, hoping she would forgive him for entering her dream without her permission.

He had just finished dressing when Rebekah burst into the room. "You've got to come quickly," she said. Elijah looked at her with a questioning face, "Angelica, she's, well ... just come on!" Elijah followed his sister to the gym and could barely believe his eyes. Angelica and The Seven were engaged in a no-holds-barred sparring match. Elijah watch for a moment as the battle raged on. Angelica was amazing but The Seven were quite good in their own right, holding their own against a vampire that was over 300 years older than them. Each had a variety of fighting styles and it was incredible to watch Angelica match fighting style with fighting style, adapting to the multiple attacks, a combination of fists, of metal sticks, of knives, and even of swords and shields.

Elijah had thought it odd that the gym walls were adorned with shields and swords and other tools of battle. Mick had told him that no wood was allowed in the gym to prevent any accidental staking during sparring, and now he knew why that rule was so important. This was brutal both on Angelica's part and on the part of The Seven, well beyond the sparring that Niklaus and Angelica had engaged in over 300 years ago and Elijah had thought that was too much. This was insanity.

Charlie was the first to go down. Angelica sent him crashing into the wall with a broken arm and broken ribs to accompany it. The Navy Seal laid there for a moment as his bones healed then Elijah helped him up. Charlie remained on the sidelines, he explained, as per the rules he was out.

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