BTS as father of your kids.
Messaging you when something went wrong at home while you were out with friends.
________________________________________________________Hyung Line ~
Jin: omg
You: what?
You: did Lulu die?
You: where's Seungjae?
Jin: they're fine
You: then what?
Jin: oh nothing
You: Jin, seriously
Jin: what do you want for dinner?
You: I'm warning your ass
Jin: okay okay
Jin: I just left Jun in the car
You: JIN
You: babe
You: omg wake up
You: 2 missed calls ~
Yoongi: whaT
You: are you looking after the kids?
Yoongi: we're sleeping
You: you or them?
Yoongi: ...
Yoongi: why did we have kids?
You: when you couldn't stay off my ass ten months ago
Yoongi: right, so you guys having fun?
You: I'm not talking to you anymore
Hoseok: don't worry, put the phone down they're fine
You: but did you put him to sleep?
Hoseok: Jimin?
You: yeah
Hoseok: yes
Hoseok: I still don't know why you decided to name our child after Jimin
You: if you can't have him, name the child after him
Hoseok: bullshit
You: I still love you
Hoseok: I love you too, chim chim lover
Namjoon: my phones not working properly
Namjoon: call the house pHine
Namjoon: phOni*
Namjoon: phoneE*
You: I get it
The call was basically about how he dropped his phone in the boiling pasta water, while he was trying to follow the recipe to make food for the kids because he accidentally ripped the money that he was going to use for takeout.
He ripped the money when he playing with the kids and dropped all the vases you own then when he tried to get the contract that you guys made saying if he brakes anything he has to clean up the whole house and garden, the kids blindfolded him and he ripped the money instead of the contract. Now, baby Kem is crying for milk which Ruby and Rose (the twins) drank it all because they still love formula milk so he texted you to call the house phone.
Never leave Namjoon alone at home with the kids.
~~ 31/7/17
I love Namjoon don't worry, sorry again if it's bad.
~ when did you become an army?

FanfictionText from BTS to you (y/n) Some imagines as well Could pass as a mix of everything Request are open Share Vote Thank you ~~ #742 in fanfiction [05/4/18]