Text from BTS to you (y/n)
Some imagines as well
Could pass as a mix of everything
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#742 in fanfiction
because I need to post something and because this book is underrated. _______________________________________________________________________
it was such a cold day, not rainy or stormy or cloudy. but cold. Taehyung was fully covered up with a puffy coat on as he sat outside the coffee shop.
it was 5.58 in the morning and it opened at 6. he was waiting for her to open the doors so her could be the first ones in.
the door clicked open and he jumped up from the steps, as soon as the door opened Rohui tripped in her steps when she saw him and only him outside the shop.
"good morning, can I take your order?"
she still spat out her rehearsed sentence even though she felt as if he knew the song already. she rushed behind the counter already measuring the large amount of sugar and placing out a take out cup for him.
"one ice coffee please, lots of sugar."
he smirked when he saw her already making the order stealing glances at him as she coughed up the same ingredients like it was her own name.
"why so much sugar?"
she didn't look at him as she spoke, almost as if she was so shy or something but she didn't when she spoke. Taehyung hated this, he wanted to see the glow in her eyes as he spoke to her.
"I hate bitter things."
he said passionately hoping that she would catch on to the fact that he's never here for the coffee, yet for her.
"why do you come here all the time then?"
she has finished the coffee by now but was just holding the drink hostage as she wanted the conversation to last longer. she finally made eye contact with him and her gummy smile quickly took over as she saw him staring right back at her.
"you tell me."
Taehyung didn't know why he didn't just tell her, maybe he was shy. it hit him that he was shy as he looked down at the ground instead of at her this time.
she handed him the drink finally as she noticed new customers walking in waiting in the cue. she wanted to speak to him more but she knew she couldn't.
it was almost as if the job was coming in the way of them but it's what brought them together in the first place.
"don't worry about the money."
she refused the dollar bills he pulled out. she knew she was getting dirty looks from the other customers but they don't give huge tips all the time.
"your tips would have paid for it by now."
"thank you."
she giggled as he smiled and leaned over the counter to plant a soft lingering kiss on her cheek. her cheeks were rosy pink for the rest of her shift and it didn't go away.
"have a nice day."
she whispered as he left the shop and her hand rose to her tinted cheek.
this time Taehyung drank the coffee, he hated the bitter after taste but it was worth it if it was from her.
~ 10/10/18
Jimin's birthday is in a couple days I'm freaking out wtf I love BTS
my friend went to the concert and got me merch what a babe Jungkook was hurt before the concert He was sitting down the whole time I'm so sad wtf He started crying because he couldn't do the shoot dance and because he felt bad I'm so fucking sad I want to die
anyway I love you I'm at work gtg I love you all again
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