SunTan City👙

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Brooke: Oh my god

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Brooke: Oh my god... he was stunning... I was sitting there watching Savannah Sleep and just watching Luke... and all I could think... oh my fucking god. A little girl came over, "She's so cute! Can I see her?" I replied sure, be careful. And then.... a man came over and apologized while staring at me. Oh man... those eyes, that hair, tan... dear lord...

Luke: I went to the beach for the day to take Jordan And Kris. And the whole fam tagged along. I found Jordan staring at baby and playing with her hands. I walked over and got Jordan, "sorry.Didnt see her over here." I knelt down to Jordan, "Go back over there." As soon I saw, I knew who it was. Oh my god... blonde hair.. Brooke... a baby now? Married. I had to many questions...

Conversation between the two...
B: Uh-Yeah-hi..
L: Hi Brooke!
B: How have you been Luke?
L: I guess okay, singing, single, you know.
B: Ahhh that's good to hear..
L: Baby now?
B: My daughter, Savannah. She's only a few months. She's sleeping.
L: married?
B: Widowed.. While I was overseas, I got to know a guy in my unit, we got closer here and there, and about a year after that, we got pregnant, and a few days after she was born, he went back and died in active duty. Luke, I'm sorry I didn't give the proper goodbye or haven't spoken... it was so much at one time.
L: Brooke. Don't. You. Ever. Apologize. Ever. You had to do your job and I wasn't expecting it to be that. Can we start over..?
B: Luke, I have a baby, I have to care for. I have so much pride in my baby now, I got out of the Air Force, and became a full time mother. She's my pride and joy. I don't know Luke, text me sometime and I'll think about it okay?
L: uh-sure-okay.

Brooke: I grabbed The carrier and my duffle bag, left to the car, and said to myself, "Is Luke selfish?" Got that thought out of my head. Drove home, got Savannah out of her carried inside and put her in the crib. I got in the shower quickly and got dressed. While I was doing my hair, the doorbell rang... who is it now? Seriously? "Coming!"

Luke: I sounded like an selfish asshole. After Brooke left, I went over to everyone and sat there in shock. She had a baby with someone else, she wasn't married, she's living alone, she's not in the Air Force anymore, and she's a full time mother. Argh. Momma came over, "Something Wrong, Luke?" "Momma, not now." "Thomas..Luther Bryan!" "That girl? The girl I was talking too, was someone I was in love with untill she went overseas and left me back here... everything was sooo overwhelming " "You do where the girl lives?" "No momma, I know her phone number," "Luke, Locate it." "Why." "Just... do it" My momma got up and left and I was sitting there feeling like a complete ass.

Leclaire: I saw that my son was hurting, so I decided to go over to the sweet girls house and talk to her. Man it was a big house! I rang the doorbell, and nothing. Then I heard "Coming!" And the door opened...

LC: Hello honey! I'm Luke's mom, Leclaire! You must be Brooke.
B: umm... yeah... how'd you find me and my daughter?
LC: My son located your phone for me and I came to talk to you, if that's alright!
B: uh, sure. Come in. Let me turn the baby monitor on.
LC: no problem.
(We sat down and talked...)
B: What do you want to chat about Mrs. Bryan?
LC: Please, Call me LeClaire! I wanted to Talk about you and Luke in the past, and what happened with you, I'm trying to help my own son with love and it's completely hard on him, seeing you or he just hasn't found himself..
B:Look LeClaire, I love your son, still, I really do, but I can't just drop my whole responsibility of my child... I don't even do the Air Force anymore, I became a full time mother just to raise my child. My child's father died in combat. I don't know if Luke could handle me with a child. She's my pride and joy.
LC: I know honey, but I honestly think he's happier with you. I know he is. I gotta go, come by the house. I'll give you the address, we'd love to have you and Savannah.
B: thank you.

B: LC Left and I locked the door and checked on Savannah, and felt so relieved. I went in my bedroom and put my sandals on untill my phone went off. Oh no...

Phone Conversation;
L: Hi Brooke. I see you met my momma!
B: Uh-Yes I did. Luke, I wanna give us a try, but you have to realize I have a baby girl now. She's my pride and joy.
L: that's so understandable, but will you atleast come over to the house and have dinner with us?
B: Sure. What time?
L: Momma says 5:30. Be here at 5:10?
B: see you then. ❤️

Luke: I texted Brooke a little after momma got back to the beach, to ask about dinner. I want to give us another try, even with her having a baby to raise. I want to let her know I never left. She's such a angel. I want to give her the world. I also want to give her daughter the world as well. I want her to become my wife one day. I want to adopt her daughter, I want to be everything. I'm saying too much aren't I?

Brooke: I was wearing jeans shorts and a tank top that was American flag and sandals. My hair was curled. I had my mom watch savannah for a few hours til I got back. I was nervous to bring her. So I left her with my mom. Strange right? Yeah I know.

L: Brooke and Savannah are here, momma!
LC: Awe, let me see that beautiful baby!
B: I didn't bring her with me, I'm sorry, she's staying with nana, my mom, for a few hours while I came here.
L: that's alright.
LC: I'll leave you two alone to chat while I set the table and gather everyone!
B: thanks LeClaire.

L: What have you been up too?
B: mommy duty calls.
L: *Chuckled* Oh really?
B: Luke stop.
L: I'm messing with you. There's something I been meaning to ask, and we never got to.. experience it and I wanna try.
B: what, date? I'm all for it but you have to remember my princess...
L: absolutely, baby comes first. Understand.
B: thanks Luke.

LC: Dinner!
T(Tommy): Hello, sweet pumpkin!
B: Hi, Mr. Bryan.
T: call me Tommy.
L: Where is the seating arrangement momma?
LC:Anywhere, you two sit together.

B: I looked at Luke and sat down, we all said grace and I grabbed my fork, as Luke put his hand on my leg. Everyone was asking me questions and it was overwhelming... and here I was, with Luke again, so it was more comforting...

L: I helped Brooke answer questions. It was a lot. After dinner, Brooke and I helped momma clean up. She asked us both, "Y'all together?" We both looked at each other and Brooke smiled and replied, "Yes, Ma'am" I kissed her forehead, and everything was just perfect. I had my girl back.

**A few hours later**
B: Luke walked me to truck, and I was waiting for his  kiss... c'mon Luke... a few seconds later he stared at me and pressed his lips against mine and we instantly clicked... oh man.. I pulled away, "Luke, call me. I gotta get home to princess." "One more..." I couldn't resist... I got in my truck and left and went home to my mom sleeping on the couch and Savannah sleeping in the swing.

L: After dinner, I walked Brooke to her truck and was talking untill I was staring at her. Fuck my life, I needed to kiss the shit out of the girl.. I pressed my lips against hers and we instantly clicked... oh god... I missed this.. she said she had to get home to princess and I asked her one more... I knew she couldn't resist... I went back in and saw My sister Kelly.. Not too many questions please... I had enough at it is..

Conversation; K(Kelly)
K: Luke...
L: okay okay, she's a girl... so what.
K: Luke!
L: what Kell?
K: She's the one!
L: I know that and I knew it then. You already know  the details.. but seriously
K: I know but she's the one! Who cares if she has a child! She's the one for you!!!
L: Kelly I know. I'm going to bed in the guest bedroom. Good night.

L: I went to bed thinking about Brooke. Man; she was mine again.. oh lord. And I still haven't met her daughter... is she scared..?

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