July 26 1928

901 35 16

Diana is having her sweet 16 birthday party over at Michael & her yard. They decided that the daytime party would be over Diana's house and the sleepover after party would be over Michael's house. Janet, Rebie, Diana, Diane, and Katherine would all hang out together in Michael's house while the boys, Joseph, and Diana's dad would spend the night over Diana's house.

17 year old Michael was up all night long thinking, and the same with Diana. Diana went up to Michael's room and tugged on the telephone that they made as kids and gradually updated as they got older.

Diana: Michael? Are you there?

Michael: Yeah I'm here. Why are you still up when it's so late and everyone's asleep?

Diana: I was thinking.

Michael: About?

Diana: I don't know.... Stuff.

Michael: Oh well, What subject was your mind on?

Diana: You.

Michael smiled so wide that you could hear it in his voice.

Diana: Why are you still up?

Michael: I was thinking too.

Diana: About?

Michael: You.

Diana: oh.

Diana gave a nervous chuckle.

Michael: You want to hang out for a little bit?

Diana: Okay.

Michael: Hold on.

Michael climbed out of Diana's bedroom window the same time as Diana climbed out of Michael's bedroom window. They hugged each other and started to talk. Then they sat on the grass and talked. Then eventually laid down and started talking about the stars.

Diana: There's Orion's Belt.

Michael: I see the Big Dipper.

Diana: Oh! And I see the Little Dipper!

Michael: I see.....

Michael paused. he thought about what he was going to say and sat up. Diana sat up with him.

Diana: What? What do you see?

Michael: I see a star.

Diana: Oh lord have mercy! Michael there are millions of stars up there!

Michael: No I mean I see one special star, and that one star stands out.

Diana: Which one is it?

Diana said as she looked up at the stars trying to look for that one star.

Michael grabbed her by the hand and Diana quickly looked down at their hands.

Michael: You.

Diana looked up.

Michael: Diana, I've always liked you and I know you only look at me like a brother but I cannot hide what I feel for you any longer. It killed me when I was 12 and I found out that you were dating James. I love you, I never want to loose you, and hope you feel the same. I hope that one day you will fulfill your dream of becoming a singer but if you don't, I just want you to know that you will always be my shining star. If you don't feel the same about me, then I hope that me telling you this won't affect our friendship.

Diana was blushing hard but was looking down. Michael lifted her chin up, saw a tear escape her eye, and he wiped it away.

Diana: Michael...

Diana sighed.

Michael: Yes?

Michael said stretching the word out.

Diana: Michael, I do love you but its a brother and sister type of love. It's not that I don't like you because I really do like you but not really how you think I do and the only reason for that is that we grew up together.. As a family... Well um... can we still have our unaffected friendly relationship?

Michael was hurt and surprised but went with it.

Michael: Y-yeah. Im fine with it.

Diana looked at Michael and he kissed her forehead before heading to her window. Diana wanted to say something but her mouth wouldn't allow it. Michael climbed back into Diana's window and closed it waving goodbye.

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