October 29, 1961

485 14 5

When Michael arrived home, he sighed with agony and tried to go to bed. Michael kept on tossing and turning with activation because he could see Arne hit Diana. Michael woke up screaming with rage because his dream was about Arne & Diana fighting then Arne hit Diana. Michael hated himself so much for not being there for Diana. Michael couldn't find a way to go to sleep and stay asleep. Michael also had a headache from screaming. Michael looked around his room breathing hard and in pain. He saw headache medicine and painkillers on his dresser. Michael didn't think and took them.... Both..

Michael started to feel drowsy and just barely made it to his bed before he collapsed upon it, facedown. The next morning, Michael woke up feeling delirious but he loved the feeling. No worries. No cares in the world. Just Michael. Michael smiled and laid back down into bed. Michael looked over at the alarm clock and saw what time it was.

Michael: Oh shoot!

Michael said while quickly getting up out of bed and throwing on random clothes to go to work in. Michael got into his vehicle and drove to work. When Michael arrived there, he saw a frustrated Diana walking towards him.

Diana: Where the hell were you?

Michael: I-. I was-.

Diana interrupted Michael.

Diana: Save it. Your late. My producer is late. The show is late. Why is everyone so late today?

Michael: I-. Diana, I'm sorry.

Diana: Im sorry, Im sorry, Im sorry. Look Michael. Sorry, is not enough this time. Sorry, will not save you next time. And Sorry, may as well be your favorite word! Stop being so damn sorry all the time and start getting your ass here on time!

Michael looked at Diana with a blank expression. He didn't know what to say. Diana looked at Michael and jut her head towards Michael with an annoyed expression upon her face.

Michael: Diana.. I.. I don't know what to say to you.

Michael sighed and walked away.

Diana: Wait a minute, where are you going?

Michael kept on walking towards the door.

Michael: Home, before I loose my mind.

Diana: No. Michael, if you want to keep your job then I suggest that you get back here.

Michael paused and heaved a sigh of aggravation. Michael turned around, crossed his arms, and gave Diana a serious but annoyed look. Michael & Diana just stood there having an unpleasant stare down with one another until Michael finally spoke.

Michael: You've changed.

Michael said shaking his head.

Diana: What do you mean, 'I've changed'? Im the same Diana that you grew up with, the same Diana that is your best friend, and I'm the same Diana that was with you when times were rough.

Michael: For you..

Diana: What are you implying?

Michael: Im saying that I was there for you when times were rough for you. You weren't there when Ola broke my heart. You weren't there for me last night when I kept myself up worrying about you. Yes, you were there for me as a child but you are never with me as adults! We are friends now, but your attitude and the way you treat me may cost you a lot. Which means-.

Diana: Which means that there will never be a Michael & Diana together just like you've always dreamed. I know this. Ever since we were teens Michael! Teens! I always knew that you liked me but I never really liked you like you did until you left for college.. And came back with Ola..

Michael grinned at what Diana said about him going to college.

Diana: But anyway.. I don't think that we would have ever worked out as a couple anyway because we don't even keep in contact and we are constantly fighting, just like we are now!

Michael's face went to a serious facial expression.

Michael: We are not fighting.. I don't put my hands on you..

Michael said in a clam voice.

Diana: Don't you even start on that again. And if we're not fighting then we are arguing!

Michael: We are not arguing, you are.

Diana walked off after glaring at Michael. Michael chuckled a little as Diana walked away. Michael had killed Diana with kindness.. Truthful kindness..

Diana was annoyed. Diana went into her dressing room and closed the door. Michael smiled as he rolled his eyes while chuckling and saying.

Michael: This girl is just too much.

Michael walked towards Diana's dressing room and knocked upon the door. Michael went in after the second knock.

Michael: Diana I-.. I..

Michael stammered when he saw Diana. She was practically naked in her white gown that resembled a swan. Michael couldn't take his eyes off of Diana but he felt that he needed to.

Diana: What? You don't like it?

Michael didn't know what to say. He just stood there in a daze for a few seconds and then shook his head as he turned around facing the door.

Michael: I.. No..

Diana: Too bad. I have to wear it.

Michael started to feel the same feeling again whenever he was around Diana. Michael was amorous. Michael looked down and sighed. 'Why does she always do this to me?' Michael thought as he started to slightly tremble at Diana's presence that got closer to him each second. Michael started to breath heavily out of his mouth when Diana was directly behind him.

Diana: Michael? Michael, are you okay?

Diana said but Michael didn't hear her. Michael was out of this world. Diana lightly touched Michael's shoulder and Michael closed his eyes while breathing heavily out of his mouth. Michael slowly let his head go back as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. Michael was delirious. Diana recognized what was going on and backed away. Michael slowly let out a long sigh and regained majority of his composure. Michael didn't even bother to look back because what just happened manipulated him. Michael walked out of the room forgetting all about his 'situation' which made people stare.

Michael sighed and went to the restroom. He didn't do anything, he just sat there and sobbed. He cried a thousand tears for a thousand reasons. The main ones were that he was always alone, he is always up worrying about Diana but she doesn't notice or even care, there will never be a Michael & Diana together, and that he will never love again. Michael heard a soft knock upon his stall and a familiar voice afterwards.

Diana: Michael, please let me in. Don't be sad, it was my fault. I did this to you and I know why you act this way. You just can't control this feeling around me and....

Diana paused and sighed which got Michael's attention.

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