Marlon David Jackson

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Diana woke up in a pool of sweat and looked around her surroundings. Michael was not in sight, the children were gone, and so was Robert. Diana looked down at herself. 'Oh thank God.' thought Diana. Diana was fully clothed and smiled.

Diana: So it didn't happen. Thank you Lord!


Michael woke up breathing hard and quickly looked around himself. He was at his house and Michael breathed a sigh of relief.

Michael: I didn't do it with her then and none of it was true. Thank God.

Michael wiped the sweat off of his forehead and got up. He headed towards the shower and thought about his dream.

Michael: So, I never sent time with Diana at my house or her house, we never did anything together, and I don't even know why I had that dream.


Diana looked at the phone. She thought about dialing his number but she was too afraid about her dream. Diana picked up the receiver, dialed the number, and waited. As it rang each time, Diana got even more nervous.


Michael stood in the shower. He couldn't focus. All he thought about was the dream.

Michael: Oh God, help me.

Michael soon stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. Michael made his way to his room and laid down onto his king sized bed that now made him feel alone..

Michael pondered why he had this erotic dream that intrigued him so much. 'Was this what I've always wanted? Why am I stressing about something that I've fantasized about? Oh God, help me.'

Just then, the phone rang. Michael laid on his bed and just stared at it. 'Should I pick it up? No, whoever it is I'll call them back later. They will call back if it's important.'

'Hi, this is Michael. Im sorry that I cannot get to my telephone right now but if you leave your name and number, I will gladly call you back later. God Bless You!'

Diana's shaky voice hesitantly started to talk.

Diana: H-hello M-Michael. This is D-Diana.

Michael: Diana?

Michael sat up alarmed.

Diana: P-please call m-me back.

Diana sighed after that statement and said quietly,

Diana: Oh God.

Michael: Why she so startled to talk?

Diana quickly hung up after she hurriedly said goodbye.

Michael: I need to go see what's wrong with Diana....

Michael trailed off and got dressed casually. Michael made his way to his car and drove over to Diana's house. Michael got out of his car and nervously walked up to Diana's household entrance and knocked upon it. Michael waited for a few seconds and then turned around ready to walk away when the door slowly opens.

Diana: M-Michael?

Michael slowly turned around.

Michael: D-Diana. Um hello.

Diana refused to look at Michael and continuously looked down at nothing in particular. Michael slowly breathed out a shaky breath and began to speak once again.

Michael: Diana, we really need to talk.

Diana's head shot up and her expression looked as if she had seen a ghost.

Michael: Diana? Are you okay?

Diana blinked and Michael nervously smiled as he bit his bottom lip while looking down. Diana nervously laughed also and snapped out of her trance.

Michael: May I?

Michael said as he stepped closer to Diana. Diana quickly backed up and stumbled a little on her carpet.


Diana's heart was beating so fast that she thought that she was having a heart attack. Michael looked at Diana convoluted at how strange Diana was acting with a small smile plastered upon his face.

Michael: Be careful.

Michael said stepping inside her house. Diana let out a long sigh as she closed the door.

Michael: Diana, why are you so uneasy around me?

Diana whirled around in shock at how close Michael was to her. Diana gripped each side of the door and looked at Michael. Michael's hands were in his pockets and he was looking at Diana with a serious but concerned expression upon his face. Michael was standing about one foot away from Diana.

Diana: H-have a seat.

Michael nodded and proceeded to sit down onto Diana's couch.

Michael: Where are the children?

Diana let a tear fall off of her face but answered with a shaky voice as she wiped away her tear.

Diana: They.. They're over Janet's house.

Michael: Diana? What's bothering you so badly that you won't look at me?

Diana looked up as Michael moved closer to her trying to comfort her but it only caused a lot of discomfort. Diana stood up and walked over by a nearby window to sit down beside it.

Diana: I-.. I had a dream.

Michael's heart stopped at that statement. He too had a dream.

Michael: What was it about?

Diana looked out the window and cradled her legs in front of her. Michael got up and stood in front of Diana making her jump up. Diana tried to walk away again but Michael grabbed her arms in a firm but gentle way.

Diana: Michael let go of me!

Michael: Diana tell me what's wrong with you.

Diana: LET GO OF ME!

Michael: Diana please!

Michael said and lightly shook her so that Diana could maintain her composure.

Michael: What is wrong with you?

Diana looked at Michael for a second and held onto him tightly as if her very life depended on it while sobbing.

Diana: It was us. We... I had turned you on and we did something that I can't live with and I can't live my life with this dream torturing me.

Michael: What did we do?

Michael asked hesitantly and softly. Diana looked up at him and pushed him away. Diana ran upstairs to her master bedroom and locked herself inside. Michael went after her and tried to open the door but it was locked.

Michael & DianaWhere stories live. Discover now