May 4 1930

756 30 17

Diana was comforted by Janet. They hummed songs together and Diana eventually took over. She sung 'Who's Lovin' You' by Smokie Robinson. Janet was surprised at her voice, it was phenomenal. Janet smiled at her and said

Janet: Times a wasting. Go and get Michael.

Diana: Later, I need to blow off some steam.

Janet: okay, but you can't hold out from talking to him for long.

Diana: I know. Thank you Janet, For being my true friend when I needed you the most.

Janet: You are welcome.

Diana: Goodbye.

Janet smiled and waved goodbye.

As Diana went downstairs she almost collided with Michael. 'Oh no.' Thought Diana. Michael didn't see who it was at first but when he looked up he saw Diana standing there, frozen. Michael didn't know what to think or say. He didn't want to upset her again but this needed to get resolved.

Michael: Diana..

Diana: I was just leaving.

She said and brushed past him. Michael whirled around fast and grabbed her by the arm.

Diana: Do NOT Touch Me Michael!

She said snatching her arm away.

Michael: Look I'm sorry, and I mean it. I didn't know that you loved me. If I knew before hand then I wouldn't have ever started to date Ola, but we're happy now. I hope that you find it in your heart to support us and our love for each other.

Diana: I do support your love for her but I need to leave right now so we'll discuss this later. Goodbye.

Diana put her hand on the door knob and sprinted out of the house towards her house. Michael watched her leave wanting to go after her, but he couldn't. He felt a air of arms wrap around his waist and a pair of lips kiss his neck, followed by a sweet and very familiar voice that filled his ears with joy.

Ola: Hello Michael.

Michael: Hello Ola.

He said smiling as he turned around to hug her. He kissed her and they both smiled.

Ola: Michael, your mom told me to come and get you because it's time for lunch.

Michael: Tell mom that I'll be there shortly. I have to run an errand.

Ola: Okay.

After that, Michael left the house that he calls home and headed for Diana's house. He went to ring the doorbell and someone almost instantly answered the door. When Diane opened the door she hugged Michael and told him where Diana was.

Diane: Hello Michael! How are you?

Michael: I am good. Where is Diana?

Diane smiled.

Diane: She went to a friends house but she'll be back shortly. You can go up to her room and wait there if you like.

Michael: Thank you.

Michael went up to Diana's room and looked around. He saw old pictures of them together as kids, pictures of her old and new friends, and family members. Michael saw posters of James Brown, High Five, and other artists that they loved to listen to growing up. As he looked around though, something stood out. He walked closer to her dresser and picked it up. It was a poem dated for today.... About Michael. It read:

He's my friend,

My love,

My beginning & the end,

Michael & DianaWhere stories live. Discover now