LaToya Yvonne Jackson

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Michael made his way out of the door after saying goodbye to everyone and drove home. Michael fell onto his king sized bed exhausted thinking about everything that his mother had said to him. Michael decided to take his mother's advice and wait. After all, she's a woman too and mother knows best.


Diana went back up into her room and sat down onto her comfortable bed.... Alone....

Ever since Robert & Diana had gotten their divorce, memories of everything that they did everywhere began to flow back inside of her head. Diana looked outside of her doors to her balcony and walked towards it. Diana gazed out into the sky, watching as the sun's blazing hotness set towards the west. Diana looked down and remembered a memory that Robert & Diana shared.


Robert & Diana had been living there for a month and Diana was looking out at the stars on the balcony. Robert had just awoken up from a deep slumber because he felt a cold space beside him when he reached for Diana to hold her. Robert sat up and looked around the room with drowsy eyes looking for Diana, when he saw that the doors to the balcony were open and a silhouette of an familiar figure.

Robert got up and walked towards the doors and stopped directly at the doors. Robert leaned upon one of the doors while crossing his arms and looked at Diana as she gazed at the stars.

Robert: Beautiful night.

Diana whirled around in shock. Robert had frightened her.

Diana: Robert!

Diana replied in a sweet but shaky voice as she smiled. Diana turned around and focused all of her attention onto the stars.

Robert: What are you looking at that fascinates you so much Diane?

Diana: God's beautiful wonders.

Robert came over towards Diana and held her waist. Diana just looked upon the stars and remembered how Michael & Diana used to see how many constellations they could find. Robert kissed Diana softly on her neck and waited for Diana's response but Diana did nothing. Robert kissed Diana's neck again but more sweetly and longer. Diana squirmed a little at The kiss that Robert placed upon her skin. Diana tried to ignore Robert as he did it again but she couldn't.

Diana: Robert.

Diana softly moaned breathlessly as Robert smiled.

Robert: Come back to bed.

Robert's hands started to roam Diana's body as Diana started to loose all control of herself and interest in the stars. Diana completely lost her composure and turned around. Diana kissed Robert sweetly and Robert slowly eased his hands up towards Diana's face. Diana grinned against Robert's lips and ran into the bedroom as Robert chased her inside.

This night was the second time that Diana had ever made love to anyone.


Diana looked down and sighed. Diana walked towards her bedroom and cried curled up into a ball on her bed. Diana didn't know what to do with herself anymore. Diana felt like she was worthless and unneeded. Diana stopped crying and got ready to record a new album at the recording studio. When Diana walked inside, her manager asked her if she was alright because she didn't look like herself. Diana nodded and went inside to record.


It was as if Michael tried to avoid Diana. Michael always tried hard not to find himself alone with Diana or even in public besides work. The only place that Michael saw Diana was at work and Diana got sick of it. Diana surprised Michael and called his house.

'Hi, this is Michael. Im sorry that I cannot get to my telephone right now but if you leave your name and number, I will gladly call you back later. God Bless You!'

Diana: Michael. This is Diana.

Michael paused.

Michael: Diana?

Diana: You need to either call me or come over my house right now because we need to have a talk.

Diana said with a stern voice that startled Michael.

Michael: Oh Lord, what have I done?

Diana: So get your keys, get inside of your car, and get here!

Michael did as he was told and drove over to Diana's house. Michael walked up to the door contemplating on if he should knock or just go back home and call her. Michael soon reached a decision and raised his hand to knock onto the door but it had already swung open. Michael saw an annoyed Diana standing in front of him. Diana gave Michael a long and hard glare.

Diana: Come in and sit down.

Michael hated to see Diana so infuriated but he did as she said.

Michael: Why are you mad?

Diana: Oh I'm not mad, I'm annoyed with you Michael.

Michael: Why are you annoyed?

Diana sat down in her chair still glaring at Michael.

Diana: Why are you avoiding me?

Michael: What?

Michael was convoluted by Diana's question.

Diana: You know what I'm talking about. How you never call me, how you never say hello or goodbye to me, how you rush home after every show, how you never answer my calls!

Michael: I was trying to give you your space and leave you alone because of the dream.

Diana: But that doesn't mean you can't call me. Michael I-.. I missed you.

Michael: I missed you too but I didn't want to rush anything so I took my mother's advice and left you alone while you were healing.

Diana thought about the last time that Michael was there and what he said.


Michael: Diana, I know what you are going through. I had the same dream. I know what we did but it was beautiful. Diana, I will admit this.. I have always loved you and I will never stop. You have my heart and I can't live without you. You are my life. You are my sister. My heart.... You're my best friend. I Love You.... Please think about what I've said to you. Im going to leave you alone so that you may have time to think this out. Goodbye, Diana.


Diana: Is it true?

Michael: Is what true?

Diana let out a nervous sigh.

Michael: Is what true?

Diana: The last time that you were here, you said that you-..

Diana stopped and immediately looked away from Michael's direction. Michael instantly knew what Diana was talking about.

Diana: That-.

Michael: I Love You.

Michael finished Diana's statement.

Diana: Is it true?

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