May 16, 1966

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When Michael got home, he walked around his house being taunted by the pictures of Michael & Diana together when they were friends. Michael couldn't escape this haunting terror that made him want to throw a tantrum. Michael grabbed a coat and went outside for a walk. It started to rain later on as Michael was walking down towards an old park. Michael noticed all of the happy couples together. Some were laughing, some were talking, and others.. Others were hugging and kissing each other.

Michael wanted to cry when he saw the couples together and in love with one another. Michael just sighed and kept on walking as the rain poured upon his head. When reached the park, nobody was there. Michael walked around the park remembering all of the good times that Michael & Diana had together. Michael quickly closed his eyes, lifted up his arms, put his head back, and let the rain soothe him. Michael let the cool wetness hit his face and coat as he tried to forget his sorrows in order to make room for all the tomorrows to come.

Michael let a tear fall out of his right eye but you wouldn't be able to tell. Michael let out a long sigh and relaxed, letting the rain clear his mind. Michael put his back against a pole and put foot upon it. Michael just looked around him and started to cry. Michael wished for Diana to be back into his life.

Michael: Why did I say that to Diana? Why am I so illogical when it comes to Diana & I? Why am I so stupid?

Michael questioned as he let the tears and rain mix as they stung his eyes.


Diana went home in her limousine and cried all the way there. She misses Michael.

Diana: How could I be so

naive? So cruel? So pessimistic?

Diana walked to her balcony and looked up at the purple and blue sky as the sun was setting beyond the horizon. Diana missed the times that Michael & Diana used to have fun playing games with the sky. In the day, they would see what shape the clouds were under the sun and by night, they would look for constellations under the moon. Diana cried. She couldn't take it. Diana needed Michael. Diana walked out of the door and got inside of her vehicle. Diana was going to Michael's house.


Michael was still at the park but he couldn't keep his mind off of Diana. Michael's eye sight was blurry and he was in need of her presence right now. Michael sat down on the bench and did nothing. It was a depressing sight. Michael was lost into his thoughts as they swarmed around his head.

'There will never be a Michael & Diana more than just friends.'

'You are still the sweetest friend that I've ever met.'

'I love too.... As my brother.'

'I've never loved someone as much as I love you.'



'Stay away from Diana.'


Michael was going crazy. Michael held his head and screamed.

Michael: STOP!

The voices didn't go away. Michael screamed in agony and ran towards his house. When Michael got there, he saw a car leaving his house and down the road heading towards the opposite direction that he was coming from. Michael didn't care. He went inside of the house and looked around. Michael screamed and anything in Michael's way was thrown around. Michael never cried so hard in his life besides his experience with Ola and the Playboy magazine incident.

Michael got a headache and his eyes started to blur. Michael didn't let his blind eyes stop his tantrum and kept going. Michael got tired after a while and fell onto the floor. Michael couldn't move, speak, or think. Michael was stuck. The only thing he did was get up and go to his vehicle. Michael drove to a place where he thought that he'd never see again. Michael stopped the car and knocked upon the door impatiently. The door was answered after the second knock.

Diana: Michael?

Michael turned around and let Diana stare at Michael's puffy face, his red nose, and sheepish eyes.

Diana: I missed you Mich-.

Michael interrupted Diana with a passionate kiss. Michael stepped inside, not breaking the kiss and took off his coat. Diana was in shock but didn't do anything. Michael pushed Diana against the wall and cornered her in one space. Diana wrapped her arms around Michael's neck and Michael deepened the kiss. Michael pulled away after a while and looked at Diana.

Michael: Diana, I don't want any man besides me to have you. I say that I Love You but you never take my words seriously. I want to make love to you and I wanted you to have my children. You waited too long and I'm not waiting on you anymore. I'm loving you. I'm going to make love to you. I want to show you how much I love you and I'm going to do it all tonight. We are not friends anymore.

Michael paused and Diana looked hurt.

Michael: We are lovers. Marry me Diana. Just say yes because I can't live with out you. Diana Ernestine Earle Ross, you must marry me, Michael Joseph Jackson.

Diana looked at Michael and nodded.

Diana: I will Michael. I'll marry you.

Michael smiled and kissed Diana. Michael carried Diana up her staircase, inside her room, and closed the door. Michael kissed Diana's neck a few times but stopped, looking at Diana. Diana nodded but Michael shook his head.

Diana: What's wrong Michael?

Michael smiled.

Michael: Nothing's wrong. Everything's right. It's just that, I Love You Diana.

Diana: I Love too Michael.

Michael smiled and continued to kiss Diana. Michael & Diana made love that night and fell asleep together.


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