August 29, 1958

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Michael was at home thinking. He thought about the look that Arne gave him and how happy they seemed. Michael suspected something terribly wrong. Michael decided to call Diana and see what was going on.


Arne & Diana were still fighting when Arne raised his hand ready to strike but the phone had saved Diana. Diana looked desperately at the phone and back at Arne.

Arne: You better let it ring. They can call back.

Diana challenged Arne once more. She went over to the phone and sat beside it. She sighed and let it go to voicemail.

'Hello! This is the Næss residence. We are sorry that we couldn't get to the phone but if you please leave your name and a callback number we will get back to you at our earliest convenience. Have a blessed day!'

Diana stared at the phone intensely, desperate to pick up the phone. But she didn't.

Michael: Salutations to you Mr. & Mrs. Næss but Diana, this is Michael and I need to speak to you at your earliest convenience. Please call me back. Goodbye and have a very Blessed Day.

Diana looked over at Arne. He was fuming. He started to talk in a calm voice that startled Diana.

Arne: Why the hell is he calling our house?

Diana: You heard his message, I have not the slightest clue because he didn't say!



Arne charged at Diana and Diana fell back on the bed and quickly grabbed a pillow to cover her face for protection. All the while wondering where the Arne Næss Junior was that she fell in love with. Where was that sweet gentleman that used to be a gentleman towards her? Why was he this way now? I'll tell you why. He had a drinking problem.

The children were in the other room, huddled up together like every other night. Rhonda heard her mother scream and let a tear fall from her eye. She hated Arne for constantly hurting her mother but acting like nothing was wrong the next day. Rhonda has only seen her Uncle Michael a few times but sometimes she wishes that her mother had married him instead of Arne.

The children started to cry and Rhonda sang them to sleep with one of her favorite songs by her mother. The song is called 'He Lives In You' and it put them all to sleep. Rhonda let a tear fall, waited until the fight was over, and went to sleep. Diana came into the room shortly afterwards and looked upon her children. Diana felt horrible and saw the tears that stained their faces with sorrow.

Diana went up to the bed and kissed each one of her children goodnight.... But it was never a good night..

Diana went back into the room and looked around. Arne was asleep and spread out on the bed. Diana quickly but quietly grabbed a few suitcases, clothes, and makeup. Diana was going away for a while with her children. Diana went downstairs and put all of their things into the vehicle. Diana went back upstairs to wake up Rhonda. Diana lightly shook Rhonda.

Diana: Rhonda.. Rhonda baby, wake up.

Rhonda opened her eyes and looked at her mother.

Rhonda: Mom? Mother what's going-.

Diana shushed Rhonda and told her to help her get her siblings inside of the vehicle. Rhonda put the seat belt on and sat inside of the vehicle convoluted.

Diana: Rhonda, I need you to stay here with your brothers and sisters until I get back.

Rhonda: But mother, what's going on?

Diana placed her hands upon Rhonda's face and kissed her forehead.

Diana: Rhonda, stay here.

Rhonda nodded and watched as her mother disappeared into the house. A few minutes had passed and Diana came rushing out of the house in a rush. Diana pulled out of the driveway and down the street towards the only other place that she knew was safe. Diana pulled into the driveway and parked the car. Diana knocked upon the door and waited. Impatiently, Diana knocked again. The door opened and Diana began to speak with this person.

Diana then got the children's suitcases from out of the car and put them inside of the house. Diana put the children to bed inside of the house and then got her stuff out of the car. Diana stepped inside of the house and hugged the person as if her life depended on it.... And it did..

Diana: Janet, I'm sorry for coming without calling and on such short notice but I just couldn't take it anymore.

Janet: Don't be. We are sisters and whenever you need me, I'm always here. You never need to be sorry and don't forget it.

Diana looked at Janet and smiled as did Janet. Janet felt sorrow when she saw the bruise upon Diana's face. Diana went upstairs into the room where the children were sleeping and kissed each of them. Diana laid down onto the floor and fell asleep. Diana was sleeping in the same room with them to protect them. Janet came into the room shortly after Diana fell asleep and saw Diana sleeping on the cold hardwood floor. Janet put a blanket over Diana and gave her a pillow. Janet gave the children a blanket also and walked out of the room.

The next morning, Diana woke up with back pain. Diana didn't mind it and grabbed herself some clothes to wear. Diana went to the bathroom and took a shower.


Janet was downstairs having a conversation with someone when she heard the shower turn on. Janet smiled and continued to converse with the person until Diana came downstairs.

Janet: Good morning Diana.

Diana: Good morning Janet.

Diana got out a bowl and put cereal inside of it.

Janet: Did you sleep well last night?

Diana paused. All she did was go to sleep and wake up again because she was being tortured by a dream.

Diana: I-. Well I-. No..

Diana sighed. Diana felt a pair of arms wrap around her and heard a familiar voice close to her ear.

Michael: Diana, what happened.

Diana turned around and looked at Michael's face. He looked so tired but concerned and sweet but serious. Diana hugged Michael tightly and never wanted to let go. Michael mouthed 'What's wrong?' to Janet and Janet mouthed back 'Later.' Michael nodded and rested his head onto Diana's shoulder.

Janet: I'm just going to leave now.

Michael & Diana just stood there like that for a solid five minutes. Diana looked up at Michael with tears streaming down her face.

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