Steven Randall 'Randy' Jackson

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Michael looked upon Diana's face and his expression changed from worried to furious. Michael's eyes stared long and hard at Diana, becoming even more furious by the second. Michael envied the bruise that lay upon Diana's face. Michael placed his hand upon the bruise and caused Diana to wince in pain. Michael's eyes filled with sorrow and he began to speak.

Michael: Who did this to you?

Michael said in a soft and gentle whisper. Diana looked away and got out of Michael's grip.

Diana: Don't worry about it.

Diana said walking away from Michael. Michael went after Diana and made her face him as he looked into her eyes.

Michael: Tell me.

Diana hesitated but told him because Michael was going to be persistent about this until she told him who did it and what happened.

Diana: Michael.. It was Arne..

Diana sighed and mumbled the last part. Michael's eyes were filled with rage.

Michael: I'm sorry.. Who did you say it was?

Michael said trying to contain his anger and to see if he had heard Diana correctly.

Diana: My husband.. Arne..

Michael whirled around in anger and started to head towards the door. Diana went after Michael trying to stop him.

Michael: Not anymore.

Michael said as Diana tried to pull him away from the door.

Diana: We're getting a divorce Michael! Stop!

Michael stopped, sighed, and slowly turned around.

Michael: What?

Michael said though clenched teeth.

Diana: He's not worth it. It won't happen again.

Michael crossed his arms and raised his right eyebrow.

Diana: I promise.

Michael: Like hell he won't!

Michael said sarcastically.

Diana: Michael, please don't waste your time and energy on him. Im fine.

Diana said smiling and placing her hand upon Michael's cheek.

Michael: Diana I would die for you. You are in danger along with your children. I love all of them and I would die if something else happened to any of you. I had grow up this way but my father didn't hit my mother, he hit us. US! His own children! For no reason at times! You know that I Love You. Right?

Diana: I do.

Diana said smiling.

Michael: Then know this. This will not go away if you just sit there and let these men take over your life. You are your own person but you are fragile like a baby and you still have a lot to learn. But they don't understand this. They only want your money, fame, and power. Being with you is a privilege because once I have you, it comes with a whole lot more than I expected.

Michael said holding both sides of Diana's face.

Diana: Once you have me?

Diana said convoluted. Michael blinked.

Michael: Yes.. I mean no. Once they have you, they get a lot more than just you.

Michael said turning towards the door and staring blankly at nothing.

Diana: Michael, I'm married and I'm going through a lot. I'm sorry.

Michael sighed and placed his hand upon the doorknob.

Michael: Yes, I know. But you have no reason to be sorry.

Michael said opening the door to see the rain outside.

Michael: I do.

Michael said slightly looking over his shoulder. Michael started to walk outside in the rain.

Diana: Michael.. Michael, wait.

Diana said running after Michael. Michael stopped and sighed not turning around.

Michael: What Diana?

Michael said sighing. Diana stood in front of Michael and tried to make Michael look at her in the eyes.

Diana: Michael, look at me please.

Michael looked at Diana with an annoyed looked upon his face. Diana smiled.

Michael: Now what?

Diana: Now I want to talk.

Michael: About?

Diana: This situation.

Michael sighed.

Michael: This again?

Diana: And some other topics too..

Diana said looking down with a small smile. Michael raised his eyebrow and slightly grinned. Michael & Diana talked and pretty soon, Michael started to smile. Michael placed his hand upon Diana's cheek and looked into her eyes.

Michael: Your still beautiful.

Diana looked down and blushed.

Diana: Thank you but-.

Michael made Diana look at him again and had a serious look upon his face.

Michael: Diana, accept it. You're beautiful. You always have been and always will be. I just don't want anyone to mess that up and no man has the right to put his hands on you for any reason. You blossom inside and out. You should know this because I've told you a numerous amount of times.

Diana: I know.

Michael: Then keep it in mind.

Michael smiled and so did Diana. Michael's eyes started to travel down towards Diana's lips and his breath became heavier. Diana heard his breath and thought that something was wrong.

Diana: Michael? Michael, what's wrong?

Michael shook his head.

Michael: No. Nothing is wrong.

Diana: Okay.. Well, goodbye.

Diana said walking away.

Michael: Right..

Michael sighed walking towards his vehicle. Michael opened the door and got inside of it. Michael looked up to see that Diana was already inside of the house and drove away.

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