Maureen 'Rebbie' Jackson

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Michael was hurt a over again. Then it hit him. He was also engaged. He still loved Diana but he loved Ola too. Michael decided to forget all of this today and enjoy talking to Diana right now.

Diana: So.. How are, You and... Ola.

She said lowly looking down.

Michael noticed that Diana still felt a little bit jealous about them being together and decided to tease her.

Michael: Oh we are doing absolutely wonderful! We live together now and we are also engaged.

Diana: Oh. Well when is the... Wedding?

Michael: We haven't thought about it yet.

Diana smiled wide.

Diana: Then you can make it to my wedding then!

Michael smiled.

Michael: I guess I can.

Diana: I was going to pick out my dress but since you are here you can help me.

Michael & Diana went to the bridal shop and Diana tried on dress after dress.

Diana: What about this one?

Michael was amazed at her beauty in that dress. Although she had always been beautiful, she looked even more stunning in this dress.

Michael: I Love it.

Diana: Really?

Michael: Yes.

Diana: Do you think Robert will like it as much as you do?

Michael: Im sure that he'll love it.

Diana smiled at Michael but then decided to try on another dress. She ended up trying on five dresses and the last one was astounding. Diana walked out slowly with the veil on her head. Michael looked up and instantly said without thinking,

Michael: Wow... You look astounding.

Diana blushed hard which made Michael smile. Michael suddenly wished that he were the groom.

Michael: I mean I loved the other dresses but this one...

Diana: Thank you but I only tried this on for fun. It's way out of my price range as you can see.

He looked at the price.

Michael: What's your limit?

Diana: 300

Michael: Okay.

Diana: It says 600.

Michael: I'll pay for it.

Diana: Michael no. I can't let you do that.

Michael: Trust me. It was made for you.

Diana: No, Michael. I won't let you.

Michael: I will get this dress for you. Think of it this way, I didn't call you for four years. That's four birthday's that I missed. Let me buy the dress.

Diana: Michael.

She whined

Michael: Diana.

Michael mimicked Diana. Diana finally gave in and smiled.

Diana: Fine, but I'm still paying half of it and you better call next year.

Michael: Alright Diana.

Michael chuckled as he pulled out his wallet. Diana went back into the changing room and groaned.

Michael: Diana, What's wrong?

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