March 26 1944

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Michael went downstairs and saw Janet talking to Diane. He sat down until they got done talking and they left the house together.

Janet: You really had us worried Michael.

Michael: I said I'm sorry.

Janet: You're always sorry Michael!

Michael: I'm sor-. Look. I mean what I say. If there was a better word than sorry, I'd use it. I never meant to hurt Ola or worry you. I only wanted to resolve a problem with Diana and then we ended up getting sleepy after things got straightened out. Please don't be mad at me. I just couldn't stand to see Diana upset with me any longer. I missed my best friend.

Janet: Michael.

Janet sighed.

Janet: Michael I'm not mad at you I'm worried for you. You are the sweetest guy that I've ever known and I'm afraid that one day your kindness will be used against you.

Michael: You have nothing to worry about. Your brother will always be here for you and I promise you that I will always be okay. Nothing will happen to me.

Janet smiled and hugged him.

Janet: I love you Michael.

Michael: I love you too Janet.

Janet: Alright Applehead, lets get in the house before both of us get a new skin color on our butts!

Janet laughed.

Michael: Yeah Dunk, I need to get to Ola as soon as possible too.

Janet: Lets go.

Michael & Janet went inside the house quieter than ever. Michael crept up to his room and saw Ola laying there sleep with dried tears on her face. Michael smiled and went over to her. He kissed her and caressed her cheek.

As soon as Michael kissed her, she woke up.

Ola: Michael?

Michael: Hello my angel.

Ola looked at him in disbelief at first and rubbed her eyes. Ola then saw that she wasn't dreaming and hugged him as tight as she could kissing him in the process.

Ola: Michael I was so worried about you! I missed you and I was afraid-......

Ola paused in mid-sentence.

Michael: Afraid of what Ola?

Ola: Afraid that you were...... Killed.

Michael: Oh baby. Nothing will ever happen to me. Nothing will separate us, nor will anybody come in between our love for each other. I love you, and if God took me from this earth I would tell him to bring me back to you. Heaven can wait.

Ola was on the verge of tears because of what he said.

Ola: I Love You Michael.

Michael: I Love You Ola.

They laid down and Michael pulled Ola closer to him so that nothing could come in between them.

Ola: Michael..

Michael: Hmmm?

Ola: Promise me that you will never ever do this again.

Michael: I promise.

Ola smiled and fell asleep.

In the morning Michael woke up and went downstairs. He made himself a salad since he isn't a meat-eater. As Michael was eating Katherine came downstairs and started a conversation with Michael.

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