Sigmund Esco 'Jackie' Jackson

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'You Are Everything' by 'The Stylistics' played as the bridesmaids walked down the aisle with their dates. There were seven bridesmaids in total. The groom, Robert, stood in place and shed one tear eager to see his darling princess, Diana, who was soon to be his wife for the rest of his life in just a few minutes.

Meanwhile, Michael was sitting in the second row from the front and was shedding tear after tear. He silently cried because his one and only true love was getting married to someone else. Michael wore a vanilla bow tie, a vanilla colored shirt, a black dress suit, and his signature black shoes. He also wore a special pin that Diana gave to him as a child. It is a gold pin with her name engraved onto it.

Diana was in her changing room with her mother and cried with tears of joy.

Diane: Diana don't cry. Your messing up your makeup.

Diana: Im- I'm sorry momma. I'm. I'm just so happy.

Diane: I know and I'm happy for you too.

Diana: Mom.

Diane: Yes Diana?

Diana: Do you think I'm doing the right thing? I mean, me and Michael still...

Diana trailed off.

Diane: I know. But you love Robert. Your marring Robert today, not Michael. You & Michael are only a camaraderie. Trust me when I say this, Robert is a good man. He loves you and I give you both my blessings for a beautiful and happy marriage. You are doing the righteous thing. God wants you to do this. I love you Diana.

Diane said while fixing Diana's makeup.

Diana: I love you too mom.

Diane: Now, my beautiful princess, go and marry your prince.

Diane said putting Diana's crown onto her head. Diana laughed at what her mother had said to her.

Diana suddenly heard the traditional wedding march song and took her bouquet into her hands. Diana walked down the hall, to the door, and hooked arms with her father. Everyone in the room stood up when they saw her. Michael was the only one who caught her attention. Diana saw the joyous look upon his face as he shed a few tears but as Diana looked into his eyes Diana saw nothing but pain and sorrow. Robert looked flabbergasted in a good way. He was speechless. His final tear came falling down when Diana stepped in front of Robert's eyes, smiling before him.

The priest began with his usual line for a wedding, saying his usual things up until he got up to the vowels.

Priest: Do you have any vowels to say to each other?

Robert & Diana: Yes.

Robert went first.

Robert: Diana. You are my life and my world. The words that we use on earth cannot describe how I feel about you. I love you but I cannot say it enough to let you know how much I really do love you. You are my princess and I give myself away to you so that I may serve you and only and nobody else. I Love You Diana. And I am proud to call you my wife.

Diana cried along with Michael. Michael didn't make a sound but Diana did. She sniffled as her lip slightly started to quiver. Then the tears fell.

Priest: And now you, Diana.

Diana: Oh wow. Robert's vowel was so sweet that I don't think I can top it.

She laughed along with everyone else except for Michael. He just smiled.

Diana: Robert. After today and forever I am and always will be happy to be called your wife. I promise to be faithful, loyal, loving, and meet all of your needs. I love you because you understand me like nobody else does and made it seem like everything was going to be alright. Even in the bad times. I promise to let God place his hands on our marriage and to stay with you forever no matter how bad things get. I love you.

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